A Home On The Range

(Part 5)

(Written June 14th – October 19th, 2006 – Yvette & Pamela, you made my days…this one’s for you!)




Our home. Ours. No longer my solo retirement dream; apparently Fox does hold some semblance of appreciation for this hotter than hell locale, or else I imagine I would have scared him off by now. No, it’s probably just me keeping him here. That thought immediately propels me into more maudlin thinking…what if he gets tired of living out here in the middle of nowhere with me? What if he decides that he made a mistake by attaching himself to me? What if he figures out that he really could get a woman – closer to his own age, I might add – somewhere less brutal than the unforgiving Sonoran Desert?

As if on cue he comes into my bedroom and sits down on the edge of my bed, an unreadable expression pasted across his features. I give him a minute or two to speak; when nothing is forthcoming I clear my throat and mutter, “What is it, Fox? Bored already?” This is rude of me for more than one reason; he has spent the better part of the past week in a plastic chair next to my hospital bed, obviously concerned about my health and he got me settled into my room once we were back here. Here being home. Our home. I let loose a deep sigh and close my eyes as I lean back into the pillows, awaiting the retort I am sure is coming since he just took a deep breath of his own and parted his lips. Oh God, those lips…


“Why so glum Walter,” he says softly, and I can feel his gaze burning into me even in my prone and eyes-shut state, “you’re out of that hellhole of a hospital and back in your happy place, right?” He asks, forcing a half-smile out of me. “Unless you’re sad because you have company,” he continues without missing a beat, “in which case I can only leave you here in your weakened, decrepit state to waste away…in bed…all alone,” he drifts off with the last word and forces an actual chuckle out of me. I don’t give him the satisfaction of opening my eyes, though I yearn to see his expression at this moment. I already know that his eyes are boring into my very soul, trying to break down what meager defenses I still possess in deference to his presence here.


I feel the mattress shift a bit beside me, and I know instinctively that he has leaned over me – I can feel his warm breath on my left cheek and I am absolutely fucking terrified to acknowledge his closeness…his very existence this close to mine is more than enough to unsettle me in my weakened state, such as it is. I open my eyes and turn my head the fraction of an inch necessary to bring me mere centimeters from his face. “Why don’t you go get settled in the guest room, Fox? There’s a full closet and complete bathroom in there as well – you can shave that godforsaken beard off your face and look a little less than Grizzly Adams for starters,” I admonish before I turn away from him again – not missing the slight hitch in his breath as I deny him the intimacy he’s craving almost as much as myself. He releases his breath, lingering just a moment longer than absolutely necessary before I feel the mattress give and hear his footsteps on the tiled floor. I would have had to be deaf to miss the muttered, “Stubborn surly bastard…” that he exhales as he leaves my room. I also would have to be dead to not reply with, “Unruly fucking subordinate…” in as close to a growl as I’m able to manage. Exhausted, I fall asleep before I even hear him turn on the water for his shower.




I have no idea how much time has passed since I fell asleep. I vaguely remember my last argument with Fox, then the rapidly retreating sound of water running and not much else after that. I do know that when I finally come back to my senses, there is the distinct smell of soap and something else lingering in the air…must be ‘Musk of Fox’ because when I roll to my left side and open my eyes, he’s there…no, here…on his right side, facing me, hands fisted beneath his chin and lost to the charms of his own dreamland.


“He sleeps,” I whisper aloud with what feels like a half-grin but is most likely a grimace, stubborn pain rearing its ugly head from the bite site, winding its throbbing way up my calf and into my knee before expanding into unseen rings that reverberate inside my thigh, stopping only when they reach my groin in a crescendo of pain at which point I groan, “Ffffuckhhhh.” I’m not surprised in the least when Mulder comes immediately to wakefulness, reaching out for me at the same time that I turn my back to him – much the same way our working relationship always played out.


“Are you alright Walter?” he asks almost timidly.


“No I’m not alright Fox,” I reply with way more sarcasm than necessary placed on the consonants of his name, “I’m fucking in pain and I’m fucking sick and tired of being asked if I’m alright,” I tell him in no uncertain terms.


