Title:Pushed Too Far
Date: March 29th, 1999
Author: Jvantheterrible
Rating: NC-17 (Eventually)
Category: Skinner, Scully, Mulder, and Robert Modell
Spoilers: Pusher (duh)
Disclaimer: Nope, not even on a really good day, not mine. These incredibly beautiful characters belong to the masterful Chris Carter, 1013 and InFront Productions, and Fox TV. No money being made. Whoo hoo, got a job! Guess I'll have to just write on my evenings and weekends. Whatever works.

Pushed Too Far

By Jvantheterrible


Mulder and Scully rode the elevator up to the fourth floor, their impending meeting with AD Skinner weighing heavily on both their minds.

"Scully," Mulder said, "what do you think this is about?"

"I don't know, Mulder, I'm not psychic," Scully replied, checking her watch. It was 9:00 AM, and she wondered what Skinner could possibly have to tell them that was so damned urgent. She had reports to write, and she and Mulder were due in the field at 10:30, to investigate some strange goings-on at a local school where a couple of teenaged boys had been killed.

"Scully, I was sure you had that mojo thing going on," Mulder retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

She arched an eyebrow at him, and he mustered a snicker as the elevator doors opened, allowing them to exit and head for Skinner's office. The AD's assistant, Kimberly, greeted them, and told them to go ahead, the door open in anticipation of their arrival.

Walter Skinner sat behind his massive desk, reading through a file as Mulder and Scully entered his office. The fluorescent lighting reflected off his bald scalp and his tortoise-shell wirerims, sunlight bleeding through the vertical blinds covering the window behind him.

"Have a seat, Agents," he said gruffly, motioning towards the two chairs opposite him that faced his direction. Mulder and Scully walked in, glancing nervously at one another as they took their respective chairs, Mulder on the right, Scully on the left.

"Agents," AD Skinner began, "I have some rather distressing news."

"What is it, sir?" Scully said, unable to remove her gaze from the sexy man across the desk from her. She had always found Walter S. Skinner attractive, and though she was certain Mulder had feelings for her, she couldn't help but pine secretly for the broad-shouldered man who was her direct superior.

"Robert Modell has escaped custody again." His gaze bore into Scully and Mulder, supposed to cause fear and respect, but in Dana Scully's case, it caused her nipples to stiffen of their own accord. She took a deep breath, trying to shove the impure thoughts out of her head and focus on the issue at hand.

"Oh, sir, not again," Mulder groaned.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. It seems that he's made it his mission in life to elude capture, and continue to taunt you, Agent Mulder." Skinner arched an eyebrow at Fox, who rolled his eyes in response.

"Sir," Scully said, "I thought that he was incapacitated by the tumor in his brain, incapable of performing his so-called pushes."

"Well, Agent Scully, that's what everyone figured. But he escaped this morning from the jail infirmary, where he was awaiting sentencing on his previous outing. It seems that he pushed the nurse into gassing herself with nitrous oxide, and made his escape just 4 hours ago. They found the nurse rolling around on the floor, laughing hysterically, and Robert Modell was nowhere to be found."

"Do they have any idea where he was headed?" Scully asked, her ice blue eyes focused on Walter Skinner, trying to imagine what his chest might feel like under her soft small hands, wondering if he was covered with a shock of dark brown hair, or just a smattering of it between his....stop it, Dana, she told herself, this is your boss, for God's sake.

"No, I'm afraid not. He stole a car from someone who was visiting the jail, and past that, no one has any idea where he might be. We do, however, have the car make, model, and license plate," Skinner said, handing the file over to Mulder, who leaned forward to retrieve it, studied it momentarily, then passed it to Scully for her to inspect.

Skinner continued, "I know that I don't have to tell you how dangerous he is, Agents." He looked very seriously at Scully and Mulder, and Scully had to cross her legs, unable to bear being in the same room with Skinner more than five minutes before she was certain she would need a cold shower just from seeing his handsome face, his muscular arms, and God forbid if he stood to look out the window, revealing his tight ass in his pants....Scully pinched her thigh with her right thumb and forefinger, trying to concentrate on anything but Skinner; the sharp pain in her thigh doing a good job at the moment.

