Saved and Safe
By: Jvantheterrible

Date: March 28th, 1999
Rating: NC-17 for sex, violence, and language; all the necessities of good smut.
Category: Scully/Skinner, and includes Mulder and Krycek.
Feedback: Welcome at Rllnslvr @ (Be gentle w/me...I am still new to this.)
Disclaimer: Skinner, Scully, Mulder, and Krycek all belong to Chris Carter, InFront/1013 Productions, and 20th Century Fox. I am not making any money from this, and I am writing because the little voices in my head are telling me to.
Author's Note: Thank you so much to everyone who gave me such wonderful feedback on "Breaching Protocol". Most of you are fellow authors, and I am proud to have joined you in this medium. And Red, I will always mention you here because you are the greatest. Also, I know a lot of you are Krycek fans, so I will warn you that he is a total and complete prick in this story. If this might offend you, go away. NOW. Oh, and amokeh, you got your ass reference, too. Happy, darling???

Saved and Safe

by Jvantheterrible

Walter Skinner rode the elevator up to Dana Scully's apartment, anxious to have her all to himself for the evening. He hummed to himself, checking his reflection in the mirrored wall behind him. Yep, he thought, you clean up pretty nicely, Walter. Wearing dark brown jeans and a green mock turtleneck, his look was completed with his brown leather bomber jacket and boots. His tortoise shell wirerims framed his seductive brown eyes, and he smiled slightly as the door swished open, stepping into the hallway and walking the few feet to Scully's door. He knocked three times, and stepped back slightly so she could see him through the peephole. He heard the lock click, and the door opened so he could enter. Scully, however, was hiding behind the door, her giggle and short snicker giving away her location instantly. She closed and re-locked the door after he entered.

"Dana, what are you......ohhhh, my, my, my...." Walter said, as Dana stepped into view, and what a view it was, he thought. She was clad in only a purple silk slip, which dipped quite low between her breasts, and only slightly covered her upper thighs and bottom. The spaghetti straps over her shoulders and hourglass shape showed off her perfectly formed body, her nipples already firm at the mere sight of her lover. "Well, to what do I owe this pleasure, Dana?" he said, opening his arms to her, and holding her as close to him as he could when she strode quickly to him, her tantalizing and soft womanly scent wafting up to assault his senses.

"Oh, just for being you, Walter," she purred, nuzzling his neck with her soft red hair, closely followed by her lips and teeth, "you've been on my mind all day." She wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head back so that she could kiss him, immediately forcing her tongue between his lips and tangling with his. She ground herself against him, her hips into his, and she could feel him growing hard already, the electricity from their contact running through her and making her shiver.

"Mmmm," he moaned into her mouth as she continued to kiss him, occasionally sucking his lower lip between her teeth to bite him gently, "you taste delicious, Dana," he said, pulling back from her so he could remove his jacket.

"Oh, let me, please," she said, grabbing his hands and pushing them away so that she could push the jacket over his shoulders, and down his arms, dropping it to the floor. "Leather won't wrinkle, don't worry, darling," she snickered, untucking his shirt and running her hands up into his silky chest hair, stopping to pinch each nipple so that he gasped above her. She ran her hands up and down his muscular sides, then wrapped herself around him, caressing his back and moving down to grab his ass firmly. She looked up at him smiling the entire time, and his eyes gleamed with lust for her. "I think it would be nice, if you don't mind, if we get you out of those restrictive clothes, Walter."

"Are you feeling underdressed, Scully," he laughed, pulling his shirt over his head as she undid his belt and pants.

"No, but I have been waiting all day to get my hands on you," she said slyly, "and the sooner the better."

"You don't say," he grumbled at her, bending over to step out of his jeans, stopping when she said firmly, "WAIT!"

"What is it?" He said, standing upright again, his erection threatening to spill out of his briefs now that his zipper was undone.

"Turn around for a minute, Skinner, I want to see something," Scully said.

"What....Scully," he growled, giving in to her request and turning his back to her.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm. You know what, Walter?"

"What is it, Dana?" He turned back around to face her, her blue eyes sparkling up at him.

"I just think that you should know....I mean, you look great in jeans, don't get me wrong...but, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, beats seeing your ass in your suit, Walter." Scully had a completely serious look on her face, and Walter turned a slight shade of crimson, shaking his head at her.

"Dana," he said, "is that what you think about at the office all day?" He smiled at her as he stepped out of his jeans.

