A Taste of Life VIII - Recuperation


Author: Jvantheterrible

Date: September 10th - 12th, 2000

Rating: NC-17, of course...recuperation or NOT. LMAO.

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended...I’m just using these characters until I can dream up my own to write my first bestseller. No money is being made - unlike Mr. Carter and Co.

Author’s Notes: I am so sorry that I haven’t written anything in so damned long. RL being what it is (and writer’s block), I woke up this morning with a spring in my step and a million and one ideas. So, perhaps this is the beginning of a whole new slew of stories. I certainly hope so. At the very least, to make it up to all of you, this is a loooooong chapter. Thanks for surfing here. Eternal kudos to amokeh, who recently came to the desert to visit me for several days. Thanks, babe. I love you ALWAYS!

Feedback: Welcome to Rllnslvr@aol.com




Mulder gets us both home safe and sound, but I don’t think he’s really over the entire ordeal yet. I can see him as he glances nervously around the parking garage, looking for some unseen predators, certain that we are being followed by someone who wants to hurt one or both of us. He tells me to stay put, and continues scoping out the premises as he opens my car door and offers me his hand to help me up and out of the car. I wave him off and groan a bit as I pull myself up, insisting on doing it myself. His gaze leaves me and returns to scrutinizing the garage, scanning for any sign of intruders. 


“Are you alright, Fox,” I ask him, wincing a bit when he jumps at the mere  sound of my voice.


“Sure, Walt, I’m fine. Just...happy to be home. Aren’t you?” He asks, his gaze still not meeting mine. He glances cautiously around as he goes back to his side of the car and reaches in for the plastic bag that has my bloodied clothes in it from a week and a half ago. He holds it away from his body as he heads silently for the dumpster and tosses it in. I watch as he heads back towards me, refusing to meet my eyes with his insistence on making sure that we haven’t been followed.


“Are you sure everything’s alright, Mulder,” I ask him, hoping that he’ll just confess his paranoia - put it out on the table so we can talk about it and let it go - but he doesn’t.


“Yes, Walter, I’m SURE,” he says, a slight hint of annoyance in his tone as he sidles up beside me and puts his arm around my waist, steering me towards the elevator. All of his worrying aside, I have to admit that it does feel damned nice to have his arm around me...now, if he’d just LOOK at me instead of playing watchdog. I sigh aloud and shake it off, content just to be out of the hospital and back where I belong; where WE belong. Home.




As Fox unlocks the front door, I continue to ignore his “Secret Service” behavior; he’s acting like I’m the President and he’s my “Number One Guy” - which he is, of course. But I’m no goddamned leader of the free world, and I just want to spend the next couple of weeks gazing into my lover’s gorgeous hazel eyes, hold him in my arms, murmur words of love and adoration into his ear until I can get all of my energy back, and have him wait on me hand and foot. Is that so much to ask? Judging from his panicked deer-in-the-headlights look, I’d say yes, that is too much to ask at this juncture. Perhaps a nap would relax both of us; I’m absolutely beat from the ride home, and lying down sounds like sheer heaven to me.


“Fox, I’m a bit winded. Would you mind terribly if I took a nap for a little while?” His face is instantly zeroed in on mine, his eyes full of concern for me, and I can see that he is visibly worried.


“Do you feel okay, Walt? Maybe they released you too soon...I mean, maybe you should have stayed a couple more days until they’re sure that you’re back up to par, you know? Doctors don’t know EVERYTHING, you know, and you -” I cut him off in mid-rant.


“Mulder, I’m FINE, I promise. I’m just tired, that’s all. Honest. The doctors told me that I would probably be exhausted when I got home, remember? They said I needed a lot of rest. Having a knife inserted anywhere into your body tends to take some time getting over, Fox,” I remind him, and his gaze drops to the floor. Christ, now I’ve made him feel guilty. ALL I WANT TO DO IS TAKE A GODDAMNED NAP! I want to yell at him, but I head for the stairs instead, and he’s instantly at my side to help me up to the bedroom, his right arm firmly wrapped around my lower back as he practically carries me up the short flight of steps.


“Thanks, babe,” I tell him when we reach the landing, planting a soft kiss on the side of his head that earns me one of his beautiful smiles and eases my worry considerably. It’s only because he cares, I tell myself, walking slowly to the bed and sitting down gingerly on the black patterned comforter, relieved beyond words to be in my own bed for a change. “AAAAhhhhhh,” I exclaim, getting a short laugh out of Fox in the process, “No more Craftmatic Adjustable Bed (TM) with rails for me,” I smile up at him as he crosses the room and joins me on the bed, sitting down next to me and taking my hands in his. He brings my fingers up to his lips and kisses them tenderly, finally giving me his complete attention.


“Welcome home, Walter,” he tells me softly, and I lean into him slightly, resting my head on his shoulder, nuzzling against him as best as I can without exacerbating the ache in my abdomen.


