Breaching Protocol

By: Jvantheterrible
NC-17, of course! Smut. Skinner and Scully, getting it on. Doing the wild thing, baby. Yeah, violence too (eventually). IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT, DON'T READ THIS!
Nope, not even if you beg. Some allusions to past'll know when you read them.
Yep. As in, there is one. As in, hope you like it. As in...oh screw this. Just read the damn thing.

They are not mine. No matter how many pennies I throw in the fountain and wish upon, they will never be mine. Skinner, Scully, Mulder and the rest of the damn lot belong to Chris "Surf's Up" Carter, 1013 and InFront Productions, and Fox TV. Blah, blah, blah, I'm not making any money from this, just exercising my creative writing skills...I wanna' be like Red! (Thanks for your awesome feedback, rock! Ditto to Trajan, and mlb..Hell, to ALL the SIS're very inspiring!)

Author's Note:
Wow. My first attempt. Being a Skinnerotica Virgin (God knows that's the only way I'll ever be one again, and now, that's gone too), I need all the feedback I can get..please be gentle (or not..I like it rough...sometimes) with me at (Hey, let me know too, if it's easy to read w/this font...I tried to make it easy on the eyes.) Also, thanks Jill, for the GagReels Mitch IS a big boy, isn't he!!!! Whoa, baby. Talk about inspiration. Yummy.

And by the way...
Mr. Carter, AND Mr. McFarlane, why was there never a Walter Skinner action figure made? They may have sold better than Mulder and Scully!!! Those aliens are fun, though!! So, I'm, I'm a woman....Goddammit, the box says 'Ages 5 and Up'......

Scully typed furiously on her laptop, eager to finish her report before it got too much later; she still had to pack for the weekend.

"Hey, Scully," Mulder said, "you're going to give yourself Carpal Tunnel Syndrome." He sat across from her, staring, attempting unsuccessfully to distract his partner.

"Don't you have something to do, Mulder?" Scully stopped typing for a moment to watch him play 'pick up sticks' w/his various writing instruments, wondering how in the Hell he ever got his reports done.

"Besides, if you get Carpal Tunnel," Mulder continued, "it'll make it really difficult for you and Skinner to----"

"Mulder, don't you DARE go there," Scully hissed, her blue eyes narrowing at him. He simply grinned, and gave up. He had more pressing, getting that #2 Ticonderoga out from under the Pilot pen, without disturbing the Sharpie. (Trademark/Copyright infringement intended! No money being made!)

"Scully, where ARE you going this weekend, anyway?"

"It's a surprise, Mulder. He won't tell me." She slipped a disk in her hard drive, and downloaded her report, watching the overgrown child across from her. She smiled to herself, trying to figure out how in the world he made as much money as she did.

"Gee, Scully, that's so romaaaaaantic," Mulder snickered.

"Mulder, do you know what I could do to you with those pencils?" She arched an eyebrow at him, and he laughed out loud.

"Oooh, Scully, I love it when you talk it again?" Mulder loved that eyebrow thing that she did all the time. He liked to irritate her sometimes on purpose, just so he could see it. Try as he might, he just couldn't get it down.

"In your dreams, Mulder." Scully's report had finished, and she ejected the disk, bending over to grab her purse out of her desk. "I have to run this up to Skinner. Have a nice weekend, Mulder."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Mulder shouted after her.

"Gee, Mulder, that doesn't really leave much." Scully boarded the elevator laughing, and rode up to Skinner's floor.>

Dana Katherine Scully had not had a vacation in over 5 years. The one time she had tried, she had gone to New England, and what a mess THAT had been. So much for the relaxing weekend she had envisioned...she had a pretty good inkling that this weekend would turn out just fine. She entered Skinner's reception area, greeting Kimberly politely. Mulder was the only one at the Bureau who knew about her and Skinner, for obvious reasons. Rules, regulations, blah blah blah.

"Hello, Agent Scully. Go right in. He's expecting you."

Scully opened the door and entered the A.D.'s office, being careful to close and then lock the door behind her. It was their new rule...anytime they had a meeting together, just the two of them, they made sure to take all precautions. They even had to speak quietly, just in case the office was bugged....of course, the Lone Gunmen helped out there (bug detection device currently patent pending), and as of last weekend, Skinner's office was clean. Just the same.....never can be too careful. They had learned that lesson over and over again, thank you very much.