“Jesus Walter, I’m sorry okay?” he asks quietly before finishing, “Sorry I give a shit how you feel. Are you hungry?” Oh no – here we go; he’s going to take care of me now, right? RIGHT? I’m the helpless old man and he’s my…my…my what? My gigolo? My partner? My…my lover? NO!


“NO!” I bellow out at him at the same time I think the word, and I watch him wince a bit at my answer…that’s right Fox, you fucking JUMP when I say how high…“I am not hungry. I do not need you to take care of me. I am fine on my own and I fully intend to continue to be fine on my own and I do not require your assistance – nor the assistance of any more of my rogue Agents – in order to survive, do you understand me? Fox, are you listening to---”


I have every intention of continuing my rant, but there is the issue of Fox William Mulder’s tongue in my mouth at that very moment that somehow ceases my complaints. Immediately. I know my eyes are wide open, and I know that he is bent over me ever so slightly, and I know that I can no longer speak because his lips are firmly placed over mine, swallowing not only my complaints but my air as well…and then I give in to the taste of Fox Mulder. Uninhibited, uncensored, and previously – dare I say alien – to me. I’ve never tasted anything so outrageous…so pure…so unrestrained. I swallow every drop of saliva that he affords me and pay him back in spades, our lips and tongues introducing themselves with overt enthusiasm.


He bores down into me, his groin grinding against me while suckling at my mouth and tearing at my shoulders with his fingertips, body thrumming and pressing into mine like a sole vibration lost in some cosmic eddy. Before I know what is happening, my arms coil around him and pull him bodily to me, pain from my injury be damned. He’s worked his lanky form between my legs and wound his arms underneath and around my middle as his tongue caresses my lips, careful to avoid any direct contact with my injured extremity. Not that I would have noticed if he had jostled my foot; I am completely caught up in the rapture of all that is Fox William Mulder and resign myself instantaneously to nothing less than experiencing this pleasure to its fullest.


Our hips meet and thrum and vibrate against each another in tandem, each of us wanting to take what the other has to give, both of us denied too long our solitary carnal wishes…finally…oh God, FINALLY…this feels good – feels right. I feel his hands slip beneath my cotton-clad ass cheeks, each of his palms caressing a globe, kneading them and pulling my hips up to meet his insistent thrusts; my cock has spent entirely too much time sedentary and decides to rise to the occasion (thanks to Fox’s enthusiasm). “Unnnhhh…ohhhh…Foxxxssssssss…” is the only thing I find myself able to speak as my hips buck upwards to meet his, the swelling in my crotch alleviated only a tiny bit by the grinding of his denim-encased and zipper-clad hard-on against my own.


My arms have wound themselves around Fox’s shoulders; my hands have buried themselves in the thick shock of dark brown hair and wound it all around my fingers, reveling in the silky feel of strands wrapped around my digits. All the while, our tongues duel – both flicking outside of our mouths and caressing the other, then locked back inside the turmoil of our joined kiss-swollen lips. I can’t get enough of him, the taste of him, the mere essence of him; God, I’ve wanted this for so long I feel like I’m going to explode, and not just from the feel of his hips grinding down into mine nor the scent of him or even the vibration of his entire body this close to mine. I think what finally undoes me completely is holding him so close that I can feel his heart beating against my own chest…pure, unadulterated life.  I’ve come so close to losing him so many times and now here he is with me, finally with me. It’s almost too much to bear and I find myself ready to lose control until he practically reads my mind and releases my mouth to lick and nuzzle his way up the side of my face, teeth clamping down harshly on my right earlobe.


“OW! GodDAMNit Mulder,” I manage hoarsely as I still the upward thrusting of my hips momentarily while my brain tries to figure out just why pure pleasure has shifted to abrupt pain, “What the fuck are you doing?”


