With Love, To Sir




Author: Jvantheterrible

Author’s Notes:  LOVED the finale, guys..but there is no way in HELL Scully is pregnant. LMAO. No. Way. Even if that force field WAS tripping her out....I mean it. And come on...Cancer Man’s not REALLY dead, is he? Oh well. Thank God David Duchovny has sucked up his pride.......for a million an episode......to do Season 8. I don’t care if Duchovny stays or not (well, maybe just a little).....we just want MORE SKINNER!!!! Okay, in all “seriousness”, this photo DID inspire me.....so here it is. And amokeh, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Category: Sk/M - No, this isn’t a “Taste of Life” installment...Scully is alive....but she’s out of town. LMAO.

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: These guys are SOOOO not mine. Chris Carter, Fox, and 1013/InFront Productions rock my world, and own these beautiful characters. I’m just being a naughty girl and borrowing them for a spell so they can have a little fun.

Date: May 23rd - 24th, 2000

Feedback: Rllnslvr@aol.com OR Jvantheterrible@yahoo.com





10:30 A.M.


“Mulder,” I call him from my office, glaring at Krycek and that blonde bitch as I growl his name into the phone once he’s answered, “I’m on my way down,” I tell him.


“Sir? You sound funny,” he says, with his usual perceptiveness, “Are you alright?” Hell no, I’m not alright, I think; I’m sitting here staring at your nemesis and his accomplice, wondering what your reaction is going to be when I ‘come on down’.


“Fine, Mulder. I’m on my way,” I tell him, and break the connection. I continue to stare at Krycek and Covarrubias, waiting for SOMEone to say SOMEthing. They’ve been talking for half an hour, and now nothing is forthcoming, so I stand up and head for my door. I pull it open and motion for them to go ahead of me. Kimberly purses her lips and gives me her best ‘I’m so sorry you have to do this’ look as we all pass, and I nod at her to acknowledge that I understand

e-x-a-c-t-l-y what she means.


We get in the elevator, and thankfully, there’s no one else in the car except for the three of us. “Look,” I tell Krycek, gritting my teeth as I speak, “You keep your ass in the hall and out of sight until I can tell him, alright? We’ll do this my way, or not at all - got it? That goes for both of you,” I sneer, and they glare back at me as they both silently nod their pretty little heads.


The Consortium is going to Hell in a handbasket, and I get stuck with explaining it all to Mulder. Lovely. Just when things were looking up for us.......








We ordered Chinese out; Mulder’s and my favorite. There is nothing quite like being half-naked with your lover, feeding one another vegetables and rice with chopsticks, catching all the strays with your tongue and teeth from wherever they happen to fall. Lucky for me, most of them fall into Fox’s crotch; I love to tease him as I lap up all the extra peas and carrots and rice bits, taking extra care to nudge a little harder than is needed when I come into contact with certain sensitive areas.


I’m sitting on the floor between his legs, my back propped against the sofa; he’s leaning forward to take a bite from my chopsticks; I’m reaching carefully up over my head to give him a bite of mine - whoops, there goes a little into his lap. Ho hum....my turn to clean up.


Just a moment ago he dropped some Teriyaki Chicken into my lap, and he actually crawled off the sofa so he could chase after it, kissing down my chest until he reached his reward; I wonder if that nipping on my half-rigid cock through my briefs was really necessary. Oh well, he cleaned up the mess, anyway. I’ll beat his ass if he gets any on the white carpet, and he knows it. He chuckles as I set my red and white ‘to go’ box down and piston around on my knees to face him; his grin is blinding, and I smile back at him as I prepare to go after the spilled food.....among other things.


He groans as he watches me stick my tongue out ever so carefully, delicately retrieving the tasty bounty that has landed in his lap and swallowing it down. He sucks his breath in harshly when I clamp my lips onto his erection through the gap in his boxers, teasing him with my tongue, wrapping my lips firmly around him. Screw dinner; I’m ready for dessert. According to his reaction, he’s done eating as well - done eating Chinese, anyway.


“Oh, Jesus, Walter,” he moans, squirming under my  ministrations. I keep him firmly suctioned into my mouth, refusing to release his cock even when he thrusts into my throat. I can take all of him, deep, and he knows it. He loves it, and so do I. I can feel his fingers on my scalp, gently at first, growing with urgency as I slide his length in and out of my mouth, making sure that I swallow him whole with every third or so stroke.