“It’s good to be back, Fox. It’s good to be able to be close to you again without having to worry about a nurse walking in on us. Do you want to lie down with me, babe? You look a little peaked yourself, you know,” I tell him, and he nods at me and stands up to pull his shirt off, which he tosses unceremoniously onto the floor.


“I see I’m going to have to retrain you completely,” I husk at him, and he snorts at me as he unzips his jeans and pulls them down to his knees, then drops back down on the bed next to me to push them the rest of the way off. Clad only in boxers, he looks over at me and smiles sheepishly - he doesn’t think I can actually perform at the moment, does he?


He reaches for my shirt, attempting to assist me in undressing, but I catch his hands in mid-pull and shake my head at him. “Fox, I can’t...I mean, I want to, believe me, but...” his smile fades and he drops his hands into his lap and hangs his head, looking for all the world like a child that has just been reprimanded for reaching into the cookie jar.


“I know, Walter, I know THAT,” he says quietly, “I just wanted to help you, that’s all. I’m...I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to think...” his voice fades away and he gets up and walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.


“CHRIST,” I snarl under my breath, tired and now cranky. I tenderly lift my shirt up and attempt to pull it over my head, but the motion pulls at the stitches in my middle and I actually allow a slight howl to escape. The bathroom door flies open and Mulder is at my side, checking me for damage.


“Walter, what is it,” he asks breathlessly, his eyes nearly black with worry as they rove over my body, his hands flailing around me as they check me for further injury, “I shouldn’t have left you, I’m sorry,” he gasps, “Let me help you with your shirt.” I don’t say one word as he helps me lean forward slowly, and pulls the shirt off just like the nurse showed him to do. Until the stitches come out, I’m going to be very tender, and my full range of motion isn’t expected to return for a few weeks yet; I knew better, but I still wanted to do it myself. Damn. All I’ve succeeded in doing is worrying Fox; like he needs to worry MORE.


“Thank you, Mulder,” I murmur as he helps me back to an upright position, depositing my shirt on the floor next to his own before coming back to help me out of my jeans. I let him help me until I’m just in my briefs, and then he helps me up so he can pull the covers back on the bed. He refuses to look at the dressing covering the front of me, instead choosing to gaze at my face or some other interesting point on the wall across the room. He manages to help me back into bed, and I release a huge sigh of relief as I lie down, my head hitting the familiar firm pillows that adorn my bed. OUR bed, I think with a slight smile as I close my eyes, sleep threatening to claim me faster than I realized.


Mulder walks around the bed and gets in on his side, pulling the covers up and over both of us, and I turn my head so I can watch him as he tries to get comfortable, unable to do so without some form of contact with my body. It has always been that way; since Fox and I have been together, the only way he is truly comfortable - and myself too, if I’m honest - is if he’s nuzzling against me in some way, shape, or form.


“Come here,” I tell him softly, laying my right arm out across the pillows, inviting him to snuggle up to me, which he does - carefully, so as not to hurt me. He turns over so that he is face down, then positions his head so he is gazing at me from my shoulder. He gently takes his right arm and places it across my chest, his eyes asking me if it’s alright, wanting to make absolutely certain that I’m in no discomfort whatsoever.


“It’s good to be home, Fox,” I tell him, smiling as I close my eyes, “I love you so much.” I can almost hear the lump in his throat as he returns my sentiment gruffly, kissing me on the cheek and sending me into the most peaceful slumber that I think I’ve ever known.




We got home from the hospital at six o’clock last evening, and after lying down around seven, we’ve both been out ever since. I wake up at 6:13 am, according to the alarm clock. It’s Friday. I look around in a daze, wondering if I’m still in the hospital, wondering where Fox is...and then I realize that we’re home. I look to my right and there he is. Sleeping Beauty that Fox Mulder is, he’s still clutching my chest possessively. I feel my heart expand with the love that I feel for him, and I smile at the sight of my sweet little Fox sprawled out next to (and slightly on top of) me. Exhausted, neither of us have moved all night. His right arm still rests across my chest, and I’m still on my back with my right arm wrapped around his body. I can see my hand on his back but I can’t feel it, and I don’t care; I know it’s there, holding Mulder, and that’s where it belongs. It’s where I belong.


He stirs a little just from my slight movement, even though I’ve been careful not to wake him; I think he’s missed out on a lot more sleep than I have. I’m not sure that being unconscious counts, but if it does, then I’ve got DAYS on Mulder. “Mmmm, Walter,” he whispers, pulling me closer to him and getting a smile out of me, despite the fact that I have no morning wood and his is digging mercilessly into my right thigh, “Glad we’re home, babe,” he murmurs, rolling off of me and onto his side, pressing his back against my side as he does nearly every morning. It’s almost like things are back to normal - until I forget about my injury and attempt to roll over onto my side to spoon against him.