He stops his downward hip thrusts, resting his lean form bodily atop mine and releases my earlobe from betwixt his teeth, hazel eyes boring deep into my own as he speaks. “I want you to know that I love you, Walter Skinner. I want you to feel my body on yours, feel my arms wrapped around you and your arms wrapped around me and know that I will never leave you. Not now and not ever, Walter. I love you…I’ve loved you for years and I am not going to leave you. I have lost everything that ever meant anything to me, these last ten years that I’ve been searching for some kind of truth…and the only thing that ever remained a constant was you. You, Walter. Beyond my relationship with Scully, and the Lone Gunmen, and even that rat-bastard Krycek – you were the beacon in the dark that I could always count on.”


I can barely find my voice to form a response, overwhelming as his confession is; all I can do is lie beneath him and gaze up at him with my brown eyes reflecting the love I feel for him while I ignore the pain shooting up my leg from the goddamn snakebite. Thankfully, Fox has come up with a few ideas to relieve me of the merest idea of my discomfort. It begins when he stops talking and focuses his energies on thrusting down against my body yet again, grinding his hips into mine and continuing the action until I’m hard and panting and meeting his hips thrust for thrust, sucking on his tongue and nuzzling his neck in turn when I can find it in myself to release those gorgeous lips from my onslaught.


“I’m no beacon Mulder,” I manage to utter before he clamps down on me with everything he has, his lips taking mine, his hips taking mine, his legs taking mine; there is no pain, only the joyous feeling of being consumed by such passion…such love…overwhelming my body, mind and soul. I open myself up and accept everything he has to give. His hands tear at my tightie-whitey briefs until they are shredded beneath me where I lay, his hands grasping and caressing the globes of flesh now exposed, practically vibrating with the electricity of his touch. His cock is still straining behind the confines of denim and zipper, so I force my right hand between our sweating, heaving bellies and gently lower the final barrier so that his manhood can make its way out where it belongs; leaking and throbbing and thrusting against mine.


“Oh yes you are, Skinner…you so are,” his voice trails off as he thrusts down into me, “You are my beacon and my salvation…and my truth,” he finishes as he raises his head and lets loose a primal growl that makes my cock jump and my heart sing and my body thrum that much harder up against his. “Fucking love you, Walter, unnnhhhh…” he groans as he grinds his hips down and up again, his cock leaking against mine and I know it’s going to be soon, too soon but I can’t do anything to stop it…and I wouldn’t want to.


“Fox…oh God Foxxxsssss,” I moan as I wrap my arms around him and pull him tighter to me, our bodies now lost in some ancient rhythm that defies explanation. I can feel his hands clutching my ass cheeks, and my hands in turn clench his. I can feel his thrusts against my body, hear his muttered curses as he makes his way closer to climax. I can feel his cock leaking against mine, and the mere idea of Fox’s life force making its way onto my body does nothing less than make me silently scream and bite into the junction of his neck and shoulder, vibrating and cumming all over his stomach even as his own white-hot jism splashes up onto my belly, so hot I swear I can hear it sizzle as it meets my flesh…and then there is nothing.




I dream the strangest thing; Fox Mulder is here beside me in my bed, having made me cum my brains out after declaring his undying love for me. As if! Jesus, these must be really good drugs they put me on for my snakebite, I think as I find myself swimming back towards wakefulness…only to find myself looking up to the ceiling fan swirling lazily above me, slight breeze doing nothing to absolve the heat consuming me. I turn my head to find the source of said heat…dear Christ! Mulder? In my bed? And then it all comes slamming back to me; the kissing, the licking and accompanying thrusting, the promises (from him), the gruff and doubting responses (from me), and the orgasm…oh God…oh…oh no. Oh…wait…oh YES! He’s still here! Snuffling into the pillows and burrowed under the covers alongside me, that muscular and hotly naked form real, breathing and snoring beside me. That spiky almost-black hair sticking out from underneath the sheets, body rising and falling in tandem with the near-snorting emanating from beneath my comforter confirms all I need to know. It’s real. He’s real. He’s really here. We really did. Oh yeah!