"Sir," Kimberly had come to the doorway of Skinner's office, a concerned look on her face, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's a call for Agent Mulder on your line. He says his name is Pusher, and that Agent Mulder would know who he is."

"Thank you, Kimberly," Skinner said, nodding at her as she turned to go back to her desk. Mulder and Scully looked at each other quizzically, wondering how in the world Modell would know to call Skinner's line, and Fox said, "I'll take it, sir."

"Mulder," Scully said, concern deepening her voice, "are you sure? He pushed that detective to a heart attack the last time...I don't think...." Mulder cut her off in mid-sentence.

"He can't get to me, Scully. I know his game." Mulder winked at her, and Scully rolled her eyes as he picked up the phone, she and Skinner monitoring Mulder closely as he spoke to Modell.

"Agent Mulder, how nice to hear your voice," Robert said,"I've been thinking about you...you and your pretty little partner...Agent Scully, isn't it?"

"Cut the crap, Modell. What do you want?" Mulder said, agitated already.

"My, my, that's no way to talk to your old friend Pusher, now, is it, Agent Mulder?" Modell snickered.

"You know, you could just tell me where you are right now, and I'll come and pick you up. It would make things a lot easier on all of us," Mulder tried the reasonable approach, "Hell, we might even save the taxpayers some money this time," he joked, knowing Modell would never go along with it.

"Agent Mulder, please," Modell laughed, "you don't think I'd make it that easy for you, do you? No, you know me better than that. I have been locked up for some time, thanks to you. I need a little rest and relaxation, and I know just the lady to help me out with that. Listen to me, Mulder....are you listening to me?" Scully and Skinner watched as Mulder's face went slightly blank, and Skinner tried to grab the phone out of his hand, but Mulder wouldn't let go, shaking his head violently in protest. Fox mouthed the word "no" at Skinner, then looked at Scully as he answered Modell. "Yes, I'm listening. Go ahead."

"Agent Mulder, I want you to listen very closely to what I have to say. I want you and Agent Scully to come and meet me, just the two of you, alright? I don't want you to bring anyone else, just you and Dana. I just want to talk to the two of you. Can you do that, Agent Mulder? Are you listening?" Fox closed his eyes, feeling the invisible fingers washing over his brain, fighting it as hard as he could, then finally giving in to the massaging feeling, distantly hearing himself agree to meet Modell in half an hour, yes, with Scully, and they would talk.

*Click* Modell broke the connection, and Mulder placed the receiver back into its cradle on Skinner's desk, shaking his head slightly.

"Agent Mulder," Skinner said gruffly, "are you alright?"

"Mulder--" Scully started, but Mulder cut her off.

"I'm fine, Scully, sir, I'm fine. He tried to get to me, but I fought him off. Sir, you'll have to excuse Agent Scully and me...we have to go meet Modell. We should have this wrapped up in a couple of hours." Mulder stood, feeling better by the moment, confident that he and Scully would be able to take care of Pusher, and have him back in custody by lunchtime.

"Very well, Agents," Skinner said, standing to see them out, "just make sure you proceed with the utmost caution. Modell is in a weakened state, but he's pulled that stunt before."

"Thank you, sir," Scully said, resisting the never ending urge to go around his desk and give him a sweltering, no holds barred kiss; she had played it out in her mind so many times, and wondered if she would ever get the chance to act on it. Doubtful, she thought dismally to herself, but at least she had her fantasies to keep her warm at night,"we'll be careful."

With that, she and Mulder exited the AD's office, heading for the elevator down the hall. Skinner plopped down in his comfortable leather chair and took his wirerims off, setting them gently on his desk as he placed his face in his hands and rubbed his eyes. It was going to be a long day, he thought, and he decided that another cup of coffee was in order, which he got up to retrieve himself. He hoped that Mulder and Scully would be able to take care of Modell, and as he seated himself once more behind his desk, he rifled absently through his paperwork, wondering how long it would be before the phone rang with a report of trouble from his prodigal children.

In the elevator, Scully questioned Mulder as they rode down to their black FBI Ford. "Mulder, are you sure Modell didn't get to you? You had this look on your face, like you were disoriented."

"No, Scully, I'm fine, I told you," Mulder said, "he just wants to meet us, and then we can take him in. No problem."