“FUCK,” I cry out harshly, rolling immediately onto my back, both of my hands gripping my side tightly to try and alleviate the sudden blinding pain there. Of course, all I’m doing by squeezing my side is intensifying my discomfort, and I’m cursing a blue streak by the time Mulder rolls off the bed and sprints into the bathroom to retrieve my pain pills and a glass of water; I’ve never seen him move so fast so early in the morning. If I didn’t hurt so goddamn badly, I’d laugh. Unfortunately, there’s nothing even remotely humorous about the pain I’m in. How could I be so stupid?


“Jesus, Walter, here - take these,” he tells me, holding out the pills and the glass, that “scared-deer” look back in his eyes, consuming his whole face. I manage to get myself upright so I can take the pills and swallow the water, and then I ease back down on the mattress, handing the glass back to Mulder. 


I start to space out from the meds a few minutes later, and Mulder is still hovering over me, making sure that I’m not in any more discomfort that I should be. I lift the corners of my mouth up at him, barely able to keep my eyes open any longer, trying to explain to him that I forgot about the wound, that I only wanted to hold him...but all that comes out is a jumble of vowels and consonants that make no sense even to my own ears. As I surrender once again to slumber, Mulder sits on the side of the bed and buries his face in his hands, and I swear I can hear him sniffle as I drift off. 




I don’t wake up again until the clock reads 12:30 pm, and now I feel more awake than I have in days, despite the pain pills from earlier. Mulder is no longer beside me, and I can hear him doing something downstairs in what sounds like the kitchen; pots and pans are banging around, and I can hear his muffled curses - he’s definitely attempting something down there. I sit up slowly, proud of myself when I manage an upright position without assistance for the first time in nearly two weeks. I decide to elaborate on my newfound freedom. I brace my arms behind me and slowly but surely move my legs over so they’re hanging off the side of the bed - so far, so good. Within minutes I’m standing up, pleased with myself and eager to show off for Fox, to show him that I’m not the invalid he brought home a mere 24 hours ago. I make my way to the bathroom and take a long leak, relieved that I can manage to do that much on my own at this point, and smile as I check my haggard appearance in the mirror. Yeah, I look like hell, but I’m still happy to be home, and that is outweighing ALL other emotions at the moment.


I quietly make my way down the stairs, grasping the rails for support as I clench my teeth against the ache in my middle while I take the steps downward. I slowly inch towards the kitchen, careful not to make a sound as I sneak up on Mulder, watching him try to prepare lunch for himself.


“Goddammit,” he mutters, tossing a hand towel down on the counter as the soup he’s preparing boils over and sizzles on the burner. He still hasn’t seen me, and I lean against the door frame of the kitchen, crossing my arms nonchalantly over my chest as he curses some more and grabs the hot pot off the stove and moves it to a burner that isn’t glowing red. I think he might have been trying to make grilled cheese at the same time, judging from the smoke pouring off of a plate behind him next to the sink, and I can barely hold in the laugh that bubbles up from my chest.


“Need some help, sunshine?” I ask him, and he freezes where he stands, well and truly busted in the midst of what is NOT the first of his attempts at greatness in the kitchen.


“Enjoying this are you,” he asks me, clearly embarassed but smiling at me just the same.


“Absolutely, Fox. I thought you knew better than to try and feed yourself when I’m around. With all the takeout available in this city, I was SURE you’d just make a call.”


“Well, you were not available at the moment, Mr. Skinner. Care for a sandwich?” He moves aside a bit so I can see the plate on the counter behind him, blackened bread and cheese melted all over the plate beneath it. Bless his heart; he made two! One for him, and one for someone else who doesn’t mind some kind of Cajun grilled cheese.


I wince before replying, “Jesus, Mulder, you killed it!” He looks back at me and appears to frown, but his face crumples up in laughter and within seconds we’re both in hysterics. “You even killed the soup! Mulder, you are no longer allowed to even TRY to cook, do you hear me? My kitchen can’t handle it! That smells worse than the microwave popcorn you offed a few weeks ago,” I tell him, and he turns off all the burners before walking over to me and taking me in his arms, burying his head in my neck. I wrap my arms around him and hold him as close as I can without hurting myself, which still isn’t as close as I want.


“How are you feeling,” he asks me a moment later when our giggles have subsided sufficiently, “I was worried about you this morning, Walt.” His eyes are pure green in their concern, and I’m touched at his sentiment, even moreso than his attempt at making us lunch.


“I feel much better, Fox. Now...what should we order for lunch,” I ask him, shaking my head as I survey the ruins of the sandwiches and can of soup that he has demolished in the last several minutes.


He pulls away from me just far enough so he can gaze into my eyes, and says, “Your lips don’t hurt, do they,” before he catches my mouth with his and kisses me passionately, all his pent up desire releasing itself into my mouth. I drink him in until I can’t breathe any longer, our lips still touching as we gasp for air, the burnt cheese smell of lunch fading with the scent of one another, our palms resting on each others’ cheeks.