"You don't want to know what I think about all day, Walter," she said, running her hands up and down his chest, her tongue going back and forth from nipple to nipple as they spoke.

"Dana," he said sternly, "are you implying that your mind is not 100% on your work everyday?"

"Well, of COURSE it is," she exclaimed,"you ARE my superior, aren't you? You do constitute part of my work, you know."

He groaned slightly as she took a nipple into her mouth and bit it, using her tongue to trace tiny circles around first one, then the other. "Oh, that feels nice, Scully," he sighed, running one hand through her hair while the other slid into the front of the slip that she wore. He found her left breast, and cupped it in his large hand, running his strong thumb over and over the nipple, and it was Dana's turn to moan at his ministrations.

She slid down the length of his body, kneeling down on the floor in front of him. He had never made it any further than 3 feet in from the door, and she left him standing while she grabbed his briefs on either side and pulled them down, his erection springing forth as she worked them down to his feet so that he could step out of them. She smiled up at him as she whipped off her slip, and wrapped her right hand around the base of his cock, opening her lips and placing the head of his prick into her mouth, closing her lips around him in a firm kiss. She used her tongue in a spiralling motion, licking and sucking him until she could taste his pre-cum, and then she slid him as far into her mouth as she could.

"Oh my God," Walter moaned, his hands reaching down and grabbing fistfuls of her flaming red hair, resisting the urge to pump into her mouth for fear of choking her, "oh, Dana....Jesus...." his voice trailed off into an unintelligible whisper, and she continued to suck and lick him, feeling his legs vibrating with pleasure, moaning softly herself while she worked him in and out of her mouth.

Her hands snaked around his waist and grabbed his ass, her strong fingers kneading his buttocks as she pulled him into her mouth until she could feel him in the back of her throat, wanting to swallow him, unable to take him in any further. She quickened the pace of her sucking, stopping occasionally so that she could lick and stroke his balls with her tongue, not wanting to miss any part of him, making sure that she got the base of his cock, frustrated that she couldn't take all of him in.

"D..Dana....I...I want to fuck you, please," Walter gasped, "I want to...oh God...fuck," he groaned, massaging her scalp while she suckled him.

Just when he was sure he was going to explode, she stopped and lay back on the carpet, pantiless, spreading her legs so he could watch her pleasure herself with her fingers. He stood and watched the erotic show for a moment, his erection and balls twitching in time with his heartbeat, his mouth slightly open while he gasped at the sight of Dana Scully with two of her fingers inside of herself, her thumb grazing her clit, moaning his name softly.

"W...W..Walter, I'm ready for you..." she groaned, nearly coming from her own touch, and holding herself back as he dropped down between her legs and brought them over his shoulders so her knees rested on either side of his neck.

He teased her with his cock, making small circles around her dripping center with his blood engorged head, making her breath come faster and faster until he thrust into her, completely filling her, grunting as he buried himself in her sopping wet folds. She cried out with pleasure, "Walter, yes, oh God yes, fuck me....harder," she sobbed to him as he pulled almost completely out of her, then thrust back in all the way again. She was still so tight, even though they had been lovers for some time, she was always tight for him, and he gritted his teeth and moaned her name as she whispered his. He bent his head lower and took her right nipple in his mouth, roughly tonguing and biting her, then moving to the left one, and she grabbed his head and pulled him to her, so that he could hear her heart beating rhythmically in her chest as he pounded into her.

"Yes, yes," she whispered in his ear, bucking up with her hips to meet him thrust for thrust, faster now, the intensity and speed building between them, "oh, Walter,'re gonna' make me come, Walter..." she gasped, feeling the orgasm building where his cock rested at the deepest point of penetration, so deep inside of her, the waves breaking even as she tried to speak.

"Come for me, Dana," Walter groaned, "I want to feel you...come on, baby...come for me.."he said, each word punctuated with another thrust into her, and at his words, she tightened around him deliciously, crying out as her body shook beneath his, and he slammed into her once more and stayed inside her, buried to his pubic hair, pumping his own orgasm into her while she contracted and spasmed around him, his balls contracting against her firm rounded ass.

"GOD," he cried out, several more tiny thrusts for each wave of his orgasm, Dana coming again for him just from the friction of his cock as he twitched into her. "Walter," she cried out, removing her legs from his shoulders so she could wrap them around his waist and pull him into her as far as he would go, crossing her feet behind his lower back, keeping his whole weight on top of her so that she could feel all of him, even as he slowly went soft inside of her.