"Mulder, there is always a problem where you are concerned," Scully said, smiling slightly at her partner.

"Scully, is that what you think of me? I'm crushed," he stated flatly, and they exited the elevator and headed towards the car.

Halfway across town, as Mulder and Scully were buckling themselves in and preparing for their meeting, Robert Modell was slumped down in the phone booth he had used to call FBI headquarters. His head pounded, and he knew he had to pull it together, because he would need all of his strength once Agents Mulder and Scully were with him. He pulled himself up against the glass wall of the booth, and staggered out onto the sidewalk, anonymous among the throng of DC lunchgoers. Modell decided to leave the stolen vehicle parked on the street next to the phone booth; he didn't need it any longer, as Agent Scully would soon be taking him just where he wanted to go. He smiled to himself at the thought, and straightened up a bit, cheered by the idea. There was a 7-11 across the street, and he needed to power up on protein drinks, the only thing that seemed to allow him to push to his fullest capability anymore. Goddamn tumor, he thought, as he crossed the street, and the bastards at the hospital wouldn't allow him to feed it the way he needed to. He had given himself a pretty horrible nosebleed just making the nurse inebriate herself, barely able to stay conscious long enough to escape. He had made it though, and managed to get a slight nap in, pulled off in an out of the way rest area just outside of town, feeling energized upon waking.

The young pimple-faced clerk in the convenience store was easy enough to push, allowing him to leave with a dozen $3.00 protein shakes, all of which he consumed behind the building. It was like spinach to Popeye, he thought, and laughed aloud, walking to the designated meeting place, feeling stronger than he had in months.

"Mulder, where are we meeting Modell, anyway?" Scully asked as they drove along the 395 Interstate.

"Arlington National Cemetery, Scully," Mulder replied, "at high noon."

"Oh, great, Mulder, that's just perfect," Scully said, "we're meeting the homocidal maniac in the cemetery? What are you, trying to make it easier for him to bury us?" She arched an eyebrow at him, causing him to chuckle a bit.

"Scully," Mulder said, "it's perfect..it's out in the open, there's always people around, and well, it's where he wanted to go. We can't deny the jail escapee a little adventure, now, can we? Let him have his little field trip. We'll get him soon enough," Mulder said confidently.

"You'd better hope so, Mulder," Scully chided, in her best motherly tone, "because this guy knows how to play the game."

"Scully, have I ever told you that you worry too much?" Mulder laughed.

"Every time we go out in the field, Mulder. God knows, one of us has to." She looked out the window, watching the freeway barriers fly by as they neared their exit.

Robert Modell had a nice leisurely stroll as he headed towards the Arlington National Cemetery. He was relaxed, and whistled as he walked along the sidewalk, breathing in the fine spring air. He smiled at people that he passed, even murmured a 'good morning' to some elderly women feeding pigeons as they sat on a park bench. He continued on, and when he arrived at the cemetery, he walked through the gates and headed for the very rear of the property. It was a long hike, but he didn't care. He had all the time in the world, as far as he was concerned, not the least bit apprehensive about his upcoming meeting with two federal agents. Modell admired the tombstones as he neared the agreed upon site, thinking that it was sort of romantic, in a nice, all-American, God Bless the USA sort of way.

Mulder parked the car in the cemetery parking lot, and he and Scully got out of the car, scanning the area for signs of trouble. There were none, and Mulder said, "We're supposed to meet him at the rear of the cemetery, Scully, so I hope you got your walking shoes on," knowing full well she was wearing FBI regulation pumps.

"Mulder, how would you like one of these pumps...."she started, but he cut her off.

"Scully, take it easy, now, you know how my hemmorhoids can act up," Mulder quipped, grinning at her as they made their way through the plots, towards the convict awaiting them.

She laughed against her better judgement, and within minutes, they both spotted Robert Modell, leaning casually against the fence that surrounded the cemetery. "Okay, Mulder, now look," Scully said, dead serious, "don't listen to him, do you hear me? We get him, we cuff him, and that's it. Got it?"

"Yep, sounds like a plan, partner," Mulder said, and with that, they closed the remainder of the short distance between themselves and Modell.