“Oh yeah babe, yeah, that’s it,” he groans, and I smile around his erection, flicking my eyes up every so often to steal a look at him in his passion. He’s fucking beautiful, my Fox. It makes me want to suck him that much harder - and I do.


“Unnhhhh,” he grunts, thrusting into my face, “Oh God, Walt, yeah....do it.....faster,” he tells me, and it’s then that I decide to up the ante. I pull away from his pre-cum and saliva-drenched cock and wait for him to calm so I have his full attention. Which I do. Immediately.


“What,” he gasps, and I motion for him to lie down on the couch, not uttering a word. This is our game, and he is all too ready to play. He follows my silent instructions, and moments later, I’m on top of him, erection to erection, mouth to mouth. I grind my hips into his, feeling every inch of him with every inch of myself, consuming his mouth with mine. The friction is delectable, and we both pant with our want and need of one another, each of us consuming the other as best as we can.


“Jesus, Fox, you taste so good,” I murmur into his ear, taking a momentary reprieve from his lips to cover his cheek and jawline with kisses. He thrusts his hips gently up into mine, smiling against me as he reaches down between us and grasps my cock. I  pull back from him so he can hold me, pump me in time to our heartbeats, now nearly tandem in our lust.


“You FEEL so good, Walter,” he tells me, stroking me with his hand while his beautiful pouty lips tear kiss after kiss out of me. My cock is dripping from his touch, and he smears the droplets into the crown with his thumb as we kiss, his tongue mirroring the actions in my mouth.


“Ffffoxxxsss,” I moan into his mouth, “God, Fox, come on,” I plead, pulling up from his face and looking into his beautiful hazel eyes, now nearly green with lust as I look into them at this moment. I kiss him once more, quickly, and then I drag my tongue down his chin, across his throat, trailing down in between his nipples; I’m salivating from the taste of him, and it’s the biggest turn-on of my life. He tastes fucking delicious; Chinese food and musk and deodorant, and something else that is strictly essence of Mulder, driving me even further as I poke my tongue playfully into his navel, causing him to laugh out loud.  I stop then and look up at him, and he meets my gaze with pure longing and.......something that can only be described as love.


He shudders beneath me, and I realize that this is something profoundly different; this is it. HE is it. We’ve been together for months, but neither of us has found the words....perhaps words aren’t necessary. This moment is perfect; gazing into his eyes now, I can see all the things I’ve been missing in my life - all the things I want - and it’s all him. Fox Mulder is my epiphany. I can feel it now, and I think he can, too.


Beautiful. That’s the only word that comes to mind as I once again take him into my mouth and suckle him. He murmurs something unintelligible, and it turns me on even further, if that’s possible; Fox William Mulder is my aphrodisiac, and he’s in full effect.


“Wait,” he gasps, and he pushes me away from him, making me groan as we’re temporarily disconnected. He motions for me to turn around, and I smile widely at him. 69 IS the magic number, after all....moments later, we’re arranged on the couch; me on top, my cock angling into his mouth as I take him into mine, my hands supporting the bulk of my weight on either side of his hips.


The first feel of his lips around me makes me shiver uncontrollably, even as I swallow him; this happens every damn time. I feel like a virgin every time Mulder sucks my cock. It’s always new and exciting, always different; he is a master of hidden talents, and tonight is no exception. He says I inspire him. Whatever. Works for me.


I feel his hands grasp my butt cheeks, kneading the flesh lovingly as he pulls me in between his lips; I nearly come at first contact. “Ffffuck, Mulder,” I gasp around his cock, and I can feel his grin around my nether head; he knows how to do it, OH yeah. His tongue flicks around and around the tip of my head, and I struggle to thrust into his face as I suck him off.


“Not so fast, old man,” he tells me. Any other time I would kick his ass for talking to me like that.; now, I only want to silence him with my flesh. I thrust into his mouth as he groans around me, “Mmmmm, yeah,” and I shake with the vibration of his words against my over-sensitized dermis.


We move slowly at first, sucking each other gently, in and out at the same pace, and then Fox swallows me completely, catching me off guard; I wasn’t quite expecting that move just yet. My hips go on autopilot and I can’t stop myself before I press my groin into his face, loving the feel of his five o’clock shadow against my skin. I can hardly manage to concentrate on pleasuring him, I’m so high right now.


He grabs my ass and uses it to begin pistoning my hips so I’m thrusting full force into his mouth; I can feel my balls tighten, and I know I have to get busy to catch him up, or I’ll come before he does.