“God I’ve missed you, Fox,” I tell him, and his eyes begin to glisten. I pull him close, wrapping my left arm around his back while the other snakes up his neck, my right fist burying itself in his thick dark hair, feeling as much of him as I am able to in my current state of incapacitation. I wish that I could just throw him down on the floor and make love to him; I think he wishes the same thing, but I just can’t right now. Christ, I can’t even stretch my body properly; there’s no way I could take him on, no matter how much I want to. And I WANT to.


His lithe body is pressed firmly against mine, his nearly bare chest grazing against mine, my chest hair getting caught and pulling slightly against his smooth skin. His hair is raking against my chin as he nuzzles into my neck, his arms firmly pulling me to him, his hands roaming over my back, kneading my tortured muscles. I groan his name into his ear, and his cock comes to attention once more against my thigh; he’s rubbing himself up and down my leg in an attempt to relieve his passion, but it’s not the same as it would be if I could take him...if I could just get down on all fours and let him have his way...if I could get on my knees and suckle him until he explodes into my throat...he works his way down the front of me, his lips taking inventory of my flesh, careful not to touch the part of me that is bandaged over.


The doctors said four weeks until I could engage in sexual activity, but I don’t want to wait...I can’t wait anymore. Being apart from Fox for ten days has been hard enough, and never MIND the fact that he was unable or unwilling or un-whatEVER for a couple of weeks before any of this ever happened. He sinks to his knees in front of me and I brace myself against the doorway and gasp as he finds my cock hiding in my briefs, licking at it, biting it with tiny nips. I didn’t think that I would be able to rise to the occasion, but with Fox Mulder around, there is never a question as to my abilities. The doctors were wrong. I don’t care if they think I’m not up to it...my body begs to differ.


I moan his name aloud as he takes me fully into his mouth and begins to suck, gently at first and then increasing his momentum until I’m thrusting carefully into his face, unable to hold back any longer. My hands clench into fists at my side as he uses his lips and teeth and tongue to coax me into full erection mode, slurping my name around my own cock, and I get harder just from the sound.


True, my stamina is extremely compromised, but it feels so good to have Mulder worshiping at my body that I don’t even care. I could stay unconscious for a week at this point and still wake up sated and happy. As it is now, I may very well have a total relapse; but his ministrations remove all of my fears and inhibitions, and I give in completely to his mouth. That beautiful fucking mouth, with that pouty lower lip, sucking my dick until I absolutely cry out his name, “FOX,” my hands clutching at his hair as he works me up and down, fully and completely. I nearly sob as he sucks me in to the root, his prominent nose buried in the bush that frames my cock, content to feel the vibration of his moans against my oversensitized skin, nearly coming already.


“Christ, Fox,” I moan, clutching at him, groaning in discomfort for a split second as I try to bend down and enfold him, then surrender and straighten back up, content to watch him suck me off, licking me from balls to tip and back again, then taking me back fully into his throat...he lets me thrust into him and I cry out his name once more and shoot, my semen filling up his beautiful mouth and nearly overflowing; he swallows it greedily and pulls back to lap up every last drop, careful not to miss a bit.


“Uhhhnnn, Foxxxsssss,” I moan, nearly collapsing - but he catches me, a sly smile on his face as he looks down at me in his arms, then helps me up and over to the sofa. He lays me down gently and sits on the floor next to me; I half expect him to begin bathing like a cat, licking and using the backs of his hands to wet and smooth himself over, judging from the expression on his face.


“Fox,” I gasp, still unable to catch my breath, wanting more than anything to pull him up on top of me and hold him close - and still unable to do THAT, too.


“I love you, Walter,” he murmurs as he licks his lips, undoubtedly still tasting me there...and from the sight of him, wanting more.


“I love you too, babe,” I tell him, still out of breath. I’m exhausted all over again, but there’s no pain now; just the desire to feel his full weight on top of me, the desire to feel him underneath me - but that part will most likely have to wait the whole four weeks. Damn. 


“Fox, I could....I mean, if you stand up and angle around a bit, I could...” he cuts me off in mid-sleazy-thought, shaking his head at me.


“No, Walter, I don’t think so,” he gasps, “You need your rest. Let’s just order lunch and take a nap, okay?” He looks up at me, his eyes glazed over with lust, and I meet his eyes and try to convey my own love for him twofold, succeeding if his smile is any indication, “Okay, deal, babe.”


We order pizza out and feast on it like the starving beasts that we are, eating until we’re both fairly sure that we’ll burst if we eat anything else.


I don’t remember the last time that I was this content; having Mulder sitting so close to me, eating my fill and drinking in the sight of him to top off the meal, feeling so drowsy with contentment - I give in to the happy exhaustion that finally claims me.