"Why Agents Mulder and Scully," Modell exclaimed with glee, "how positively lovely to see you both. How are you, on this fine spring day?" He smiled at them warmly.

"Modell, you look like shit," Mulder said, "come on, let's get you back to the infirmary. Your buddies miss you," Mulder said coyly. Modell took a step towards the two agents, arms outstretched, and said, "very well, then, if you must....but please, allow me the pleasure of having Agent Scully cuff me. It's not often I get to be taken in by a beautiful woman...pardon my pun, ma'am," he snickered.

Mulder looked at Scully, and she shrugged at him, then pulled out her cuffs and snapped them on Modell's wrists. "Let's go," she said, in her best no-nonsense tone.

"Agent Scully, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" Modell said. "I mean, really, truly gorgeous. That flaming red hair of yours, your big blue eyes..why, I don't know how Agent Mulder manages to keep his hands off of you." Modell glanced over at Mulder, who had the strangest feeling that fingers were once again stroking his brain, and for some reason, just looking at Scully was making him lose control....my God, thought Mulder, is that an erection in my shorts?

"Yes sir, Agent Mulder, if I were a fine looking specimen like yourself, I'd be doing the wild thing with Scully every damn day," Modell continued his diatribe, speaking in a very hypnotic monotone.

Scully flipped her hair, vaguely aware of Mulder's stare fixed upon her, and looked at Modell, "Do you really think I'm beautiful?" she blushed, causing Modell to laugh for a short moment.

"Oh, yes, Agent Scully, you are truly one foxy lady," he said, "and do you know what? I think that Agent Mulder might just have a little crush on you. What do you think of that, Dana?"

She looked over at Mulder, vaguely aware of something out of place, and not quite able to put her finger on it. Mulder had pitched a massive tent in his dress slacks, and Scully was surprised as he moved slowly towards her, his arms outstretched, and he began talking to her...but not the usual pleasantries that they usually exchanged.

"Scully, I love you, I've always loved you," Mulder said, his voice matching the flat monotone of Modell's, "I have to have you right now, Scully."

"Mulder," Scully started, and then she felt it...it was like...icy hot fingers, stroking her brain, but inside her skull, and she knew that there was no scientific.....suddenly, all of her rational thoughts disappeared, and she began to move towards Mulder, her body bathed in a glorious heat that she'd never felt before.

"Scully," Modell said quickly, "he's not the one you want, is he? No, he's a stranger to you, and he's going to hurt you, Scully. You don't know that man, never seen him before in your life, and he's coming towards you, Scully, you'd better shoot him, Scully, can you hear me?" Modell watched his will take over the two agents who had put him away, and he continued murmuring to Scully in his soothing voice, even as she pulled her gun and aimed it at Fox Mulder.

Mulder contined towards Scully, oblivious to the fact that she had her weapon trained on him, and he kept telling her that he loved her, had to have her, and he was so damn turned on, but he couldn't stop it...it was out of his control....he stopped and shook his head, momentarily fighting off the push that Modell had placed over him, and he screamed, "Scully, NO......"


Mulder crumpled to the ground, blood running out through his fingers as he clutched his side, the bullet lodged in his flesh causing him to gasp in pain, unable to get up to go to Scully. Modell walked over to Mulder and grabbed his cellphone out of his pocket, then ran back to Scully, who was still standing with her gun pointed down at Mulder. "Scully," he gasped, "Scully, no...he's pushing you, Scully...fight it...." he trailed off weakly.

"Good job, Agent Scully. He won't hurt you now. You took care of the perpetrator. Now, you can undo these cuffs, you beautiful thing you, and we'll go pay a visit to AD Skinner. I know he wants to see you, Dana." Modell smiled as Dana uncuffed him, and he walked back over to where Mulder lay on the ground, kicking him forcefully in the skull, rendering him unconscious.

Scully and Modell walked back to the car, chatting idly about her lipstick, and how great she looked in her black FBI business suits, and what did she do in her spare time. More like a vain teenager than one of the FBI's best and brightest, Scully confessed her crush on Skinner to Robert Modell within minutes, and he smiled at her as he continued to manipulate her mind. His head had started to pound slightly, but it was nothing compared to the pain of earlier, and he knew he had plenty of time left before he had to refuel. He didn't even get a nosebleed as he convinced Dana that he was her FBI partner, and that they were so close, and it was okay to tell him everything, because she could trust him. As they pulled back into the Hoover Building's parking garage, Scully was completely reeled in, and Modell turned his attention back to his plan.

