Christopher Price
Christopher married Nancy Hatfield in Licking County, Ohio on April 2,1809. Nancy was the daughter of Adam Hatfield and Sarah Lawson.
Christopher and Nancy's union produced the following children:
Nehemiah was born May 12, 1811.
Christopher was born 1813.
John was born in Ohio 1827
Adam Hatfield was born on October 07, 1823 Licking County, Ohio.
He married Phebe Huston in Franklin County, Ohio, October 14, 1845. Phebe was born in Ohio June 28, 1826.
The family settled in Franklin County,Ohio when Adam was around four years of age, and became pioneer farmers. The elder Adam was a broommaker by trade, and raised his own broomcorn.
Adam grew up and learned the trade of broom making and farming.
Adam met and married Phebe Huston,(born June 28, 1826) daughter of Hugh Huston.
This union produced ten sons.
Hugh - born: October 15,1846
Adam - born: January 3, 1849 - died July 05, 1884
Pinney - born December 24,1852
John Madison - born November 18, 1850
Leroy Price - born: September 11, 1854 - died: December 7, 1869
Asbury- born November 20, 1856 - died: September 06, 1895
James Hamilton- born June 10, 1860
Samuel Tipton- born January 10,1862
Cellman Grant- born January 4, 1864
Fred Thurman- born May 3, 1868
Price family
Hugh Price
Hugh married Rilla Corbin and they had three daughters and one son.Dimmis,Orpha and Willie.
Hugh moved his family to wood country and was in the hotel business in Welker, right in the middle of the oil fields.
Dimmis became a school teacher and married Charley Richards, a farmer and carpenter. They had three children Virgil, Gerald and Effie Ray.
Orpha was a house wife and married Wilber Biggs they had one daughter Nellie.
Willie became a telegraph operator and married Rachel Vogel. They had three children Esther, Katie and Ruth.
Pinney on tinplate
Pinney Price
Pinney married Eva Thompson, which they eventually seperated.
Pinney worked on farms all of his life doing work for other farmers.
The couple had two daughters and one son Glennie,Lula and Earl.
Pinney was blinded in one eye while just a youngster. he was up in the hayloft and John (his brother) was below. They were throwing sticks at each other, when one of the sticks got stuck in Pinney's eye putting it out. Fortunating the other children never had any serious accidents during play. (This story told by Martha May Killits, third daughter of Adam and Amanda)
John Madison Price
John Madison married Alma Bishop.
John was a farmer, they had four children Shirley, Cecil, Landon and Ollie.
Cecil Price married Hiram Wilcox and they had four children Lola Highland, Frank, Carol and Howard.
Landon Price, a laborer married Nora Hunter and they had three children Harvey, Orpha Bidwell and Ralph.
Ollie Price marreid Kenneth Gordon, a laborer, and they had four children Beaulah, leona, Emmerson and Irene.
Asbury Price
Asbury Price
Asbury was engaged to Jennie Baker, but was thrown from a horse and permanently injured practically a invaild. He died at the age of 33 years of age.
Jim Price
James Hamilton Price
James Hamilton Price married Ollie Cartwright.
James was a schoolteacher, but gave up teaching to farm, he later became a horticulturist in the state of Washington.
They had six children four daughters and two sons.
Elwood,Clara,Ethel and Edith (twins) Leroy and Ossie ( died at 1 yr. old)
Clara Price married Charley Durr and had one daughter Dorothy.
Ethel Price married Ray Allison and they had two children Virginia and Mark.
Jim Price
Leroy Price
Leroy Price died at the age of 15 years 2 months and 26 days on December 7, 1869. This was the inscription on his tombstone at Jerome Cemetery, Union County, Ohio.
and his granddaughter Martha (Anna's daughter).
Samuel Tipton Price
Samuel Tipton married Judith (Tude) Handley.
Samuel was a school teahcer , then County Superintendent of schools. Later in life, before retirng, he went into Real Estate.
They had five children two daughters and three sons.
Irwin Price a professor of Language and later Dean of Mississippi University.
Samuel Price Jr., inventory at Ohio State University married Annis ? and they had three children Betty, Irwin, and Samuel Jr.
Anna Price, supervisor at Western Union, married ? Bretz and they had one daughter Martha.
Esther Price married Tom Padgett, a bankteller.
Emmerson newspaper reporter and author married May Miller, they had one son and later divorced. He remarried.
Cellman Grant Price
Cellman Grant married Ida Thompson, whom died in 1915 and then later married Nan Temple.
The following is an excert of the Price family History written by Martha May Killits on October 21, 1937 and rewritten by Adelaide P. Bilikam on June 22, 1972. Both daughters of Adam and Amanda Price.
Cellman was the only son to follow his father's trde of broommaking. He was also a farmer and a great musician, playing the fiddle as it was called. he learned to play by ear. He would go into his fathers shop and while his father was srving brooms he would whistle tunes and cellman would play them on the violin His mother objected to the Fiddle saying "the Devil was in it",so he had to keep it hid from her or she would have destroyed it. He could play amny instruments, but the violin was his favorite.
The family all being boys had to hel pthere mother with chores around the housee including washing the clothes and hanging them on the line. Ma (Amanda) was there one day and Cell took a bucket of water and a basket of clothes out to the line. he would take a shirt and dip it up and down in the bucket of water and hang it on the line. Ma (Amanda) had a good laugh about this action and than showed him how to rinse the clothes and hang them on the line.
Cellman and Ida had one daughter but she died at birth.
Cellman and Nan had three sons Clarance, Cellman Jr., and Earnest
Fred Thurman Price
Fred Thurman Price
Fred Thurman married Mary Ann (Moll) Davidson
Fred was a superentedent of a big farm for D.M. Pastlewaite for many years. he was also a good musician and accompanied Cellman on the organ. the two played many country dances. he was the best square dance caller in the country. When Pa and
Ma (Adam and Amanda) were first married, Fred was a little chap around nine years old. the older boys would go to Beechtown, (Now Jerome,Ohio) and left Fred with Ma. (Amanda). When they had dinner Ma passed Fred the Apple butter and he said "I don't want that, I have THAT at home." Our mother was only 18 when she married Pa, and she would play ball with Pa's younger brothers, which pleased them immensely. They had good times together.
Fred and Mary had five daughters and five sons. Etta, Flavy, Lee, Fred Thurman Jr., Mary, Hattie, Hugh and Mark.
Etta Price born May 29,1887 married John Rockenbaugh, farmer, they had six children.
Flavy Price born March, 1890 married Lou DeVault, railroader the had three sons Lewis, Richard, And Harley.
Lee Price born in 1890 and married Florence Billingsley. They had five children, Haryvey, Margaret, Mary, Elton Lee and Betty. They later divorced.
Fred Thurman Price Jr. married Verta Billingsley and they had six children Harold, Lucille Fred Thurman Jr. Marvine and Verna.
Mary Price born in 1891 married Talt Smiley, farmer, anf they had seven children Milton, Irene, Elmer, Joesphine, Teddy, Alice, and Marie.
Marie Price born in 1893 married Pearl Long, farmer, and they had six children Fenton, Clarris, Pearl Jr., Ida, Louise and Dale.
Hattie Price born in 1899 married Leonard Hall, farmer, and they had three children Mildred, Warren, and Pattie.
last updated on 3/24/01