“You son of a bitch,” I gasp breathlessly, pulling away from his cock long enough to stick my right index and middle fingers into my mouth, wetting them thoroughly. His eyes are closed and he’s not even paying attention to what I’m about to do.  It’s all I can do tap his knee so he bends his legs up, allowing me access to his adorable ass long enough to get inside him. Supporting myself with my left arm, I lean back down and take his straining erection back into my mouth at the same time that my fingers slide into him.


“Oh, fuck....Wal....Walter......unnnnnhhh,” he grunts, pulling away from my cock for a moment as he adjusts to the new sensation of being in my mouth with my fingers probing him, searching for and finding his prostate. I tickle him in his most private g-spot while I suction his prick, and he comes instantly, grabbing my head and sitting up as far as he can manage to with me on top of him, howling my name and thrusting against me as hard as he can. I can feel his spasms, and it takes him several minutes to catch his breath; unfortunately, that ‘s just enough time for my erection to droop considerably.


“You,” he gasps, smiling, his eyes hooded with satisfaction, “You bastard. That’s not playing fair, Walter,” he sighs and shakes his head.


“I’ll teach YOU to call me an old man, you little shit,” I smile down at him.


“Just for that, Walter,” he tells me as he gets up and turns over on the couch so he’s on all fours, sticking his perfectly formed ass in my face, “I want you to come now, Walt. I want you inside me. NOW,” he informs me. I grin smugly and shake my head at him, “Mulder, look at me. Does this look like something I can stick up your ass with any kind of gusto?” I ask him. He looks back over his shoulder and replies, “I want to see your point, Walter.”


“What? What don’t you get, you.....” I let that thought go as he turns back over and pushes me down onto my back on the couch in one fluid movement.


“No, Walter. I mean, I want to SEE......your POINT,” he tells me, and he goes down on me so quickly that I can’t even begin to think of a witty comeback. He sucks me in and releases me, then whispers against my cock, “You’re so fucking beautiful when you’re underneath me, babe.” My penis is coming back to life already; this is Fox’s specialty. I love it when he talks dirty to me.


He continues along his present course, sucking me in, releasing me, and whispering against me so the vibration of his lips just barely grazes the head of my cock, “I’m going to make you come so hard.....I can’t wait to feel you inside of me, Walter.”


Ohhhhhyeah. This is working just fine. Within about three minutes of this new activity, my cock is leaking pre-cum all over his lips, and he just smiles and laps it up, batting his eyelashes at me when I remember to look down at his face.


“Looks like you’re ready to me,” he hisses, releasing me with one final long lick from balls to crown that makes me shiver all over. He turns over again, and I don’t even give him a chance to stick his ass back up; I quickly coat him with my own moisture and thrust into him, pulling his hips back to bury myself in him fully.


“Sweet Jesus you’re tight, lover,” I whisper harshly to him, and he answers me by pressing back against me as hard as he can, pushing me that much further into him. “Oh, yeah, that’s good.....ssssgoood, baby,” I coo to him. Just when I’m really getting into it, pulling back until I’m almost out of him, and then thrusting completely back in so I can hear him grunt, he does it. That thing that he does when I’m nearly ready to come....it always finishes me off, and tonight is no exception.


He clenches his ass muscles. HARD. He waits until just after I’ve thrusted in, and he presses back against me and squeezes......the pressure....is exquisite.....not like anything else in the world. He’s a vise, and he’s holding me in place, bucking back against me, refusing to release me......and I roar his name as I explode into him.


I collapse across his back, still spasming slightly inside of him as I try to get oxygen back into my lungs, whispering, “Fuck, oh fuck, oh God, Fox,” over and over again until I feel like I can move again.


Minutes later, I pull out of him gently and allow him to turn over underneath me so he’s on his back again. I move to get up, but he pulls me back down so I fall on top of him with my full weight. He kisses me then, and we just stare into one another’s eyes for a long moment before he breaks the silence.


“There’s something I have to tell you, Walter,” he says quietly - almost shyly.


“You’re pregnant,” I tell him, and we both bust out laughing.


“No, Walter, I’m not, but thanks for ruining the moment anyway,” he chuckles.


“What is it, Fox?” I can tell that this is important; he rarely acts nervous around me anymore, but he’s definitely got something on his mind. The smile fades from his face and he says quietly, “I love you.”