They rode the elevator up to the front entrance, and Robert Modell smiled politely as he pushed the security guards, a piece of paper that simply said "Agent Fox Mulder" pinned to his shirt granting him access directly behind Scully. They got on the second elevator, and as Modell's luck would have it, there was no one else in the car with them. He focused intently on Dana, telling her that they were going to go see AD Skinner, and that she was to give in to her feelings for him, totally and completely. Scully stood in front of Modell, her blue eyes seeming to more or less stare through him, and although the pounding in his head increased, he had control over the petite redhead, and no doubt that his plan would come to fruition nicely.

The elevator let them out on the fourth floor, and Modell staggered a bit, having to push everyone into believing that he was Fox Mulder so as not to arouse suspicion at the stranger with Agent Dana Scully. They entered Skinner's reception area, and Modell pushed Kimberly, the AD's faithful assistant, into calling Skinner and telling him that his agents had returned, having successfully returned Modell to police custody.

"Go on in, Agents, AD Skinner will see you now," Kimberly said, and Modell and Scully walked towards the AD's door.

Meanwhile, back in Arlington National Cemetery, Mulder had regained consciousness, albeit to excruciating pain in his side, as well as a throbbing headache. A groundskeeper trimming the grass along the fence found him lying on the ground, and used his walkie-talkie to radio for help, staying with Mulder until an ambulance arrived.

"Listen to me," Mulder croaked, "you have to...call...the FBI office....I....I'm an agent, and my...partner....she.." his voice trailed off, and he fought the blackness that threatened to consume him once more, continuing,"trouble. Please, call them...warn AD Skinnerrrr...." and Mulder was out again, leaving the groundskeeper scratching his head, wondering how a person went about contacting an FBI official. When the ambulance finally arrived, the groundskeeper alerted the EMT's of the message as they wheeled Mulder out of the cemetery and into their waiting vehicle, promising to notify the FBI immediately.

As Dana headed towards the AD's door, Modell told her that he had to go back for a report, and let her proceed alone, whispering in her ear a reminder to "go for it" with AD Skinner. She smiled at him and opened the door, closing and locking it behind her. Modell quickly pushed Kimberly into taking an extended lunch, so he could man the phones while Scully took care of Walter Skinner, just in case the real Agent Mulder decided to call in unannounced.

"What can I do for you, Agent Scully, and would you mind telling me why you locked my door?" Skinner asked her, clenching his jaw as he asked her about the door.

"Well, sir," Dana said, in a throaty, sensual voice that Walter Skinner had never heard her use before,"there's something I've been meaning to....talk to you about," she said, flipping her red hair conspicuously for him, "and it's private, sir." She walked to his desk and sat on the corner, gazing across at him as he glared at her suspiciously.

"What are you talking about, Agent Scully?" Skinner hissed, his brow furrowed behind his wirerims, wondering where on earth Dana Scully's sense had gone to. Not just gone to...fled to, with reckless abandon.

"See, Walter, it's like this. You're a man, and I'm a woman," she started, oblivious to what she was saying, trapped in the midst of Modell's push, "and I just thought you should know that I've been harbouring a crush for you, sir," she finished, her blue eyes sparkling at Walter Skinner.

Walter Skinner's eyes were opened so wide that he was glad for his glasses, to catch them when they would most certainly pop clean out of his skull. His mouth was partially opened, shock having set in at Dana Scully's behavior. "Agent Scully," Skinner began, "I think that Modell might have gotten to you. Please take a seat across the desk, and I'll call a medic up for you." He picked up his phone, but Scully grabbed the receiver out of his hand and slammed it back down, leaving it off the hook. "Agent Scully, does the word insuboordination mean anything to you?" He said loudly, his voice gruff, hoping it would snap her out of whatever she was under the influence of, to no avail.