Scully never got used to walking into his office and seeing him, so broad and handsome behind his desk. Whoever would have thought that fluorescent lighting could be so....complimentary? He was always the vision of perfection. Broad shoulders, heavily starched white shirt, perfectly knotted tie, tortoise-shell wirerims framing his beautiful brown eyes...and oh, that cleft in his chin. And just never even MIND about when he was standing, and that ass, in his dress slacks....

"Ahem," Scully mocked clearing her throat, and couldn't even muster a glance out of Skinner.

"Have a seat, Agent Scully," Skinner said, his voice..dare she even think it....surly.

"Thank you, sir," she replied throatily.

He raised an eyebrow at her, his gaze still not leaving the papers on his desk. She smiled anyway, knowing that she could out-arch him anyDAY, anyWAY. "I hear you are taking the day off tomorrow, Agent Scully."

"Yes sir, that is correct. I finished my report." She stood and placed the disk in his IN basket, on the corner of his large mahogany desk, then returned to her chair.

"Good. I would hate to think that you might shirk your duties, in light of your long weekend." He looked at her now, a slight smile playing across his lips, and her heart began to beat faster just from the sight of it.

"Oh, no sir..I would never DREAM of slacking off. That is Agent Mulder's job, you know." She shifted in her seat, feigning discomfort, crossing and uncrossing her legs for exaggeration.

"Ah, yes, how is Agent Mulder's report coming along?" He watched her moving around in her chair, his pants suddenly feeling restrictive, becoming slightly tighter as he watched her squirm in her black suit, skirt just above her knees.

"Well, sir, at the moment, he is engaged in a compelling exercise testing the gravitational endurance of certain writing utensils. But I think he is on the verge of writing some damn fine material." She continued to fidget, watching his face as she did, and knowing that he was probably not going to stand up for several moments---after all...grown men did NOT carry big notebooks around with them.

"Why am I not surprised...Agent Scully, are you alright? Do you need another seat?" Skinner bit his tongue to keep from laughing at her. He was attempting to maintain the "Bad-Ass A.D. Scowl", but he was pretty sure that didn't work on her anymore.>

"Oh, yes sir, I thought you would never ask," Scully said, smiling coyly, and she jumped out of the chair and walked around his desk. He watched her as she purposely walked very slowly towards him, making sure that she shook her hips for all she was worth...

"Agent Scully," Skinner growled at her, clenching his teeth as she reached his chair and rolled it out from behind his desk, falling into his lap as soon as there was enough room for her to do so, "may I remind you that you are a Federal Agent under my command?"

"Oh, yes sir, please do," she whispered in his ear, "and I plan to be under you for quite some time...and over you...and on you..and so on," she finished, nibbling his earlobe, his erection digging pleasurably into her ass, even through all of the clothing separating them. He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, and she wrapped hers around his muscular neck, planting a kiss firmly on his lips, a hint of red remaining on his lips when she had finished.

"Did you lock the door, Dana?"

"No, Walter, I thought it might be fun if Kimberly came in and found us like this. You know, give the secretary pool something to talk about at the watercooler." She laughed as he squeezed her even tighter, and then she joked, "So, sir, anything important COME UP this afternoon, or are we still on?"

"You are rotten to the core, Dana, do you know that? I have to finish up some paperwork before I COME to pick you up, and just look what you've done to me." He kissed her neck and grabbed her hips, setting her back on her feet in front of him. "I will be at your apartment at 7:00 P.M. SHARP. Are you all ready to go?"

"Where ARE we going, anyway? And no, I haven't packed yet. I figured you could give me a hint and make that task a little easier for me."

"I'm not telling. Just bring comfortable clothes and walking shoes....or none at all," his brown eyes gleamed at her, giving her goosebumps instantly, "you know me. I'm not all that picky."

"SIR! You are insatiable!" She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss, and as she turned to leave, he smacked her playfully on the bottom, causing her to gasp slightly. She looked back over her shoulder at him and blew him a kiss before she opened the door to go, and he smiled at her. Walter shook his head and sat back down behind his desk, wondering if he should call Mulder and ask him if his report was finished, but he knew better. He sighed, glad that at least ONE of his agents had the sense to do things by the book...most days, anyway.