They lay on the floor for several minutes, kissing each other slowly and softly as they caught their breath, their tensions relieved.

"Jesus, Dana," Walter said, "is THIS what you've been thinking about all day?"

"Well, yes, but I think that in my daydream, we actually made it to the couch," Scully laughed, and Walter joined in, kissing her once more before slowly pulling out of her and sitting up.

Scully sat up, and they both stood and went into the bathroom where they showered together, enjoying soaping one another up quite diligently, making certain that no spots went unnoticed. They got dried and dressed, and Scully went into the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine, pouring one for Walter and then for herself.

"Cheers, my darling Dana," Walter said, holding his glass up to her from where he sat, across the counter on a wrought iron barstool.

She held her glass up in kind, and they clinked, smiling as they each drank heartily. "I love you, Walter," Dana said, smiling as she prepared pasta and her own special homemade garlic bread.

"I love you, too. Have I told you that you are the best thing that has happened to me since......well, in one Hell of a long time?" He looked at her, raising an eyebrow at her, and she giggled at him.

"Yes, Walter, you told me that...let's see, when was it....two days ago!" She laughed, and he smiled warmly, knowing that he could never tell her enough what she did to him and for him.

"It's been that long? My God, I'm slacking," he chuckled, taking another sip of wine. Just then, her cellphone rang. Scully rolled her eyes, knowing that it could only be one person, interrupting yet another of her evenings with Walter Skinner.

"Scully," she answered, adding, "this better be good, Mulder," she grimaced at Walter as she listened to the excited voice on the other end of the line.

"Scully, this is great. You're going to love this, really," Mulder said excitedly.

"Mulder, I'm in the middle of making dinner." She had no desire to go running off with Mulder this evening, and had forgotten to turn her phone off, in her rush to get ready for Walter to come over after work. "You know, Mulder, you really should try to get a life outside of work. It IS Friday night." Skinner laughed at her comment, despite Scully's bringing her finger up to her lips to quiet him.

"Scully, are you making Skinner dinner?" Mulder asked, "you never made ME dinner, Scully," he whined.

"Mulder, you don't sit still long enough for me to make you dinner.'re the OTHER man, now." She laughed, and it was Skinner's turn to roll his eyes.

"Aw, come on Scully. Where's your sense of adventure.... aside from dating our hardass boss, of course." Mulder snickered, and Scully fought hard not to hang up on him.

"Mulder, what is it, and make it fast." She stirred the pasta, which was almost finished, and turned off the burner under the bubbling red sauce.

"Scully, I got a lead from my informant...Krycek's back in town."

"Mulder, I am not interested. Not even a little," she said, exasperated, checking on the bread that was broiling in the oven.

"Scully, he's supposed to be receiving a shipment tonight at this warehouse just outside DC. And guess what else?" Mulder continued.

"I can hardly wait," she said, masking the fact that she was a tiny bit interested.

"The shipment's coming in from Nevada. By train. Big white train cars, Scully."

"As opposed to big black ones, Mulder?" She asked, sarcastically, knowing now that she would be leaving after dinner, going off on yet another wild goose chase to appease her partner, while Skinner waited up for her.

"Come on, know what this means. Will an hour give you enough time to eat?" Mulder asked.

Scully sighed, thanking her stars that she had at least taken it upon herself to have dessert first, just this once. "Yes, Mulder, an hour is fine." She turned off the phone, and looked pleadingly at Walter, who had begun to frown.

"Dana, not again," he said, his brown eyes becoming slightly darker with his mood,"he's not dragging you away from me again."

"Walter, you know how he is," she said, "once he gets these bugs up his ass, we're off. Unless you want to remove us from the X-Files again, there's nothing I can do." She arched an eyebrow at him, smiling as she fixed their plates with heaping piles of spaghetti and garlic bread.

"OH NO," he said, "no WAY am I going to be subjected to that again. You go right ahead and chase Mulder's little green men. I'll just stay here up for when you get home," he said coyly, coming around the counter to wrap his arms around her waist, hindering her attempt to get the dinner to the dining room table she had so beautifully set, candles included.

"Come on, Walter, we have to eat," Scully chided, "we don't have much time."

"It's a good thing you made sure we had dessert first, Dana Katherine Scully."

"Tell me about it," she said, setting the plates down so she could kiss him, then pushing him away so she could get the dinner going.