"Sir, I mean it. I think about you all the time,"Scully whispered, crawling across his desk, now on all fours, closer towards the broad-shouldered hunk sitting across from her. "I have dreamt about this, sir," Scully said quietly, "and I was just hoping that you might feel the same way. Do you, sir? Feel the same way?" She had reached the spot directly in front of him, kneeling up on top of the case files scattered across his desk and trying to loosen his tie.

"AGENT SCULLY," Skinner yelled, "STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY." She leaned over and kissed him suddenly, catching him completely off guard, her tongue pressing through his lips as he continued to attempt to berate her. As his words became muffled in her mouth, he gave in, something washing over him from out of nowhere, his trousers suddenly feeling tighter than he remembered.

Robert Modell had heard AD Skinner yell at Scully, and he pushed Walter...just a little...just enough to push him over the edge. He could tell by the lack of force necessary to push Skinner that his assumption hadn't been that far off, and he laughed aloud as he sat at Kimberly's desk, jumping slightly when the phone rang.

"Hello, Assistant Director Skinner's office," Modell answered sweetly, not remembering the last time he had had so much fun.

"AD Skinner, please, it's an emergency," the voice on the other end stated.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Skinner is in a very important meeting at the moment. May I take a message?" Modell grinned into the phone, knowing full well that it was the hospital, informing the AD of Mulder's condition.

"Yes, please inform Mr. Skinner that one of his agents, Fox Mulder, has been shot, and is in surgery at the moment. Agent Mulder was very adamant that Mr. Skinner get this message immediately," the nurse said.

"Of course, yes, I'll pass that along to him. What is the agent's condition?" Modell inquired.

"Agent Mulder sustained a gunshot wound to the left side, and is in good condition, expected to make a full recovery after surgery, sir," the nurse stated, matter-of-factly.

"Thank you, nurse. I'll notify AD Skinner as soon as he's finished. Goodbye." Modell hung up the phone, actually squealing with delight that he had managed to screw Mulder over, one more time.

Back in Skinner's office, things were heating up nicely. Dana Scully kneeled on the desk in front of Walter Skinner, undoing his tie as quickly as she could, kissing him with great fervor. She moved positions, so that her bottom rested on the desk, her legs dangling off the desk on either side of Walter, still seated in his chair as she pulled the tie off, and deftly undid the buttons of his shirt.

"Agent....Scully," Walter hissed at her, "you don't know...what you're doing...." he groaned as she pulled his shirt out of his pants, running her hands greedily up and down his chest, over the flimsy white cotton t-shirt he wore beneath his dress shirt.

She continued kissing him, her tongue catching his, causing him to moan softly into her mouth, and she moaned back, gasping as she said, "take this off," pulling at the undershirt, and he obliged. "Mmmm," Scully purred at the sight of his bare chest, thick black hair covering his muscular chest, dark brown nipples peeking out at her from beneath, "you look delicious," she sighed, and promptly bent down, attaching her teeth to his right nipple, biting and licking, then dragging her tongue across his chest to the other side.

Skinner had no idea where his restraint had gone, and didn't really care. He hadn't been with a woman in so long, and if Dana Scully wanted him, far be it from him to disappoint her. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him so that he could penetrate her mouth deeper with his tongue, and pulled at her suit coat. He pushed it over her shoulders and down her arms, letting it fall onto the desk behind her. Dana moaned to him as he undid her blouse, pulling it out of her slacks and off of her, joining her coat on the desk. He undid her front clasping black satin bra and removed it, cupped a breast in each hand and pushed them up, leaning forward into her and running his tongue over the tops of both of her creamy mounds, continuing down to her right nipple which he took between his teeth and bit, then suckled.

"Oh, Walter..I've dreamt of this for so long," Scully groaned, growing more and more damp between her thighs with each stroke of Walter's tongue on her body. She wrapped her arms around his head and pulled him to her breasts, wanting him inside of her with a yearning that she didn't know herself to be capable of. She pushed his chair back then, and moved so she sat in his lap, straddling him in his authoritative leather chair, grinding herself against his erection, which threatened to burst out of his pants at any moment.

"Does that feel good, sir?" Dana asked huskily, and Walter moaned to her, reaching down to undo her pants, sliding his hands down behind her to cup her firm ass, pulling her against him.

