
Author: Jvantheterrible

Date: July 27th - August 6th, 2000

Category: Sk/M - last part of the Broken series.

Rating: NC-17, and I MEAN it in this one! (Of course, we mean it in ALL of them....LMAO) SCHMOOP alert...amokeh has forced me to do the unthinkable and write pure schmoop to finish up what was SUPPOSED to be an angsty Nine Inch Nails inspired piece. Ho hum. I still love you though, babe. 

Disclaimer: Characters are CC’s, InFront/1013’s, and Fox’s. Not ours. We make absolutely NOTHING for our brilliantly twisted work. Oh well..maybe in the NEXT life...

Author’s Notes: Thank you all for your wonderful feedback on this series, and there will be more collaborations in the future. I’ve been promoted at my job, and RL has been QUITE hectic, so I haven’t had so much time to write...but I’m TRYING to find the time, honest! An added note: To all the people that work on the show, and the families, my most heartfelt thoughts go out to you in light of the tragedy on the set this past Monday. I’m not a real religious person, but I’ll say a prayer, anyway. As IF any of you read this stuff...but I put this note here just the same.

Feedback: Welcomed to OR




When I put my hand on Mulder’s face, I can feel his stubble graze against my palm and I nearly get a chill at being able to touch him again. Mere days ago I was so certain that things were over between us, and now he’s gone ahead and done a complete 180-degree turnaround. His apartment is immaculate, and he’s just finished telling me that he wants to be happy, and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. I couldn’t be happier.


I take him in my arms and pull him into a massive bear hug, wrapping my bulk completely around him. I can feel his heartbeat speed up, and I smile into his hair, nuzzling against him with my cheek. Goddammit, he smells so good; his aftershave and his own spicy scent mixed together are an aphrodisiac that only HE can produce, and I’m fairly certain that he can feel the impression he’s making on me returned twofold.


I release him from my grip only long enough to find his lips with mine, grazing over them and teasing him with my tongue, flicking over his lips ever so lightly; he’s trying to press his mouth against mine, but I pull back just far enough every time, until he finally lets loose with a desperate groan.


“I missed you so much,” I murmur against his mouth, still refusing to kiss him fully. He squirms in my loose grip and I pull him close once again, this time claiming his mouth with my own. I part his lips with my tongue and take what he is all too willing to give - it damn near feels like I could suck his very soul out, he’s putting so much into the kiss. His breathing is fast and hard, and he’s clutching at me with his hands, my shirt gripped in his fists at my waist.


“Walter,” he gasps, “Need you, now, please,” he manages, and I only kiss him harder, nipping at his lips with my teeth as I claim him, hunger built up from nearly an entire week without him quenched in this feverish moment.


“Not yet, babe,” I murmur into his mouth softly, “I want to taste all of you first. It’s been too long, Fox,” I say, pulling back and waiting for him to gather his bearings and open his eyes to meet my gaze. He finally acquiesces, and I smile at him - he shivers. My full grin has always made him shiver. He’s told me that if I smiled more at work, he’d get used to it and it wouldn’t affect him so. That, more than anything else, has been incentive for me to hold on to my surly demeanor. I would rather have Mulder quaking in my arms than used to my smile and bored with it ANY day.


“Christ, Walter,” he says, his body practically limp in my arms, “I need you.”


“Well, Fox, I’ve been needing you for days, and just WHERE have YOU been,” I ask him, and he blushes a bit at that. “I got flowers and love letters, and you’ve made me want to come bursting into your apartment unannounced for two full days now...but I had to wait. I had to wait until I was certain that this is really what you wanted. And now,” I tell him, pausing after the last word.


“And now - what?” He asks me, his eyelids still heavy and half-closed in his passion.


“Now, I believe that this IS really what you want, and I’m going to savor the moment,” I tell him, and he smiles at me, his hazel eyes shining in the dim light of his apartment.


“I love you, Fox William Mulder,” I tell him, and the lump comes into my throat as I see the tears form in his eyes. “I love you and I want you, and I want to make you happy,” I tell him, knowing that if I see the SLIGHTEST bit of hesitation in his gaze that I can still walk out of here, hard-on and all. I won’t allow him to back out on me now. Not now, and not ever again. I search his eyes and find nothing there but genuine love, and I know that he has finally made a decision. This is truly what he wants. I am what he wants, and my heart feels like it’s going to beat out my goddamned chest with happiness.


