Main Page

My Information

The History of Paganism/Wiccan | History Continued | History Continued

My Book of Shadows
Before Time Was...
The Wiccan Rede | The Witches Rede of Chivalry
The Witches Creed | The Witches Rune
The Charge of the Horned God | The Charge of the Great Mother
The Thirteen Goals of a Witch
Principles of Belief
I am a Witch (poem)
The Awakening Goddess | The God
The Days of The Week
The Planets
What is Wicca? | Kinds of Witchcraft | What Wicca is not
The Elements
Air | Fire | Water | Earth
The Sabbats | The Sabbats Continued
The Tools
Frequently Asked Questions
Wiccan Ethics
The Wiccan Way
Astrological Correspondences
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer
Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio
Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Astrological Glossary | Astrology Passion Guide | Star Signs
Magickal Oils & Incenses | Oil and Essence Elemental Rulers and Substitutions | Oil and Essence Magickal Intentions
Color Magick

Crystals | Crystals Cont. (02)
Crystals Cont. (03) | Crystals Cont. (04)
Crystals Cont. (05) | Crystals Cont. (06)
Crystals Cont. (07) | Crystals Cont. (08)
Crystals Cont. (09) | Crystals Cont. (10)
Crystals Cont. (11) | Crystals Cont. (12)
Crystals Cont. (13)
The Radiant Moon

Magick Recipes
An Indoor Cauldron Fire | House Blessing
To Get Rid of Pain | A Tea to Aid Sleep
To Break a Spell Which has been Cast on You | A Wish Spell to Diana
A Bath to Enhance Beauty | To Beckon a Person
A Good Bath for Meditation | A Nice Relaxing Tea
An Invigorating Tea | A Good Bath for Tired Muscles
A Good Tea if You Have a Cold | A Nice Bath for Relieving Depression
A Bath to Relieve Stress | A Banishing
Amulet Against Depression | Another Binding Spell
A Tea to Relax You | A Nice Tea for a Cold

Spell Casting
Wicca & The Celestial
ICHING | Tasseomancy
Dowsing | Aura Information
Colors of the Aura | Ouija Board
Shell Scrying | Smoke Scrying
Mirror Scrying | Pendulum Scrying
Cloud Scrying | Wind
Egytian Dream Scrying | Dream Temples
Water Scrying | Crystal Scrying
Oil Scrying | Lamp Scrying
Psychometry | John Dee's Scrying Method
Ornithomancy | Oracle

Palmistry History | Palmistry & Health Links
Heart Line | Head Line
Life Line | Fate Line
Fire Hand | Earth Hand
Air Hand | Water Hand
Index Finger | Middle Finger
Ring Finger | Little Finger
Simian Line | Finger Tip Shapes
Finger Nails | Finger Prints
The Apollo Line | Medical Stigmata
Heart Problems | The Teacher's Square
Mercury Line | Minor Lines
Thumb | Palm Mounts
Palm Loops | Good Luck in Your Hands
Travel in Your Hands | Retirement
Joints & Knuckles | Finger Settings

Astral Travel
Power Animals | Animals Continued

My Poems
Seasons | Dreams
Forever Raining | A Perfect Day
The Midnight Blessing | What Does True Love Feel Like?
Love | Sweet Dreams
Wishes | My Life
Lost Love | Magick
The Way | My Angel
Love & Desire | Trip
Hell | Can You
VooDoo | Loving You
Wants, Desires | Life's Beauty
Friend or Foe | Death
The Perfect Place | The Way You Love Me
Do You | Why
Your Love | Enchanted Land

Fantasy Creatures
Faeries | Dragons

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