I squint and try to focus between the blind slats; from my spot on the bed I can’t tell if it’s dusk or dawn. I suppose, given my mid-morning release from the hospital and the ensuing smut-filled afternoon that it’s closer to sun-down than sun-up – in which case I need to get up and make us something for dinner. The throbbing in my foot has reared its ugly presence once more, and I’m careful not to jostle the bed too much as I scoot over and get up to make my way with a pathetic limp towards the bathroom…and my painkillers.


One long piss and two dry-swallowed pills later, I limp out of the can and make my way as quietly as I can towards the kitchen. I spare Fox a quick smirk and raising of eyebrows as I listen to him snore into the pillows, ignoring the come-hither invitation that his nearly bare ass poking up from beneath the comforter affords. Later Walter, later – it’s dinnertime as far as you’re concerned…most parts of you, anyway. That thought makes me smile at no one and nothing, and I realize it’s been entirely too long since I cracked myself up due to any mental berating…or self-chiding…of any kind. ‘He’s good for me’, I think to myself with an all too wide grin as I heat up and stir soup on the burner of my stove, grilled cheese sandwiches already prepared for the griddle once it’s fully heated, ‘He’s really well and truly good for me. Oh God…he wants a pony…’


Luckily the bite pain is subsiding and the cheese is beginning to melt on our sandwiches, both of which are great signs. I hope that Fox will smell the food cooking and wake up on his own, but the increased volume of the snoring coming from my – no, OUR room – is any sign, I suppose I’ll have to go in after him. No matter, I think as I turn the heat on the stovetops off and limp into the bedroom, grinning down at Mulder like some lovesick idiot, I’m sure. I sit down on the side of the bed, taking care to dislodge Fox from his comfy burrow in the middle of the mattress and bedding. His body rolls naturally into mine, my man now on his back instead of his stomach, his lips smacking and eyes fluttering against what little daylight is left leaking into the room. He reaches up to me blindly, eyes clenched shut against the practically nil daylight, body inviting me closer and I’d be remiss if I said I felt anything less than an immediate urge to fill that gap.


“Mmmmwwwwallllt,” he manages to utter, and I find myself instantly not only leaning over him but stretching out fully alongside him in our bed, taking him fully into my arms and kissing everywhere I can reach, be it his face, ears, nose, lips or chin. He…well, he actually giggles from my attentions…and I allow my own snort of laughter to escape before I pull him that much closer to my body.


He pulls away from me and rolls over only momentarily, looking down towards my feet so I know that he’s watching my injury, then those hazel depths suck me in once more as his face nears mine, the rest of his body held lovingly away from mine despite the closeness of his head to mine…his cheek to mine…and then, with a quick but careful twist of his form, his lips to mine…and I’m lost once more in the heady and beloved scent and taste of Mulder. MY Mulder, I think proprietarily – and with good reason – once I come back to my senses and return the loving he’s currently giving me. Dear God, I will never tire of this attention…this affection…this…this benediction that he’s affording me by gracing me with his very touch. I’ve loved him for years – most likely since the very first time I saw him and there is nothing that can take place now to counteract that; we’ve both waited long enough. Truth be told, we’ve both waited virtual lifetimes to get to this point…it’s only fair that we experience it now, at the same time in our so-called shared retirements.


I relax back into the pillows, totally unconcerned about the grilled cheese sandwiches that are now cooling on the stovetop – and the healing snakebite that just moments ago demanded a bit of painkiller – as Fox straddles me and leans down, that trim swimmer’s body with the slight chest hair coming down to rest on the blanket of fur that coats my middle. His hazel eyes are nearly green in their intensity as he gazes into my very soul, hips thrusting gently but invitingly downwards against my own and I’m so taken with his appearance that I can only manage to buck upwards against his touch…and then our mouths meet again and there is nothing but a dizzying feeling of euphoria as I cum, unbelieving that I can manage this feat twice in the same day at this age and in my current physical state.