Scully reached her apartment around 5:00, having left slightly early to get ready to leave. She hated to sit in was a HUGE waste of time, as far as she was concerned. Hell, as far as MOST people were concerned. It was Thursday, though, and even at 4:30, it wasn't bad.>
Only took her half an hour to get home. As soon as she entered her apartment, she whipped off her black FBI-issued trenchcoat, and checked her answering machine.

"*BEEP* You have one new message. Thursday, 4:45 PM...Hey Scully, it's me, Mulder and I was just making sure that you were going to take your cellphone with you, because you know, what if Skinner's car breaks down or can never be too careful. Anyway, I'll miss you this weekend. Give me a call if you want to. Or maybe I'll call you. Are you sure you have to go away, Scully? Are you there, Scully? Are you just not answering? Scully, talk to me....okay. Bye. Have fun. Bye." Mulder didn't like it when Scully was away from him. Not even for a day, let alone three. If he couldn't call and drag her out on some wild alien or mutant chase at 3 in the morning, his life just wasn't complete.

"Sorry, Mulder," she said aloud, "you don't get to come on THIS trip. Thank God!" Scully loved Mulder very much, but sometimes, she really wanted to just be alone. And that was not possible with Fox Mulder around, which he always was. Anymore, however, she didn't want to be alone so much as she wanted to be with Walter S. Skinner. Her boss. Her lover. She wasn't sure exactly when she had fallen for him...could've been while she was going through her cancer ordeal, and he was always sneaking around the hospital checking up on her. Or maybe while she had been there for him after he was shot, or when Krycek had almost killed him with the mystery virus. All she knew was that at some point, she had seen him as a man. Not as her boss, not as the surly Kiss-My-Ass-istant Director of the F.B. fucking I, but as the beautiful, sensitive, intelligent man that he was. It didn't matter. Not anymore. All that mattered was that they had found each other, past all of the bureaucratic bullshit, past all of the hidden agendas and conspiracies and deals. And this weekend, she was going to tell him that she loved him.

She packed her bag, including everything she figured she'd need >except for her beauty case...she still had to shower, and even though she didn't need makeup, she liked to use just a little to accentuate her ice-blue eyes, and make her perfectly formed pouty lips stand out. She stripped and stepped into the shower, using her favorite shampoo and scented body wash...this was going to be a special occasion, she smiled to herself, one that neither of them would soon, no...never, forget.

She finished up in the bathroom, drying her hair and selecting blue jeans and a cropped green velour sweater as her apparel for the evening, finished off with thick knit socks and her hiking boots. She had a feeling that they might be headed for the mountains; Walter so loved the outdoors. It was the perfect time of year, too....Spring just heading in, warm enough in the days for just a sweater, and at night, a fire in the fireplace...or so she hoped.

She checked the clock----it was 6:40, and the doorbell rang. He was early, and she was thankful for her efficiency in getting ready. He hated to be delayed, and so did she, especially if it would cut into their time together in any way. She opened the door, and laughed as he grabbed her and lifted her into his strong arms, kissing her as if he hadn't seen her in weeks. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, making him groan into her mouth as their tongues danced feverishly.

"My, that's quite a greeting, Dana," Walter laughed, setting her back down. He looked gorgeous, she thought to herself. He was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, black boots, and a black leather bomber jacket.

"Let me get my bag, and we can be on our way," Scully said, heading for the couch. *RING* "Damn phone, always when I'm on my way out the door...Hello?" No one responded. "Hello?"
Still no reply. She hung up the phone with a shrug, and Skinner took the bag out of her hands and slung it over his shoulder.

"Must have been a wrong number," Scully said to Walter, and with that, they left the apartment. She locked the door, and they made out like horny teenagers in the elevator as they rode down to his car. A beautiful Silver/Blue Mercedes Benz. Leather interior.

Walter opened the car door for Scully, and put her bag in the trunk with his. He got in the car and started the engine, leaning over to kiss her briefly as he buckled up his seatbelt.

"Well, Walter, where ARE we off to? Hmmmm?" Scully queried, and Skinner just smiled at her, pulling out into the flow of cars.

"Wouldn't you like to know, Dana."

"Yes, I would. Are you kidnapping me, Mr. Skinner?" Scully asked, raising her right eyebrow at him.

"Just relax. You'll see soon enough."

"HOW soon?"

"Dana," Walter growled at her, "patience, my dear. Okay. About 2 hours. That's all you get."