I wake up later in the afternoon, a bit groggy and not feeling very well. I wonder if maybe I should’ve followed the doctor’s orders about sex, and then I shrug that thought off. I didn’t do anything, after all - it was Fox that did all the work. I smile to myself as I look around the condo, curious as to where Mulder has gone off to. He was here when I practically passed out, but he’s nowhere to be seen now. “Fox,” I call out, waiting for him to come rushing to my side, disappointed when several minutes pass with no response. “Fox?” I call again, louder this time, grimacing at the strain that yelling causes to my midriff. Where the hell did he go, anyway?


I decide that I am going to have to get up anyway to relieve my bladder, so I stand up and inch my way up the stairs yet again. Of course Mulder’s nowhere to be found, so I take care of business and head for the bed, where I lie back against the pillows and turn on the television. Click. Nothing on. Click. Nope, not there either. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Clickclickclickclickclickclick. DAMMIT, where did he GO? I toss the remote onto the nightstand and cross my arms over my chest, pissed off and unable to do anything about it. I’ve never liked not being able to be up and about, and this is really grating on my nerves. And I’ve only been home for one full day.




I finally hear the front door open and close, and I wait for him to realize that I’m not where he left me. “Walter?” He yells, a slight hint of panic in his voice already, “Babe?” I hear him coming up the stairs, which he must take three at a time, and he bursts into the bedroom with his arms full of file folders.


“Thank God, Walter, Jesus, you scared the hell out of me,” he says, dropping the files on the floor in a heap and coming to sit on the bed next to me.


“Nice of you to tell me you were leaving,” I tell him with a frown, staring at the muted television but not really seeing a thing.


“Walter, I had to go pick up some files from the office. I didn’t want to wake you...you just looked so peaceful when I left, I decided to let you sleep. The Director asked how you were, and I explained that you are home recuperating, and that the hospital asked me to take care of you to save the Bureau from spending money on a nursemaid.”


“Nice angle, Mulder,” I tell him, still not looking at him. “He probably thinks that you’re my own personal little candystriper. Great. Thank you SO much Fox,” I finish grimly, “I’ll be lucky if I still HAVE a job when this is all over.” My foul mood gets the best of me before I can catch my tongue, and from the change that crosses his face, I’m sure I’ve ruined his mood now, too.


He gets up off the bed silently and walks to where he dropped his files, picking them up and heading out the bedroom door and up the hall to the office, where I hear him slam them down on the desk. He reappears moments later, asking me curtly if I need anything.


“No, thank you. I’m fine.”


“Fine. I’ll be in the office if you need anything,” he says, hurt showing on his face at my attitude. His footsteps are heavy up the hall, and I feel horrible about how I spoke to him. I nearly call him back, then decide to just let him work for awhile. I un-mute the television and find an old film on American Movie Classics (TM) to watch which holds my interest for all of about half an hour until I doze off, boredom finally getting the best of me.




I wake up sweating, squinting at the alarm clock to see what time it is - 2:45 am, and I reach beside me for Fox. He’s not there. I see light spilling into the hallway from the direction of the office, and realize that he has been in there working all this time, oblivious to the time as he usually is when he’s concentrating.


“Mulder,” I rasp out, needing a drink of water very badly, frustrated when I get no reply. I decide to get up and get it myself, when a nasty wave of nausea washes over me. I suppose there is a reason that they want you to eat a lot and drink plenty of fluids with the damn painkillers; this is probably why - all I ate today was that pizza. Apart from the darkened room - Mulder must have come in at some point and turned off the light and the television - blackness obscures my vision and I drop to my knees, trying to catch myself on the side of the bed and crying out in agony when all I manage to do is stretch my body to a position that it’s not ready to accommodate.


“FUCK,” I gasp through clenched teeth, dismayed when I look down and see blood seeping through the bandage covering my wound. I don’t even have time to uncover it and make sure I haven’t pulled the stitches out before Fox is at my side, eyes wide open in alarm, his face pale white in the dark of the bedroom.


“What happened Walter? Did you fall out of bed? Oh my God, should I call the doctor? You’re bleeding! I’m calling an ambulance,” he says shakily, reaching for the phone on the nightstand.


“No,” I whisper, “S’okay, m’alright, swear,” I tell him, “Help me into the bathroom...please,” I ask him, allowing him to help me up and practically carry me to the bathroom. He flicks on the light and I see that I’m not bleeding as badly as I thought, but Mulder looks like he’s going to pass out any second. I ask him to run downstairs for the bag of goodies the hospital sent home with us so I can change the dressing. He nods and nearly runs into the wall as he exits the bathroom, allowing me to unbandage myself and check for damage.


Thank God I didn’t pull the stitches out, but I’ve definitely stretched myself beyond my current limits and I curse aloud when I try to dab off some of the gore with a cloth; hurts like a bitch. Rule number one -  do NOT touch the injury, or anywhere in the vicinity of the injury. Mulder comes running back into the bathroom and nearly loses whatever he’s eaten for the day when he sees me with blood dripping down my stomach and seeping into the waistband of my white briefs.