Alas, I’m invigorated by the same emotions, and I give Fox back everything he affords me, stroke for stroke, thrust for thrust…until he’s collapsed atop me in a sweaty heap, gasping for air and proclaiming his undying love for me in mere whispered pants. His arms are wrapped tightly around and beneath me, clenched together in the small of my back as I pull him that much closer to myself with my right arm twined bodily around him, stroking his asscheeks gently with my left hand and gently bucking upwards every few minutes so we maintain constant cock-to-cock contact.


“I really want a pony, Walter,” he murmurs into my ear before his tongue traces the path of his words. I thrust upwards and delight in the small groan that he lets loose, denying him the downward thrust he intends to jar me with.


“I already told you Fox, you’re too big for a pony. Haven’t you found something else here in the desert closer to your size to ride?” I quip, reveling in the chuckles that vibrate his entire body atop mine. He affords me a typical Mulder grin long enough to assess my question, his head tilted to the side as he mocks deep thought before once more gazing – dare I say – hungrily down at me.


“Fine, but we both know you’re my stallion, Walt. So how about a puppy?” He manages to maintain an innocent face for approximately ten seconds before he leans down to claim my lips with his own and we’re once more wrapped up in one another, literally and figuratively. I haven’t even been home for one day, but Mulder is here and working towards making me his sex slave. I’m sure if I give in at some point to the pony – or the puppy – he might actually assist me in finishing the perimeter fence and building the barn for our horses…and our puppy…and making this house a home, out here in the desert.


Out here in the middle of nowhere, where it’s hot as Hell and there’s no way that whatever remains of the Consortium could ever find us. They killed the Lone Gunmen. They killed Krycek (okay, so I did, but they made me do it…). They even managed to make Scully a pawn in the big picture by making Alex the father of her child (godDAMN the bastards…but she did kick Fox to the curb after she found out, all semblance of their years together ultimately damned in the endgame.) It all comes slamming back to me, and I shake quite harshly beneath Fox as my own ‘truth’ floods my senses.


“What is it Walter,” he murmurs down into my mouth as I lean up in order to join my lips to his, our bodies once more managing full contact, my cock stirring lazily despite our previous exercises. I can feel him humping gently down against me, his own member soft but stiffening up a bit by the second, our oral foreplay coaxing our bodies into yet another exhibition of long-repressed touching, loving, feeling, EVERY–ing.


My hands make their way up his back from his ass, making sure to maximize contact to the fullest as they roam up his back to his neck, burying my fingers in his hair and pulling his face closer to mine as my digits encircle his face and cradle it like the treasured gem it is, my palms pressing against his cheeks as our tongues duel and our sweat mingles. 


I feel his hands release my ass and he pulls them out from beneath my back, raising his arms up and then bending them so that he can cradle my head in his hands; he pets the fringe around the back of my scalp while his hips continue their erotic grinding against me, seemingly of their own free will. Before long, he has my face cupped in his hands; his gesture mirroring my own gentle grasp on his face, and as our bodies dance slowly and gently together, we kiss again…and with nothing more than a loud sigh, I release the most meager of cum dregs that remain in my balls, shuddering up against Fox with a gasp before going limp beneath him. As I shudder, Fox collapses atop me, hands releasing my face, his arms akimbo on either side of me as his body vibrates and he manages one final, long string of semen that jets out of his cock and comes to rest on my belly…just before he flops exhaustedly down into it. We’re now glued together, literally and figuratively, and we can do nothing more than pant and kiss messily and breathlessly until we regain our senses. One of us is going to have to go get a washcloth or SOMEthing from the bathroom…I suppose we’ll draw straws in five minutes or so. For now, I’m holding him in my arms, relishing the stickiness, and the sweat, and the kiss-stale breath and the aroma of release in our bedroom. I’m enjoying him wrapped bodily around and into me, and I just can’t imagine how we lasted this long in both our lifetimes…without this. THIS. This…no, US. I think I’m going to enjoy my retirement. Immensely. 




There WILL be at LEAST one more chapter…keep surfing here…and THANKS for reading!!!!