"Oh, I sincerely HOPE that's not ALL I get," Scully said, reaching over into his lap to rub him through his jeans, "I was looking forward to so much more." He smiled, not even looking at her, and she continued with her exploration of his lap, much to his surprise. Her small hand found his zipper, and he squirmed a little bit to give her better access, allowing her to undo his pants and reach in. To her joy, he was not wearing underwear, and she gasped a little at his brazenness. Walter gasped a little himself, feeling her hand on his now rigid cock, moving slowly up and down the shaft. He looked over at her, and she had her tongue sticking out slightly from between her lips, wishing that she could just... and she undid her seatbelt and leaned over, resting her head in his lap.

"Dana," Walter hissed, his teeth clenched, trying to concentrate on driving while this beautiful redhead went down on him in his Mercedes, "Dana Scully, if we have an accident..." he trailed off, giving in to the feel of her moist warm mouth enveloping his raging hardon. "Oh my God," he gasped, eyes glued to the road, but his mind somewhere else, somewhere south of the steering wheel, in fact.

" taste so good," she murmured, using her tongue to lick him, then her lips to take him completely into her mouth, the tip of his penis resting against the back of her throat. She moved her warm hand down below the base of his cock and gently took his balls into the palm of her hand, massaging them firmly, as she used her mouth to pleasure the rest of his manhood.

"Jesus Christ, Scully....oh God, Scully...." Walter was white-knuckling the steering wheel, and could care less if the semi trucks they were passing could see her in his lap. He wasn't sure that his legs would work at the moment...scratch that, he KNEW they wouldn't work.

"Mmmmm...Walter...come for me...I want to taste you....please...." Scully moaned, knowing that he wasn't going to last much longer. She continued to run her tongue and lips up and down his massive shaft, loving the fact that she could feel his pulse in his cock as she teased and licked and stroked, still fondling his heavy balls with her hand.

"Scully...fuck....oh Dana...danadanadana..." Walter thrusted slightly upwards, as much as he could given his current position, and he actually managed to fix on a rhythm, and Scully could feel his scrotum tighten, and she knew she had him. He managed to reach down and put one of his hands on the back of her head, running his strong thick fingers through her fiery red hair as she worked up and down, up and down his throbbing cock...she moaned with him inside her mouth, and that was it. It was all over for Walter. "FUCK" he cried out, muscles stiffening as he came in spurt after spurt, flooding her mouth. She revelled in the feel of his cock pumping his sweet salty treat into her mouth, down her throat, into her stomach, where it warmed her immediately, better than fine brandy.

"Oh my God, Dana," Walter panted, "" he was beyond words, and Scully giggled at him, licking her lips, not missing a drop of him.

"But Walter," she said in mock exasperation,"what ELSE was I supposed to do in the car all this time?" He looked over at her, tiny beads of perspiration along his brow, his eyes shining behind his glasses, even in the dark of night. He smiled at her, and vowed to get her back...but good.

Scully reached down and tucked Walter back into his jeans, sighing as she zipped him up. "Okay, well, I suppose I'll take a nap now, and get rested up for round 2," she said, resting her head on his massive shoulder. He patted her head gently and kissed her hair, turning his full attention back to driving, now that the blood flow had somewhat returned to the northern hemisphere of his body. He shivered with excitement, and set the cruise control at 80 instead of 75.

As Scully drifted off, she had only one thought in her head.

"Fine." *Click* Smoke billowed in the air. It was going to be a fine weekend, indeed.