"Oh, yes, Scully, oh God, yesyesyes...." he growled, eager to get her the rest of the way out of her clothing.

Dana stood and slid her pants and her panties down to her ankles, kicked off her heels, and stepped out of the rest of her clothes. She stood, gloriously naked, in front of Walter Skinner, and she smiled brightly at him, her eyes....blue, so blue, he thought...and she bent over and unzipped his pants, giving him her hand so he could stand, and she pulled his slacks and white briefs down, helping him step out of his shoes and the remainder of his accoutrements. She pushed him back down into his chair, his massive erection jutting up from his groin, and she positioned herself over him on the chair, stopping for a brief moment to kiss him once more before impaling herself fully on his throbbing cock.

"Oh my GOD," Skinner gasped, his breath racing, Scully's tight dampness closing around him like some sort of velvet lined vice, in her as far as he could go, his balls rubbing against her cute little ass. He put his hands on her hips and pushed her down, lifted her up, pushed her back down on him, feeling her warmth and heat surrounding him, closing his eyes and throwing his head back in pure pure pleasure.

"Oh, yeah, that's it," Scully encouraged him, wagging her hips back and forth even as he pushed and pulled her, grinding his cock further, further into her, touching her where, truly, no man had gone before, "fuck me, Walter, fuck me you feel so good ohhh..." she trailed off, her voice gone from a whisper to nothing at all. She could feel him, all of him, stretching her tight, filling her, his balls rubbing against her ass with each delicious thrust, and she grabbed his head, pulling him to her breasts, wanting him to suckle her as he fucked her below.

"S...S..Scully," Walter whispered, "oh my God, Scully, you're so beautiful...." he trailed off, sucking her left nipple between his lips, then the right one, not missing an inch of her soft skin in the process. He knew he was going to come, could feel his scrotum tightening, and he pushed her down on him forcefully, causing them both to gasp with lusty desire, locking her hips to his as he gave quick, upward strokes, his cock beginning to twitch with the inevitable orgasm, and he felt her contract on top of him as she cried out, his pubic hair grating against her clit, her muscles grabbing onto him, tighter than before, and he cried her name as he spilled into her, keeping her locked to him, feeling her come with him, both of their muscles contracting in time, meeting each other spasm for earth shattering spasm. He held her still locked tightly to him, burying his face in her flaming red hair, murmuring meaningless words of comfort in her ear, and she nuzzled against his neck as he slowly shrank inside of her.

Modell was still in the reception area, but he wasn't feeling so well. It had begun about the time that he heard AD Skinner and Dana Scully cry out each other's names, and was getting worse by the second. He felt something dripping down over his lips, and he looked down to find himself bleeding heavily from his nose. There was blood on the desk, and blood down the front of his shirt, and he knew that he had zoned out, but had no idea for how long. He tried to stand up, but crumpled to the floor, his head pounding like there was a jackhammer in his ear, and he realized that he had pushed himself too hard, too far. Too much, too soon. It was going to be over, in no uncertain terms, and in the pretty near future, of that he was sure.

While Modell lay dying on the floor of the reception area, Scully and Skinner broke from their embrace, and stared at each other for a long moment, the haze now gone from Scully's head, as well as from Walter's. Scully dismounted from Skinner and grabbed her clothing, holding it up to cover herself, shocked at what had just taken place. Skinner stood as well, stepping into his briefs and pants, he and Scully's eyes never leaving one another.

"Sir," Scully started, "um, sir, I..." she stopped, unsure of what to say, not knowing what might possibly be going through Skinner's head.

"Scully, we.....are going to need to talk," he said simply. He watched her get dressed, smiling slightly at her when he was sure she wasn't looking, but she saw him out of the corner of her eye.

"OH MY GOD," Scully cried out, "MULDER!" She fell to her knees, hands over her face, immediately sobbing, disbelief washing over her that her partner lay wounded in Arlington National Cemetery while she boned her boss.

"Scully, what is it?" Walter said, rushing to her side, fixing his tie as he did.

"Modell...he made me shoot Mulder, Wal...sir, oh my God...I shot him," she said, looking up at Skinner with tears streaming down her face.