“H..here, bandages,” he whispers, then turns and leaves me to clean myself up. Some candystriper HE makes, I think to myself as I re-tape clean bandages all around the wound and pop a couple more pain pills. He comes back a few minutes later, refusing to look at me as he tosses a clean pair of briefs to me and then walks to the bed and sits down to wait for me.


Feeling moderately better, I manage to make it to the bed and sit down next to Fox, who is obviously shaken from the experience. “Mulder,” I tell him, placing my right hand on his left thigh, “For all the times you got injured when you were out running around with Scully, are you still that faint at the sight of blood?”


He shakes his head and looks at me with tears in his eyes, speaking in a voice so low that I can barely hear him, “No, Walter. It just makes me sick to see YOU bleed.” He rests his head on my shoulder and we sit like that for a while, until I zone out and have to lie down, careful not to stretch out too much while I allow Fox to nuzzle up against me. Somehow we’ve just made up, and I decide that this is how I prefer to fall asleep; Mulder curled up beside me beats the hell out of any old movie putting me to sleep. Or anything else, for that matter. Amen.




As the days go by, my mobility increases and I find myself not needing to sleep nearly as much as I did when I first got home. Mulder’s actually becoming somewhat of a gourmet with my help, no longer burning soup and sandwiches. Hell, this afternoon he even managed to make us pasta without demolishing the kitchen OR burning himself.


I’ve passed the point of needing pain pills and can actually take a shower now...although I think Mulder is going to miss giving me sponge baths. I think I might miss getting them a little too. I’ve promised to give him one when I’m all better; he has threatened to call the hospital and curse them out for giving me ideas - but there’s a gleam in his eyes that secretly says he can’t wait until it’s his turn.


Fox is going out of town in two days to hunt down some mutant iguana-man that supposedly exists in the sewers of New York, and since I’ve been home nearly two weeks now, I’m feeling much better. I haven’t had any more trouble with the stitches, and they’re due to come out tomorrow - Saturday, if I remember correctly. Funny how you forget the days of the week when you’re not at work.




It’s a gorgeous day outside, sun shining and blue sky, just a few puffy clouds overhead - I decide that it would be a good idea to take a walk. Mulder has been buried in his files all morning - I pad into the office and find him hunched over the desk, where he’s been since early this morning. I check my watch, and it’s 2:00 in the afternoon. Time for my hard-working agent to take five.


“Fox, it’s beautiful out. Let’s go take a walk,” I tell him, expecting him to jump at the chance to take a breather.


“What?” He asks, looking up at me with his glasses perched precariously on the tip of his nose.


“I said, take a break, Fox. Let’s go out for a walk. I’m feeling great, and I want to soak up some sunshine and fresh air. Shall we?” I ask him, crooking my right arm and offering him my elbow to take.


“Uh, I’m really busy, Walt,” he says, pulling off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.


“Mulder, you’re going to be out of town next week, and I would really like the chance to spend some quality time with you. Christ, I’m not even working, you’re bringing files home, and I STILL can’t spend an hour with you? Come on, babe, let’s go,” I tell him, adamantly waving my arm at him.


He ponders my idea for a moment, then I can practically see the light bulb go on over his head. “I know,” he says, his face lighting up, “Why don’t you go sit out on the balcony, and I’ll fix us some tea, and we can soak up some rays that way?”


“Mulder, I’m really sick of this view, to be quite honest with you. Seeing the city is nice, but not for three fucking weeks in a row, alright? Come on, let’s just -” he cuts me off in mid-plea.


“NO,” he says, standing up and heading for the stairs, “Just go sit outside, and I’ll bring you some tea in a minute, okay?”


This is NOT what I had in mind. I am damned tired of being cooped up in this condo, and this isn’t the first time that Mulder hasn’t wanted to go out of the house with me. The first couple of times, I just figured that he was really too busy with work. That was last week. Now, there really is no excuse for him not wanting to go out with me...unless...no, I refuse to allow myself to think that. He couldn’t still be that paranoid.


“Fox, I am not going to go sit on the balcony. I am going for a walk, with OR without you,” I tell him in no uncertain terms. He stops where he’s standing at the top of the stairs, his back stiff with stress; funny, he didn’t seem stressed out five minutes ago...before I asked him to go out with me.


“Fine,” he growls, allowing me to walk past him and down the stairs, “But I still don’t see what’s wrong with the balcony,” he mutters as he plods along behind me. I flip him a bird that he can’t see, feeling quite happy with myself that he is giving in for a change. He’s been treating me like I belong in a nursing home ever since ‘the incident’, and I’m damn well tired of it.


I maintain my cheery attitude as I breeze through the living room, not wanting to give him a chance to change his mind, and frown at him when he attempts to make me wear a jacket.