“I want to BE happy, Walter,” he says, “I told you that. I poured out my heart to you in those letters, and I meant every word. I can’t promise...that I won’t pull stupid stunts at work,” he says, and my smile fades a bit until he continues, “But I don’t have a death wish anymore. I want to be with you, and I swear that I’ll try harder to think before I act. I have a reason to live now, Walter. That you,” he tells me, gripping my shirt even tighter at my waist, and I pull him into a kiss that really might suck the very soul out of him. I run my hands into his hair as I feel him pull my shirt part-way out of my jeans, his palms caressing my chest as I pull him ever closer to me, wanting to swallow him whole.


“Foxssss,” I moan against his cheek as he busies himself with pulling my shirt the rest of the way out of my jeans and up and over my head, revealing my chest to his intense scrutiny. He runs his fingers through my chest hair slowly and sensuously, stopping to pinch each of my nipples roughly, and then continuing his assault on my senses and my body by grasping my belt and undoing the buckle.


“Unnhhh, yeah,” I encourage him with a moan as he reaches into my now unzipped jeans and fondles me gently, stroking me as much as he can while I’m still entombed in my briefs. I thrust against his hand and encourage him to continue as I pull up his t-shirt and, unable to pull it over his head due to his ministrations, tear it at the neckline and pull the cotton remnants forcefully from his body, revealing his nearly smooth chest to my starved gaze.


“You are so fucking beautiful,” I murmur to him, and he blushes slightly, turning me on even more with his modesty. I drop to my knees and pull at his belt, his body nearly Jello in my hands now; I can’t believe he’s still able to stand. I forget all about his hand in my briefs and concentrate on liberating his lower body from its denim prison, which only takes several seconds. As I pull his erection from his jeans (no underwear Fox? Really...), he groans something unintelligible and I ignore him completely. My jeans are undone and my belt hangs from my waist, but I am concentrating solely on Fox, and within seconds, my goal is reached and between my lips. His erection leaks pre-cum down my throat and I swallow it all too greedily. Christ, he tastes so good, I think, nearly crying in disappointment as he too falls to his knees, his cock popping out of my mouth with a none-too discreet slurp.


“Walter,” he gasps, “You are just way overdressed for this reunion,” he tells me, reaching for my groin with eager hands. “Come on, lie back and let’s get you out of those jeans, baby,” he says. I comply for the moment, allowing him to finish disrobing me, kicking away my shoes and socks, and finally pulling my jeans down and off of me, leaving them hopelessly crumpled on the floor next to my head. My erection is quite enthusiastic about the events thus far, standing at attention mere inches from Mulder’s mouth, and within a few seconds he’s swallowed me to the root.


“Ffffuckkkk,” I moan, unable to quiet myself, “Feels too good, baby...oh yeah...oh CHRIST,” I nearly yell, the sensation of his tongue slithering up and down my prick too much to bear. He continues his assault on my senses, sucking for all he’s worth, his tongue running around and around the tip of my cock as he blows me. He feels my balls contract and releases me quickly, kissing the tip of my head before he gets back up onto his knees and faces me, both of us kneeling and breathless in front of the other.


We stare at each other in silence for several minutes, breathing heavily, our bodies mere inches from one another. I reach up and brush a lock of hair from his sweaty forehead, his eyes closing as my fingertips make contact with his skin. I feel a lump form in my throat, both with the tenderness of this moment, and the mere sight of Mulder flushing under my touch. He reaches for me blindly, finding my shoulders and pulling me against him, his eyes still closed - and on instinct alone he locks lips with me once more, reaming me completely with his tongue. I moan softly into his mouth and his eyes finally flutter open to find mine staring directly into his hazel depths. I put my arms around him and we pull one another so close that we would share one skin if we could, our groins pressing urgently against each other, our lips warring, hands stroking every reachable inch of flesh. It is pure bliss.


“Lie back,” I whisper to him, and he utters a small sound of protest, content to continue kissing me. In spite of his unintelligible argument, I push him gently backwards until he’s lying on the floor on his back and cover his body with my own so that we’re chest to chest, grinding my cock against his as he deepens the kiss even further. I slowly pull away from his kiss and start to work my way down his jawline and throat, but he stops me when I reach his nipples, rolling over so that we’re side to side before I can tease him anymore.


“Walter,” he gasps, “We have to make this fair. Stay right where you are. Don’t move. I mean it,” he tells me, sitting up and lying back down on his side so that his cock is directly in front of my face, and mine in front of his.