End Part 1

Breaching Protocol - Part 2
By Jvantheterrible

Skinner kept his eyes on the road, Scully fast asleep on his shoulder. He followed the winding road up the mountain, bright beams on to dissuade any forest creatures from getting squished under his Mercedes wheels. Skinner wondered how Dana could possibly be comfortable in her current position, then shrugged it off, as he was already devising a list of positions he intended to have her in, none too soon. Skinner smiled to himself as he turned onto the dirt road that the cabin was situated on. Hundreds of tall pine trees reached towards the sky, and Walter was giddy already. He had been waiting for weeks to get the Hell out of the city, away from all the noise and pollution and traffic and phones and meetings and FBI bullshit. He grinned to himself as he pulled up the gravel driveway, Scully stirring as the car came to a stop.
"Wake up, beautiful, we're here," Walter said gently, shifting the car into 'park'.
"Mmmmmm," Scully replied, sitting up slowly, her neck stiff from her doze. She ran her fingers through her soft red hair as she looked out the windshield, her eyes opening wide as she took in the spot that Walter had chosen for their weekend together.
The cabin was the most quaint and beautiful little place Scully had ever seen. It was one story, and there were huge picture windows looking out into the surrounding forest, both from the living room and what she assumed to be the bedroom. The moon was full, of course, and in the illumination, she could see that the structure was made of huge logs, and filled inbetween with what appeared to be cement, or whatever they used to build lovely little log cabins in the middle of nowhere. The chimney stood tall from the left side of the cabin, and she smiled, thinking that it just wouldn't have been the same without a fireplace...she knew that Walter shared her sentiment. Hell, did they even MAKE log cabins without fireplaces, she wondered? Probably not, she thought, getting out of the car and shutting the car door, eager to inspect the cabin on the inside.
"Walter, it's just PERFECT," Scully sighed, and he joined her momentarily, one bag slung over each shoulder, and placed his strong right arm around her little waist as they stood admiring their rustic escape, "however did you find this place?"
"I have an old friend; he's a retired doctor, and he and his wife spend the winters and springs in Tucson. I told Doc that I wanted to bring someone really special up this weekend, and he told me it was no problem whatsoever."
"Well, " Scully said, "I can imagine why they keep coming back here. This is absolutely marvelous." Scully took a step toward the block wood steps leading up to the front door, and Skinner grabbed her and spun her around, bending down to kiss her passionately, under the moon and the stars, surrounded by the powerful fresh scent of pine, and the sound of crickets. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and returned his loving kiss, stroke for stroke with her tongue. He finally released her, and they walked, hand in hand, up the steps to the front door.
There was an old-fashioned looking brass light fixture hanging next to the front door, and Walter opened the little door and reached in, retrieving a small magnetic box, which contained the key to the lock, just as Doc had instructed. Walter unlocked the heavy wooden front door and swung it open, holding the screened door open for Scully. Dana stepped into the cabin, at once thrilled...real wooden floors, replete w/braided rugs at the entryway, and just inside the hallway, a window seat was set into the wall, where she was sure she and Walter could sit and enjoy the view into the forest. It was just big enough for two, and Scully smiled widely as she waited for Walter to come in and shut the door.
"Oh Walter, I LOVE it," Scully squealed with delight, grasping his hand in hers and holding it to her heart. Walter smiled hugely down at her, and led her into the bedroom, which was across the hall from the window seat. The bedroom was carpeted in white, wall to wall, and Scully kicked her boots off immediately, treading around in her socks while Walter set their bags down on the bed, a king sized masterpiece in four poster oak. He sat on the bed and watched Scully with amusement. She appeared to him a little girl on Christmas morning, having gotten everything she'd wanted from Santa Claus. Yes, Scully, there IS a Santa Claus, Walter thought to himself, and chuckled aloud.
"Check out the bathroom, Dana," Walter said, "you'll love it."
Scully walked into the adjoining bathroom, and giggled, surveying the jacuzzi tub to her right that took up most of the small room, the counter with two sinks that ran the length of the opposite wall with a huge mirror centered above. Above the mirror was a row of soft vanity lights, set into a long wooden bar mounted on the wall. "Wow, " Scully said, "the good doctor really knows how to do the woods in style, 'eh Walter?"
"Only the best for Doc, Scully. And for us." He joined her in the little room, wrapping his arms around her from behind, and she took his hands in hers, resting them on her breasts. She gazed at their reflection in the mirror, and they both smiled at one another's reflections.
"Come on," Walter said, excitedly, "I want to show you the rest of the place, and get a fire going. This place just screams make a fire, don't you think?"