“Fox, I swear to God, don’t make me kick your ass,” I warn him, giving him my best teeth-clenching stance, hands on my hips, “It’s the middle of September, and it’s 70 degrees. I do NOT need a jacket...mother,” I sneer at him, and fight back my smile when he tosses it down on the couch and points to the door.


“Fine, let’s just go,” he says curtly, falling back for a moment so that I have to wait for him in the hallway. He comes out a couple of minutes later, and I immediately see what he was doing; his pants leg is guiltily caught up on the small revolver that he wears at his ankle.


“Mulder, is it really necessary to be armed to take a walk with me,” I ask him, eyeing the weapon.


“Yes, Walter, it is. You never know what might happen, and being that we’re two FBI personnel, you can never be too careful,” he tells me matter-of-factly. All this does is confirm my fears that he is still paranoid about going out in public - but is it because of me? Because of a freak incident that occured almost a month ago? Or is it something more...something more along the lines of being insecure about ‘us’? Is he really not comfortable with the idea of ‘us’? It becomes blatantly clear what the topic of conversation is going to be during this little jaunt - which is incidentally the first time I’ve been able to get him to go anywhere for nearly a month. I realize suddenly that it’s not the first time he’s gone anywhere in a month. It’s the first time he’s gone anywhere with ME in a month.




There’s a small park about five blocks from the condo, and it’s there that I lead Mulder. We walk in complete silence, with me looking up at the sky and soaking up the day, watching him scanning the immediate area out of the corner of my eye. Does he honestly believe that we are going to be accosted in the middle of the day, in THIS neighborhood? I don’t question his behavior until we reach the park and sit down on a bench in the middle of the surrounding grassy knoll. I let several minutes pass before I say anything, content to merely watch him visually patrolling the area.


“Mulder.” He jumps a bit at the sound of my voice.


“Yeah,” he asks, his gaze not meeting mine.


“Have you recently applied for the Secret Service or the CIA? Is there something that I should be aware of, such as a covert operation for the Bureau that didn’t go through me for some reason?” My sarcasm finally breaks through his intense scrutiny of the park and he furrows his brow and shoots me a dirty look as he responds.


“Jesus, Walter, why in the hell would you ask me that?” His gaze leaves mine quickly, watching two children on bikes ride along a path about fifty feet away, not returning to meet mine until he’s certain that they’re not snipers or some such thing.


“Oh, I don’t know...perhaps the fact that you haven’t left the condo since the incident outside Anthony’s except to retrieve some of your files,” I begin, and he snorts and shakes his head at me but doesn’t say anything so I continue, “and the fact that you refuse to be seen with me in public, and when you finally DO come with me, you bring your gun,” I finish, and he shoots me daggers with his eyes.


“What are you getting at, Walter?” He asks, agitation clearly evident in his voice. Ahh, I do believe I’ve struck a nerve. Hmmm.


“Fox,” I begin, and he cuts me off with his usual finesse at doing so.


“Look Walter, you wanted to take a walk. So we’re taking a walk.”


“And you’re scoping the park out like some assassin is going to come by at any given time. Can’t you just enjoy the day?”


“No I can’t, for your information, Skinner,” he says defiantly, pissing me off by using my last name - something that is reserved solely for business purposes. I made it quite clear some time ago that calling me ‘Skinner’ was not to be done outside of the office. He agreed to it - then. “Some assassin may very WELL come by. I would have thought you’d know that by now, SIR,” he grates out, further fueling my anger, “If I recall correctly, that is the precise reason that you ended up with a knife in your gut a month ago.” I am so infuriated that I can feel my hands shaking. He does know how to push my buttons, but this time he’s mixing work life with personal life, and I could’ve sworn that we’d agreed not to go there. Well, so be it...if he’s going there, two can play at that game.


“Mulder, you are wayyy out of line here. That was no assassin that got to me, and you damn well know it. That had NOTHING to do with us working for the FBI or anything else. It was -” he cuts me off again, and this time, I nearly scream at his retort.


“It was, SIR, a warning that we should not be seen fraternizing together,” he says, continuing to avoid my gaze, “Regardless of the fact that we’re public officials, we made a mistake. One that will not be made again,” he finishes.


“Really, Agent Mulder?” I am so pissed now that I can hardly see straight, “And how do you figure that it will never happen again, seeing as how we live together?” I spit out at him, my jaw aching from holding it in a position that used to be solely reserved for meetings with the very subordinate who is now my lover.


He looks at me with a steely cold gaze that I’ve never seen grace his face before now and says simply, “Because I’m leaving, sir. I’ve been thinking about it since that night at Anthony’s, and it’s not worth it. I’ve already lost Scully...I...I won’t lose you, too. I’ve put a lot of thought into it, and it’s the only solution. As soon as you’re well, I’m going home.”


“Excuse me?” I ask him incredulously.