Walter put his arms around Dana Scully and pulled her to her feet, wrapping his arms tightly around her, "Scully, I'm sure he's fine, it's okay, we'll go call the hospital, sssshhhh," he soothed her, smoothing his hands over her hair.

"Come on, they probably called Kimberly already, let's go see," he said softly, praying that Mulder really was fine, cursing Robert Modell even as he thanked him, way deep down in the bottom of his heart.

Scully and Skinner stepped out of the office to find Robert Modell, lying in a pool of blood, gasping for air, managing a slight smile as he saw Dana Scully. "Was it good for you," he whispered, glancing over at the AD, and then back to Scully, drawing a deep breath, then breathing no more. Robert Modell was no more.

Scully squatted down next to him, feeling for a pulse, and found nothing. She looked up at Skinner and shook her head, "he's gone, sir."

"Where the Hell is Kimberly," Skinner said, finding a message on the top of her desk, several drops of Modell's blood splattered on it, but still able to read it, 'Urgent - Agent Mulder shot, ok after surgery, good condition'. "Scully, Mulder's in the hospital, probably DC General. This message says he's in good condition, and he made it through surgery." Skinner breathed a massive sigh of relief, for both Mulder and Scully.

"Let's call the morgue, sir, and get this animal out of here."

Skinner picked up the phone and called the meatwagon, as he so comically referred to it, as well as the police, and he and Scully had to answer a barrage of questions, not getting on their way to the hospital for another two hours. When they finally did get there, Mulder was asleep in his bed.

"Go ahead and go on in, Scully, I'll wait until you're finished," Skinner said, and she walked up to him and gave him a hug, tears filling her eyes as she pulled away from him. "Dana," he said softly, "it's alright, it's all going to be alright, okay? We'll talk later, I promise. You can't let him see you all upset, you know he can't stand that." Skinner wiped her tears away gently with his index finger, and she smiled at him before she turned to go into Mulder's room. I think I love you, sir, Dana thought to herself as she entered Mulder's room quietly, taking the chair next to the bed. She smiled at Fox as he slept, hoping that he would forgive her for shooting him, and then wondering if she would ever be able to tell him about Skinner. She resolved silently that it would all come in time, and she took Mulder's hand in hers.

Mulder's eyes fluttered open weakly, and he looked slowly over at Scully, a slight smile crossing his lips when he saw her. "Hey, Scully, nice shot," he croaked, and Scully broke into tears all over again, Mulder squeezing her hand tightly in his.

"Scully...." Mulder started, but she cut him off.

"Mulder, I am so sorry, oh my God, I shot you, and I didn't even take my own advice about Modell. You told me he couldn't get to you, but he did, and I didn't think that I... I didn't think he could do it, Mulder, I didn't believe, and then he pushed me...." she trailed off, realizing that she was babbling, and just looked down at Mulder, taking the hand that he wasn't holding and touching the side of his face with it.

"Where's Modell now?" Mulder asked, still holding Scully's hand tightly in his own.

"He's dead, Mulder. He pushed himself too far, and he died in AD Skinner's office. On the floor of the reception area, actually." Mulder looked at Scully intensely, wondering what in the Hell had happened after he'd been left behind.

"Scully, what...." Mulder started, and Scully shushed him gently, encouraging him to get some rest, assuring him that she would fill him in later. Much later, she thought to herself, and she kissed Mulder on the forehead and left the room.

Out in the hallway, Skinner had taken a seat on a bench, and stood when he saw Scully come out of Mulder's room. "How is he?" Skinner asked.

"He'll be fine, sir," Scully said, looking up at the handsome man in front of her.

"How about you, Agent Scully? How are you?" Skinner stared at her from behind his wirerims, resisting every impulse to pick her up and hold her in his arms.

"Me? Well, sir, I don't know. I'm not sure yet." She returned his gaze, wondering what he was thinking, wondering if he felt anything for her, and wanting more badly than anything to find out.

"Agent Scully, would you like to join me for a cup of coffee?" Skinner asked her, smiling slightly, brown eyes dancing behind his glasses, fluorescent lights from the hallway glaring off the top of his bare scalp.

"Yes, sir, I would like that very much," she replied, and as he put his arm protectively around her and escorted her down the hallway to the cafeteria, she knew, with no uncertainty, that she was going to be just fine.