"Absolutely, Mr. Skinner," Scully laughed, "and baby, you can light my fire anytime." Walter groaned at her pun as he led her back out to the hallway, and walked towards the living area. Scully sucked her breath in as they entered the kitchen, which was just to the right at the end of the hallway. "Oh my God, Walter," she exclaimed, "I've never seen a kitchen like this."
"I know...isn't it great?" Walter was fairly certain this was what being giddy felt like, although he would never admit that to anyone. Not even Dana Scully. There was a wood burning stove set against the far right wall of the cabin, perfectly kept up, black iron shining under the track lighting from the vaulted ceiling. In the center of the kitchen, stood a huge island made entirely of wood, like a huge cutting board, except that there was a cooking stove set in to one side, and a sink on the side closest to where they currently stood. At the far end there was a bar attached, complete with wooden stools, and Scully was in seventh heaven, already planning their meals in her head. She couldn't wait to cook in this amazing kitchen. There were wooden shelves built into the wall, and Walter led Scully further into the kitchen so she could check it out. There were neatly placed stacks of dishes and glasses on each shelf, as well as every kind of pot and pan and basket known to man. The oven was also built into the wall, and completed the space, almost to the doorway.
"Wow. Walter, I am just so impressed. This is incredible. Really," Scully said, squeezing his hand tighter, and he wasn't sure that he'd ever felt so proud of himself for anything, AD of the FBI or not. He led her across the kitchen, and there was the sun/sitting room, sunken down one step, and he and Scully stood on the newly ceramic tiled floor, looking out the massive windows into the forest. There were two chairs, one overstuffed w/an ottoman, and the other was a handmade rocker, which Scully dropped into and began rocking. "I'm going to go start the fire, okay?" Walter asked.
"Yep. You go right ahead. I'm going to give this baby a test drive," Scully said, resting her arms on the sculpted wood. Walter crossed the dark living room and opened the glass doors, the fireplace already filled with wood and ready to go. Thanks, Doc, Walter thought, you really go the extra mile. He reminded himself mentally to send Doc and Joanie something nice from Harry and David (Trademark profit being made) after they got back to DC.
"Walter," Scully shouted from the sitting room, "there are skylights in the ceiling! I love this place!"
"I know, Scully," Walter laughed as he lit the fire.
"Walter," she shouted again,"is that a screened in porch out back?" She got out of the rocker and walked over to the door on the opposite side of the sunroom.
"Yes, Dana, and there's a deck, too. It goes around half of the house."
"YES, Dana," Walter feigned exasperation, closing the firescreen as the logs began to flame.
"Do we HAVE to go back to DC?"
"Not for 3 days, darling," he said warmly, as she entered the living room, and gasped again as she saw the fireplace, now lit up so she could see it. The entire thing was made of stones, huge gray stones, and had a mantel made of a rectangular section of raw oak. The floor in the living room was wood, and there was a small area rug set in the center, upon which a huge redwood coffee table rested. Dana didn't think she had ever seen a lovelier table in all her life. There was also a full sized couch, beautiful with its light Indian pattern, throw pillows, and blankets.
"Oh Walter," Scully murmured, going into his outstretched arms, "I don't want to ever leave this place. Not ever."
"Well, I'm sure Doc and the lady of the house might object, when they come home from Tucson, don't you think?" He laughed and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her hair, holding her close to him as the fire crackled and popped behind them. "Here," he said, releasing her momentarily, "have a seat." He pointed to the floor, and Scully looked down, now noticing the large creme colored sheepskin rug that they were standing on.
"Oh, yummy," she said, and plopped herself down in front of the fire. Walter sat next to her and kicked off his boots, and she was back in his arms in a flash, resting between his outstretched legs with her back against his massive chest.
"So, Agent Scully," Walter said coyly, "you approve?"
"Oh, yes, yes SIR," Scully responded, "as if you even had to ask." She turned her head slightly and tilted it back, giving him access to her lips, and he took advantage immediately, wrapping one arm around her, the other snaking up into her hair to press her lips as close as possible to his.
Scully turned around and got on her knees in front of him. Goddammit, Walter thought to himself as he gazed at Scully, the fire behind her illuminating her hair in hues of auburn and flame, her blue eyes sparkling at him, you are so fucking beautiful. I love you so much, Dana Katherine Scully, how did I ever get to be such a lucky man. These thoughts continued in his mind, swirling around in his brain as she gently removed his glasses and set them on the table behind him, then cocked her head to the side, closing her eyes as she met his lips in a slow, deep, passionate kiss. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, and pulled her close, as if he could pull her inside of him, and he would if he could, he thought wryly. He just could never be too close to this amazing woman, this woman who had given him a reason to live, all over again. He wondered vaguely if she knew the effect that she had on him, though he had an idea that she did.