“You heard me. I know your hearing isn’t going, Walter. This has all been a mistake...it only happened because of...because of,” he says, his voice catching a bit before he finishes, “Because of Scully. None of this...WE would never have happened if Scully hadn’t been killed.” He straightens up on the bench next to me and meets my eyes with resolve that it must have taken him weeks to build up as he continues, “It took Scully dying to bring us together, Walter. And it took you nearly being taken away from me for me to realize how important you are to me. And I won’t lose you too. I’d rather be alone and have you yelling at me at the office than lose you totally. I’ve made up my mind, and that’s that. When I get home from New York, it’s going to be to MY home.”


My jaw is resting on my chest, the remainder of my body - especially my heart - in complete and total shock. What in the hell is he talking about? He’s going to leave ME? US? “What?” I gasp at him, and he looks concerned at my inability to respond.


“Walter, breathe dammit,” he says, “I said, I’m going home after I come back from New York.”


I shake my head vigorously back and forth, negating what he’s saying, attempting to make it disappear from existence as I try to find the words, “Home is with ME, Fox. OUR home. We are an US, aren’t we? We’re a WE!” I nearly squeak, making myself want to kick my own ass for my newfound weakness. Hardly newfound; I think deep down, Fox has always been a soft spot for me, way before anything ever happened to Dana. YEARS before Dana, even when my marriage to Sharon was failing, back when I first met HIM.


He looks at me apologetically, as if his sympathy will correct the situation, and says, “Walter, it’s not worth it. I’ve lost too much already. I don’t want to lose you, too. I can’t,” he says, his voice fading away with the breeze that has started to blow around us, “You’re all I have left, and I refuse to let you go.”


“You won’t,” I assure him, hoping that my argument will change his mind, change the decision that he has obviously been warring with since that night at Anthony’s...or was it even before that night? “You won’t lose me, Fox. I’m not going anywhere...not without you.”


“You nearly did, Walter. I nearly lost you that night, and I can’t...I WILL NOT allow that to happen again.” It seems that a chill has been born in the air, and I shiver uncontrollably in the wind, making Fox stand up and reach for my hand to pull me up and, I assume, to drag me home...to a home that he no longer considers his own - if he ever did.


I wrap my arms around myself involuntarily, trying to stop my teeth from chattering as he attempts to pull me to him, pushing him away at the same time that I want him to hold me. This can’t be happening. Four ignorant redneck strangers cannot possibly be to blame for Fox ending our relationship. God...have we even ever HAD a relationship? Or was this all just a way for Fox to deal with losing Scully?


“I..d-d-don’t..un-n-derst-tand, Fox,” I stutter, unable to stop my shivering, “Y..you want t-to leave m-m-me?” I ask him, no longer caring about the concerned look on HIS face. “I...I thought...y-y-you loved m-m-me,” I tell him, shaking my head at him as he struggles to find the words to comfort me, chilled beyond consolation now even though the wind isn’t really all that cold.


“I DO love you, Walter,” he moans, tears forming in his gorgeous hazel depths, “Don’t you see? That’s why I have to leave,” he chokes out, one solitary tear running down his cheek, “I HAVE to,” he repeats, his eyes closing and forcing more tears out as he hangs his head in defeat.


“No,” I tell him simply, shaking my head against his words and emotions. “No, goddamn you, NO,” I shout, taking off from in front of him and running. I’m not sure if running is really something that I should be undertaking at the moment, but I don’t care. It feels good; the burn in my chest, the heaving of air in and out of my lungs makes me feel alive. Fox is trying to kill me, and I have to stay alive...I have to fight the feelings welling up inside of me, feelings that threaten to destroy my very being by ripping my heart out and showing it to me...Mulder intends to remove himself from my life? I’ll fight it.


I’ll fight it more strongly than I’ve fought anything else...more than fighting the memories of Scully dying in my arms that flee into my mind. More than fighting the feeling of Mulder passing out on top of me, beating at my chest for his loss, and grinding against my groin the next morning. More than fighting the bliss of falling asleep next to him for these past several months. More than fighting the anguish of nearly losing him at Scully’s grave. More than fighting for HIM to get well, and nearly being killed myself at our celebration of his success. I will fight this more vehemently that I’ve ever fought anything else.


Ironically, the one thing I’m running FROM is the one thing I’m running TO...home. I have no choice - where else would I go? CAN I go? Nowhere. I unlock the door and slam it behind me as I enter my condo, the place that has been home to me for the last couple of years. It no longer feels familiar to me; not since HE’S been here. I have always just thought of it as OUR home. Ever since Scully died, it’s been Mulder’s and my home. From the first night that he was here, it no longer belonged solely to me. And now he wants to leave me?




Uh-oh, angst. And while poor dear Walter is recuperating, no less. Ho hum. Whatever will happen next? Will Fox really leave Walter? Will Walter let Fox leave? SHOULD Walter let him leave? Maybe in Chapter 9 of “A Taste of Life” things will finally become clearer for our guys. Or will they?