I’m stunned. We’ve been together almost a year, and he hasn’t ever said it. I’ve wanted him to; God, I’ve fucking prayed for it, but I was sure it would never happen.....I haven’t even told him how I feel myself, for fear that I’d lose him.


“Oh God, Fox,” I say, a lump forming in my throat already. He has tears in his eyes, and I lean down and kiss him with all the passion I can muster from my spent body. When I pull away from his face, I can see him searching for some sign that I have been affected by his admission.


“Fox, I....I love you, too. I’ve wanted to tell you.....for so long, but I didn’t want to.....chase you away. I’m...I’m glad, Fox. Thank you,” I finish.


“No, Walter. Thank YOU. When we started all this....I wasn’t sure what would happen, you know? I mean, Jesus Christ, the entire world is pretty much against me to begin with, and I wasn’t sure....how it would be with us...you being my superior and all....but now, I know....and I feel it, Walter, I really do. You mean......everything to me,” he tells me, smiling, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly to him.


“Fox....I don’t know what to say......except..........let’s go take a shower,” I tell him, and I get up and give him my hand, pulling him to his feet when he takes it.


“Sounds good to me. I’ve got your back, Walter,” he tells me with a wink.


“And I’ve got yours,” I finish, and we head up to rinse off before tumbling into the bed, sated and exhausted. I do manage to spoon myself around him before I fall asleep, loving the feel of his deep breaths against my chest. He loves me. I drift off thinking how wonderful it would be to have him here with me....all the time. Maybe next year, I sigh, pulling him closer to me as I succumb to sleep.





10:40 AM


Christ. I’ve just replayed the entire evening over in my head on the way down to the basement. He only just told me that he loves me; what the Hell is he going to think when I waltz into his office with Krycek and Marita in tow?


“I mean it, you two,” I repeat myself as the elevator stops at Mulder’s underground level, “You fucking wait until I say it’s alright, got it?”


“Not very Assistant Directorly of you to use that language, Skinner,” Krycek says, and I have to clench my fists, along with my teeth, to keep from striking out at him.


“Don’t push it Krycek,” I warn him, “If what you told me today wasn’t so goddamned important, I would’ve shot you at first glance,” I tell him, “And I’m going to be hard pressed to keep Mulder from doing the same.” Marita winces at my words, and Krycek just snorts as they both follow me out of the elevator.


I point to the spot in the hallway where I want them to wait, and they stop as I continue on to Fox’s office. Scully is out of town - thank God. The last thing I need today is more grief from her; she hasn’t taken too kindly to Fox’s and my relationship; somehow, she just doesn’t trust me. This would be the icing on the cake for her - an open and shut case, and I’m sure she could talk Mulder out of being with me in a heartbeat....but she’s not here, and I’m off THAT hook, at the very least.


I step into Mulder’s office, and he’s out of his chair and coming towards me in a flash. I put my hands out to hold him back, trying to keep my distance, and I see the puzzled look in his eyes as he places his hands on my chest. “What is it, Walter? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he says.


“Mulder, there’s.....people here......that you need to speak with,” I tell him quietly, “I need you to trust me...I wouldn’t do this if it weren’t pertinent to everything that means anything to you...or me.” He looks over my shoulder and immediately thinks I’m joking, not having seen anyone behind me. His eyes roam my face, and he drops his arms to his sides when he realizes that I am not playing; this is serious. Oh boy, is it ever.


I still have my hands on his shoulders when I turn my head and say loudly, “Alright, you can come in now.” I hold Mulder still, even when he struggles against me at the first sight of Krycek and Covarrubias. He tries to climb over me, it seems, in his desire to get to Alex and beat the living Hell out of him.


“What the fuck is HE doing here,” Mulder shouts, fighting to pull away from me. “I thought you were dead...at least, I hoped you were,” Fox sneers over my shoulder.


“Mulder, believe me,” Krycek says, his voice tiredly betraying his seemingly cool exterior, “I should be, for all intents and purposes. I need to talk to you,” Alex says, and Fox is still struggling to break free of my grasp. I squeeze his shoulders until I manage to catch his attention, releasing him ONLY when he’s stopped squirming.


“We have news about the Resistance,” Marita says, her gravelly voice loud in the suddenly silent office.


Mulder’s jaw is locked into clenched position; I know that stance all too well, and I stay put - between Fox and the unwelcome visitors - as Krycek continues.