"Scully...." Walter groaned, his cock once again at full attention, "I think that a little payback is in order." He grabbed her hips, and pushed her gently backwards, so that she lay on the sheepskin rug. She smiled up at him, and replied, "Well, you know what they say. Payback is Hell."
"Not always, Dana. In some cases, it can be sheer heaven." He lowered himself down onto her, one hand behind her head, the other travelling up her sweater, pleased when he found no bra to interfere with his touch. She gasped as he lightly ran his palm over her left breast, teasing her nipple erect with his thumb and forefinger, then over to her right to repeat the motion.
"Oh God, Walter," Scully moaned, so glad that he knew how sensitive her breasts were, knew just what to do. She shivered under his touch, despite the now roaring fire beside them. His large hand continued down, fingertips caressing her stomach, then dipping down under the waist of her jeans. He only needed his one hand to unbutton and unzip her jeans, and she arched up as he slid his hand into her black satin panties, finding the nest of springy curls hiding there. She moaned his name again, and he sat up, pulling her sweater over her head, stopping only to kiss each of her creamy white breasts, and nuzzle each nipple briefly. Scully reached for his jeans, but he pushed her hands away gently, "not yet, Dana," he said, and he leaned down and kissed her from her breasts down to her navel, where he was content only to thrust his tongue into the adorable little orifice, causing her to shiver again. He removed her jeans, and finally, she lay before him, clad only in her pretty little black panties, and it took all of his willpower to not yank her panties off and thrust into her right then and there. Easy, he told himself, we have all this time, no need to rush it.
His erection was becoming painful in his jeans, but he was not ready for that yet. He released his hold on her hair, and trailed both of his hands down her body, not missing an inch of her flesh. He was always amazed at her body, that she was so small, so fragile, yet so strong, and he knew that there would never be another woman for him. He continued his caresses, until he reached her panties, and then he placed one hand under her bottom, the other rubbing her through her panties. The wet spot grew as his fingers moved back and forth, back and forth across the satiny fabric, and her moans grew louder and more insistent. She was panting now, and he couldn't think of a more beautiful, erotic sound than the one that was coming out of the sexy redhead beneath his hands.
"W..W..Walter," Scully gasped, "please, Walter...take them...tear them off...please...God..." Scully's eyes were closed at the moment, and he gave in to her pleas, sliding two fingers inside the waistband and yanking the black silk firmly off of her. "Yes, yes, oh yes..." she moaned in agreement, and he drank in the sight of her, writhing on the rug, wanting nothing more, nothing less than all of Walter Skinner inside of her, right then, and forever, and he gave in to the animal ferocity that grew by the second in his jeans. He undid his belt quickly and deftly unzipped his jeans, pausing to yank his own shirt over his head.
"Yes, Walter, please, now," Scully moaned, her small hands rubbing her own breasts, then wandering down to touch herself as he removed his pants, his huge erection springing forward as he did.
"No, not just yet," he whispered to her, "there's something more, Dana." She groaned at him as he removed her hand from her clit, and replaced it with his own, his index finger finding the tiny nub and rubbing it in gentle, lazy circles. Her breath came faster, faster as his fingers worked her clit, then slid into her folds. God, he thought, she was so ready, he couldn't stand it much longer, and he knew she couldn't. She reached for him, moaning his name over and over, trying to grab his manhood in her hands, but she couldn't reach, and he wouldn't let her touch him. He stayed just out of her reach as he slid three fingers into her, and she cursed through clenched teeth, begging him to fill her, "Walter, please...please fuck me," she cried out, shaking from what his hands were doing to her.
"Dana, do you like this," he whispered to her, "do you want me, Dana? You have to tell me, Scully. Tell me that you want me." She grabbed his hand, her blue eyes fluttering open as she did, looked into his chocolate brown eyes, and snarled, "fuck me, sir." He gazed at her only a moment longer, and he positioned himself between her spread legs, their eyes locked. He grabbed his cock in his right hand, and brought the head of it to her slick entrance, poking her gently with it, running it in little circles around her, teasing her, refusing to enter her properly, almost coming in the process. "Now, ohhhh, God, now, please...Walter," she hissed at him, and he finally gave in. Slowly, he entered her, groaning himself as he felt her tight warmth envelop him.