“This looks pretty fair to me,” I quip just before I take his dick into my mouth as far as I can, the tip nuzzling against the back of my throat.


“Christ,” he moans, inhaling deeply as I start to suck him off, “That’s not fair, Walt...oh FUCK that feels so good babe, yeah...” he trails off and tries to concentrate on returning the favor. He thrusts gently into my mouth, encouraging me to go faster, harder, but I refuse. He has yet to...oh Jesus, he just took me into his mouth..and he’s doing THAT THING that he does....deep-throating me, then releasing me to the crown, sliding me in and out of his mouth as far as he can without losing me, and I return his gentle thrusts so that we’re blowing in tandem.


I reach around and grasp his buttocks, pulling him into my face as far as I can, revelling in the feel of his balls against the bridge of my nose, inhaling his heady scent as I suck his cock, swallowing the rapidly forming pre-cum like a thirst-crazed animal. It’s only been a week, but it’s felt like weeks, practically months since I’ve been able to touch him, hold him, feel him, and I want to make up for that precious lost time.


I release Fox’s prick and murmur to him, my lips grazing his cockhead as I utter my thoughts, “Missed you so fucking much, babe, goddamn you taste so fucking good, Fox....I love you,” I tell him, and he releases my erection so that he can mimic my actions, which he does, licking me between words.


“ you......need to feel you........please,” he begs, the urgency in his tone turning me on that much more, “Love it,” he whispers. I don’t need anymore of an invitation than that. This time, it’s my turn to be bossy.


“Stay right where you are, Fox, do you hear me? Don’t fucking MOVE,” I tell him as I sit up and push him onto his back, marvelling at his glazed-over stare as I position him right where I want him; on his back with his knees pulled up to his chest, his asshole exposed fully and completely to me. I move his arms so that they lock his knees in place, his hands clasped together, and instruct him not to move a muscle while I work.


“Are you ready for me, babe?” I ask him, and he can only nod at me, his chest rising and falling rapidly, beads of perspiration collecting at his temples and dripping back down over his ears; he knows from experience  that he’s not to move at all, not even to scratch an itch, and he’s quite compliant.


I move down between his legs and tease his quivering hard-on with my lips and tongue for a few moments before I move further south, keeping my tongue in contact with his skin until I reach my final destination - that fucking adorable twitching pucker is about to be satisfied and he knows it....and he can’t wait. And neither can I.


I poke him tentatively with the tip of my tongue, and he moans loudly, struggling to keep still even as his body fights to get into a better position for me; he tries to open himself up to me as much as he can, and even though I appreciate it, the rules are that he stays still...and so he does.


“You like that, don’t you Fox,” I murmur at him, running my tongue around and around his opening, struggling not to smile at his response of, “Fuck, yes, oh fuck yeah, babe, do it, please do it now.” I love it when he begs. I’ve always heard that make-up sex is the best - I wonder if we’ll be having many of these disagreements in the future.


“Sssshhh, babe, quiet,” I whisper loudly against his buttocks, and he groans once more before he stills. “That’s better,” I tell him, resuming my tentative exploration of his anus before I get down to business. He’s breathing hard, and his entire body quakes when I penetrate him ever so slightly with my tongue, flicking in and out of his tiny orifice. I can feel him struggling to relax beneath my ministrations, and I realize that if I intend to keep him erect, I’ll have to work quickly and efficiently, so I get down to business. I remove my tongue from him and insert my right index and middle fingers between my lips, sucking noisily on the thick digits so he knows what I’m preparing to do.


“Please, Walter, please...need you,” he groans quietly. I plan to make him happy quite soon, but I have to make sure he’s really ready; it’s been nearly two weeks since we made love and I don’t want to hurt him. I shush him once more and place my fingers at his opening, licking my lips as I insert them slowly into him, breaching the tight ring of muscle with a silent pop as I enter him. I use my left hand to stroke his cock gently in time with my gentle thrusts into his ass, my fingers pushed as deeply into him as I can get them.


“Unnnhhh,” is all he manages while I’m stroking him in time with my thrusts, and when I find his prostate it’s as though he’s been electrocuted; all previous discussion as to his staying still has been instantly wiped from his eidetic memory and he thrusts against my hand, begging for more physically and vocally.