“The Smoking Man is dead, Mulder. I killed him last night. He sold us out....ALL of us.... to the Resistance....so I sent him back to Hell, where he belongs.”


“Hmph. No big loss,” Mulder grinds out.


“Actually, it was a big loss...to them,” Alex continues, “They were counting on him to complete their work. He had orders, Mulder. He was supposed to kill you last night. I got to him first. He actually sent Marita to bail me out...I’ve been imprisoned in Tunisia for the past eight months. He wanted me to come back and take care of you once and for all. He was certain that once you were out of the way, the Resistance could take over wholly and uncompromised. You were the only one that knew the Truth about their plans...with you out of the way, everything would go smoothly.....at least, that’s what they thought.”


Mulder is looking quite pale now, and he’s leaned back against his desk, resting on the edge of it as he attempts to absorb what Krycek is telling him. When it appears that Mulder has indeed been rendered speechless, Marita continues with the story.


“Spender sent me to get Alex out of prison and bring him back so he could kill you, Agent Mulder. He was dying anyway, and entirely too weak to do the deed himself. With the history between you and Krycek, they made it look like Alex escaped from prison, so that it would appear that he was bent on coming back solely for the purpose of eliminating you. This would, of course, draw attention away from the Resistance’s actions, enabling them to complete their mission - turning us all into human incubators for their spawn.”


Mulder glared at Marita as she finished her speech, “I....couldn’t allow myself to be responsible for the actions of the Resistance, Agent Mulder. After I got Krycek out, I decided.....that perhaps this has all gone far enough. After all the experiments they did on me......I couldn’t.....I wouldn’t......” Marita trailed off and hung her head, allowing Krycek to put his good arm around her shoulders and finish the sordid tale.


“We decided to do the proverbial ‘right thing’, Mulder. Spender’s been leading the Consortium and playing the Resistance for years. Without him....and with you still alive to testify as to their true intentions......they can’t possibly -”


“WHAT, Krycek,” Mulder rails, “They can’t possibly WHAT? Just because Spender is dead, they can’t take us over? You expect me to believe that he was the KEY to their plan? You’re ALL full of SHIT,” Mulder yells, and I have to hold him back as he once again attempts to reach Alex.


“Let me go,” he snarls at me, trying to shove me away. All I can think of is last night, and how he told me that he loves me.........and now this. Goddammit. “They have the goddamned technology, Krycek,” Fox spits out, pulling away from me and heading back behind his desk to sit down and put his head in his hands, “It doesn’t matter if Cancer Man is dead or not. They’ll still........they can still......you haven’t seen it, none of you...oh GOD,” he cries into his hands, “They just POP, right out of you....razor claws, and teeth, and....and........” Fox trails off, shaking his head.


“We’re not all like that, ” Marita says, and Fox and I both look over at her in time to see her Covarrubias face melt away into something else entirely....something with sewn up eyes, nose, and lips. “I have seen what you speak of, Agent Mulder,” she - it - says, “And yes, Spender WAS the key...for THEM. Thanks to Alex, we’ve won the fight,” it says, and it almost looks like a smile is trying to form behind those tortured features.


I back away from Krycek and his friend slowly, stopping when I’m finally standing behind Mulder, who is still speechless at the turn of events here this morning. I think we both waited for Alex’s face to melt away as well, but he doesn’t appear to be alien after all. Funny, because I certainly would’ve pegged HIM instead of HER...oh well.


“Your work is done, Agent Mulder. You and Alex have served us well; your constant battling was a mere metaphor for the real battle raging all this time, and now it ends. You’ve served your people - and ours - well.”


Alex is simply beaming, his one arm still around the shoulders of the Pacifist as it finishes its thoughts. I feel like I’m going to throw up. Mulder still hasn’t spoken, and I doubt that he will....for a while, at least. It would take a being from far far away to silence Mulder. Figures. He surprises me, as usual, when he finds his voice - barely above a whisper - and addresses Alex.


“How long have you known?”


“Since I lost my arm after all those tests in Russia. I found out while we were there. It was no accident that we were separated then, Fox. You had to do your part and expose the Resistance for who they really were, and I had to do my part and keep playing the rogue agent. And I did. And so did you.” The Pacifist nods as Alex finishes, and Mulder and I just sit and stand, respectively, watching them as they seem to....no way...they....they do.....communicate telepathically. “We have to go now,” Alex informs us; the Pacifist exits the office and waits in the hall for Krycek.