She thought he was never going to give her relief, and just as she was prepared to thrust up to him, he entered her, sliding his long hard cock into her, until she could feel his balls against her ass. She ground against him, causing him to groan on top of her, and she smiled, breath escaping her in short gasps. She wrapped her legs around his hips, her heels digging into his lower back, and urged him into her, not wanting him to withdraw, just wanting to feel him filling her, stretching her, reaching into her depths where only he could touch her. "Oh, God, Scully," he hissed, pulling out of her almost all the way, then sliding back in, slowly, slowly, in and out, finding the rhythm that would bring them over the edge together. "Walter, you feel so good," she whispered to him, and he kissed her frantically, as he began to speed up the pace. "Yes," Scully gasped, "oh, yeah, faster, Walter," she urged him on, "harder, please, harder...fuck me harder." He obeyed her wish, placing one arm on either side of her to support his weight, and she grabbed his hips, pulling him into her as hard as she could. She met him thrust for thrust, unable to think of anything except the sexy man on top of her, his silky chest hair grazing her breasts as he moved on top of her, his rock hard prick sliding in and out of her, his balls slapping her ass, and a tear rolled down her cheek. Walter noticed immediately, and he gasped, "Scully, are you alright? Am I hurting you?"
"No, no Walter, you're not hurting me," she breathed, "God, just please keep doing that..." and she closed her eyes, concentrating on the feel of his hips now slamming against hers, and she cried out, the now familiar static building in her gut, the thrumming in her thighs beginning to travel up, up to her spine, and her mouth was open in a silent cry. He thrust and withdrew, thrust and withdrew, and he could feel her inner muscles begin to spasm. He suddenly buried himself firmly into her, and Scully cried out, "Yes, yes, oh god, fuck, YES," as he ground against her, filling her, and stimulating her clit at the same time, his rough pubic hair scratching her deliciously. She spasmed and contracted around him, and she felt him release into her, grunting as he did, "oh yeah, oh Scully, fuck..." as he flooded into her, her arms flying up around his neck, drawing him to her. He twitched inside of her, and each time he twitched, her muscles contracted, causing him to groan a little bit. "Walter, my sweet, dear Walter," Scully sighed, kissing him tenderly on the lips, then on the tip of his nose.
"Dana, there's something I have to tell you," he started, holding her in his arms, his whole weight on top of her. He leaned up, his cock soft but still inside of her, arms on either side of her head now. "I want to tell you this while we're still one, Dana." Her eyes truly sparkled up at him, tears already forming, and she said, "What is it, Walter?" She smiled then, because she knew what he was going to say, and she had hoped with her whole heart to hear him say the words, the same words that she herself wanted to utter to him.
He looked down at her, nothing but total desire filling his gaze, and said, quite simply, "I love you. Dana Katherine Scully, I love you."
She wasn't sure that she had ever heard sweeter words in her entire life. "Oh Walter," she whispered, looking up at him with her ice blue eyes, the flames from the fireplace dancing in them, "I love you too. I love you so much." Tears rolled out of the corners of her eyes, and Walter suddenly found himself misting up as well. "I've wanted to tell you..." he said, his voice thick with emotion, "but I was waiting for the right time. The perfect time. The perfect place." She reached up and touched his face, and he brushed her tears away with his fingertips, swallowing hard to try to get rid of the lump now residing there.
"Walter, I can't think of a more perfect time, a more perfect place, a more perfect ANYTHING," she replied. He gently pulled out of her, and lay on his side next to her, their bodies touching from shoulder to foot. She couldn't do anything except gaze into his eyes, wondering at the tender man lying next to her. This beautiful, sexy, muscular, surly man; this man who had saved her life by nearly giving his own; this man who she had almost shot because she wasn't certain she could trust him; the same man who countless times had barked at and berated her and her the love of her life. Amazing, she thought.
Walter rolled over onto his back and drew Scully up next to him, her head resting in the crook of his arm. She traced patterns in the thick hair covering his chest, one of her legs across his, and they dozed that way, the fire burning brightly beside them.
Outside, masked by the dark of the night, he pulled his car off the road several hundred feet from the cabin. The clearing was there, just as he was told it would be, and he turned off the lights, then the engine. He pulled out his cellphone, and called the number.
"Yes," the deep voice answered.
"I'm here." He flipped the lid of the small metal device open with his thumb.
"Excellent. You know what to do, Alex." He exhaled the Morley's smoke into the darkened room, watching as the tendrils drifted upward.
"Yes, sir." *Click*
He got out of the car and walked slowly towards the cabin, tossing the small device into the air and catching it again in his good hand. The sound of crickets chirping cheered him, although he was already in high spirits just thinking about how much fun this was going to be. He smiled, the moonlight reflecting in his black eyes, and stole silently up the gravel driveway, not making a sound as he walked up the steps to the heavy wooden front door.
The End - Part 2