“Wuh---wuh....fuck....FUCK.....NOW,” he cries out, reaching for and finding a pillow to throw at me so I can place it under his hips, resuming his position after his task is completed. I remove my fingers when I’m sure that he’s really ready and place the pillow underneath him, angling his hips for maximum penetration and pleasure. He’s squirming beneath my grasp now, and I can hardly contain myself as I take my cock and place it at his entrance. I remove his arms from restraining his knees and place his legs over my shoulders, placing one hand on his hip and the other on his abdomen, holding him still so I can enter him properly.


I smear my pre-cum around his opening as he begins to vibrate involuntarily, his muscles spasming in anticipation. “Are you ready, babe,” I ask him; he’s beyond words now. He’s only able to nod vigorously, his eyes closed as he focuses on relaxing for me. I press into him slowly, the head of my cock pushing into his body easily. It takes several minutes for me to work my way in totally, and once I’m in him to the hilt, we’re both quite ready to come.


“Don’t you dare come until I tell you, Fox, do you hear me?” I rub small circles across his skin with the hand on his abdomen, the other hand on his hip, pulling him ever closer to me.


“Yes...yes, I hear you..please, Please,” he begs, and I pull out a scant bit before I push back into him, and our dance begins. He moans aloud as I thrust in and pull back, thrust in once more and stay still, buried, allowing him to become used to having me inside of him. Once I feel his muscles relax around my cock, I slide out and in, out and in, murmuring to him the entire time, telling him how fucking beautiful he is, how gorgeous his ass is, how much I love him - ALL of him.


I stroke against his prostate and he cries out in ecstasy; if I don’t make this go along a little faster, he could very well come; those beautiful fucking muscles of his will contract around me before I’m ready and kill my hard-on instead of intensifying my orgasm. As it is, his muscles are constricting around me, holding me inside of him, and I can feel how tight his balls are as I remove my hand from his abdomen and proceed to stroke his sac instead. He’s nearly ready - but so am I. As much as I want this to last, it’s been too many days, and his tight welcoming ass feels too good - won’t be long now.


I thrust into him and purposely graze his prostate, holding my position as close to his G-spot as I can; it does the trick. He begins to tremble beneath me, and he gasps my name aloud as I pick up my thrusting pace, pounding into him while I stroke his shuddering cock. Seconds later, he cries out my name and shoots, his semen spurting over my hand and onto my chest, as well as his own. The mere sight of that sets me off, and I drive into him two more times before I shoot deep into him, my cum overflowing and leaking back out of him and down into the carpet beneath us.


I collapse on top of him, both of us panting, and our lips meet in one final soul-searing kiss. Sweat is dripping from my brow onto his forehead, and he smiles up at me, his green-blue eyes shining like I’ve never seen them before - they look golden in this passion-filled moment, and I’m nearly moved to tears. For all I know, I’m so happy right now that I AM crying - but I’d never know amidst all the fluids between us.


“I love you, Walter,” he tells me softly, his arms encircling my bulk and pulling me closer to him. He kisses me gently as I pull out of his rectum, my now-flaccid cock coming to rest against his equally spent member.


“I love you too, Fox,” I tell him, nuzzling his cheek with my own. I have never felt more at ease with another soul in this life...not even Sharon.


“Walter, I promised you that I won’t run off without backup anymore,” he tells me, his gaze searching for and finding mine, locking in for a serious afterthought. I’ve never been much for pillow talk, but this is important.


“Yes, Fox,” I query, looking deep into his soul as we speak, my sated body resting atop his in the middle of his living room floor.


“I meant what I said, Walter. I want to be happy now. I want to be with you.  Always,” he stops then, looking up at me for some kind of reassurance. I am all too happy to give it to him - and then some.


I gaze down at the man beneath me; the man that has been both the bane of my very existence, and that which I now cannot breathe without being near, and I realize that my life is now complete. For better or for worse, Fox Mulder is finally mine - and I think that I’ve always felt I was his, but now I am positive.


“Always,” I tell him, then lower my head to kiss him gently on the lips once more. I am certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt for perhaps the first time in our relationship that he really wants this; that he truly wants us.  I know his promise not to ditch Scully and go in search of some quest that no one else can comprehend, perhaps even himself, will be tested continuously in the future.  But I have hope now that he will resist that urge, and instead of turning to enemies who promise him pipe dreams and fairie tales, he'll turn to me, his lover and his friend.  He is truly mine, now.  And I know that at the end of the day he'll come home to me, and he will be mine.  Always.




THE END. REALLY. We’ll be collaborating again soon...but until then...