I haven’t said a word since the Pacifist showed its true face, and I’m not going to...what in the Hell could I possibly say?


Mulder stands up and walks over to Krycek; I figure it’s safe now, since Alex is apparently the farthest thing from a threat in this galaxy AND the next. Fox looks at him for a moment, and then puts his arms around the man that has been the bane of his very existence for the last six years, hugging him, laughing out loud as tears once again stream down his cheeks. Krycek hugs him back (one-armed), and they stand there like idiots, shaking their heads, laughing and crying, until Krycek turns and leaves to join the Pacifist. They do their communication thing and Fox and I hear them both chuckling as they get on the elevator and leave us alone in the basement to ponder just what the hell has been going on in the world for the last six years.


“Mulder,” I say when I find my voice some ten minutes later, and he just holds up his hand; his back is still to me as he stares down the hall at the spot where Krycek and the Pacifist stood mere minutes ago.


“I have to go,” he says.


“Where?” I ask him.


“Home.” He walks out of the office, leaving me standing there with my mouth hanging open. Several minutes later, as I take the elevator back up to my floor, I find myself thinking about last night, in spite of this morning’s events, and I wonder....just where home IS to Fox William Mulder - my lover, and the newly appointed co-savior of the Universe.








What a fucking day, I think as I pull into my parking space. I turn off the engine and rest my forehead on the steering wheel, dreading going upstairs. I didn’t see Mulder’s car in his usual spot, and I can only assume that he’s at his place; he did say he was going home. I shouldn’t have told him I loved him....but he DID say it first...and we really had NO idea about any of today’s bizarre events. I’m sure he’s just a little overwhelmed.


I’ve been in a state of shock all day, myself. I don’t know what to make of any of this. It took me three hours just to get myself psyched up to crack open a few files, and even THEN I couldn’t concentrate. I tried Fox a couple of times on his cellphone, but it was turned off....and there was no answer at his place OR my place, either. I resolved myself to treat this like any other day. I did my duties (tried to, anyway), and now I’m home. Whoopee.




My front door is wide open as I walk up to it, and I frown - what if all that shit with Krycek and the Pacifist this morning was just some elaborate ruse - what if I walk in and Mulder is handcuffed to my balcony, and.....I walk into my apartment and my fears are instantly put to rest.


When exactly did I acquire a black leather sofa? My apartment is white; it doesn’t go in here at all. I can feel the fluttering in my gut already, and I haven’t even taken in all the rest of the items that have suspiciously sprung up in my condo.


Take for instance that gurgling sound across the room....a fishtank? Goddamned UFO toy bobbing up and down; I hope he doesn’t think........wait a minute. Just one goddamned minute....what is THIS? I read the title of the book adorning my coffee table - “Jose Chung’s From Outer Space”? And where, pray tell, did these porn videos strewn all over my living room floor come from?


I can’t do it. I just can’t hide the smile that spreads over my face and through my whole being as I remove the envelope from my television; the one that says, “With Love, To Sir” on it. And where IS the man of the hour anyway, I wonder as I open the envelope and pull out the card, appropriately adorned with a goofy green space alien on the front. Inside, the message says ‘You’re out of this world’...and in Mulder’s writing underneath, it says, ‘And into mine. I love you, Walter. Fox.”


I hear him come up behind me, and I don’t spoil it, waiting to feel his arms around my waist before I wheel around and kiss him deeply, nearly knocking us both over with the force of it.


“You’re home,” I whisper in his ear after I’ve thoroughly reamed his mouth with mine, pulling him as close to me as I can.


“So are you,” he replies.


“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” I tell him.


“You’re not angry, are you?” He asks, and I nearly tear up at the genuine look on his face; as if I’d be upset that he’s here to stay!


“Fox,” I tell him softly, “I couldn’t be happier. I love you, Mulder. Besides,” I say, and I change my voice to a bit of a high-pitched whine, “You’re my heeerrrrooooo!”


“THAT’S going to get old REAL soon.......old man,” he says, and I pretend to lose my smile and growl at him, chasing after him as he runs up the stairs; he knows the best ways to lure me to bed. And I look forward to being lured - every damn day.




Quirky and schmoopy. A nice change from my usual angst, right? Nahhhhhh...LMAO.

Just wanted to get this one out...pictures can be very inspiring. <G> We will return to angst central VERY soon. Thanks for reading. --Jvantheterrible