They enjoyed their meal together, and just as Scully had removed the last of the dishes from the table, the doorbell rang. Walter answered the door, and Fox walked in like a dog with his tail between his legs. "Hello, sir," Mulder said, "sorry to interrupt your evening, but......duty calls." Mulder half-smiled at Skinner, who glared at Fox, not letting him easily off the hook.

"Agent Mulder," Skinner said, annoyance in his voice,"I suppose you're aware that your timing is....incredibly off."

"Yes, sir." Mulder replied.

"And Agent Mulder, I assume that you're also aware that I will not be approving any outrageous expenditures as a result of this evening's....adventures."

"Yes, sir, absolutely. Just because you are, um, friendly with my partner, does not mean that I get special treatment, no sir." Mulder finished, sarcastically. Scully walked into the room just then, and Mulder breathed a sigh of relief, taking a few steps back towards the door. "Hi, Scully. Skinner was just telling me how happy he is that you are putting work above your personal life." He grinned at Skinner, who growled at him from behind Dana.

"Mulder, I can't believe he hasn't strangled you yet," she snickered, giving Walter a brief hug and kiss before she walked to the door. "We shouldn't be too late, okay?"

"Yes, Dana," Walter sighed, waving her away. "You kids have fun. And please, stay out of trouble. As usual, I know nothing about this." Skinner smiled slightly at Mulder, who winked back at him.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll bring her home in one piece."

"Jesus, Mulder," Skinner said, "you make it sound like you're going on a date."

Mulder opened his mouth, and Scully cut him off, "Never mind, Mulder. Goodbye, Walter." She turned and left with Mulder, locking the door from the hallway. As they stood and waited for the elevator, Scully looked at Mulder and told him, "You owe me, Mulder. Big time."

"Scully, you know my credit's good. Look how many IOU's you have with my name on them already!" He laughed, and she punched him firmly in the arm as they got on the elevator and went down to the black FBI issued Lincoln.

It took them about a half an hour to reach the warehouse where Krycek was rumored to be, and they parked several blocks away, hiding the Lincoln in an abandoned parking garage nearby. They stole quietly through the DC night, masked almost completely by their trenchcoats, and made their way to the forgotten building with half of its windows knocked out. The railroad tracks ran alongside the warehouse, and Mulder and Scully entered the warehouse and hid behind a mass of crates, not visible from any of the entrances of the structure.

"Mulder," Scully whispered, "what time are they supposed to be here?"

"My contact said it was supposed to be around 10:00 tonight," Mulder whispered back, checking his watch and looking at Scully, "that's about half an hour from now."

Scully nodded, and both of them stayed on high alert, listening for any indication that Krycek had arrived, or that the train was pulling in...if there was indeed one coming, Scully thought wryly. She stayed crouched behind the boxes, next to Mulder, and they both jumped a little when the main door of the warehouse audibly creaked open. They watched as Alex Krycek stole quietly into the building, barely visible in his usual black attire, and turned on a flashlight, sweeping the entire interior with the bright white beam.

Krycek pulled out a cellphone and dialed a number, the electronic beeps echoing off the walls of the nearly empty warehouse. "Yeah, I'm here. The shipment isn't here yet.....WHAT?" he yelled into the phone, "well, why the fuck couldn't you have told me that before I came all the way the Hell out here? Tomorrow? TOMORROW? WHAT IS THIS, ANNIE THE FUCKING MUSICAL?" he screamed, and Mulder stifled a giggle, even as Scully elbowed him in the ribs, listening to Krycek's tirade. Krycek punched his phone off, and exited the warehouse, leaving the door open as he left.

"Mulder," Scully whispered, her legs aching from squatting for nearly an hour, "can we go now? We can come back tomorrow."

"Hold on, Scully, I'm going to go check something out. Stay here." He stood up, and she grabbed his arm and pulled him back down next to her, "No, Mulder, just wait until tomorrow. What if he's still out there?" Scully was insistent, but Mulder held his index finger
up to his lips to silence her, and he stood and slowly crossed the expanse of the warehouse, heading for the entrance.

"Goddammit, Mulder," Scully whispered aloud, hoping and praying that Krycek wasn't still around. She watched Mulder go out the door, so engrossed in his activity that she didn't hear or sense Krycek sneak up behind her, promptly knocking her unconscious with the butt of his gun. He grabbed her handcuffs and dragged her lifeless body back 300 yards, where a large metal pole ran from the floor to the ceiling. Blood trickled down the back of her neck from the gash on the back of her head as Krycek cuffed her to the pole, her hands behind her back.

"There, that should hold you while I go get your partner," Krycek muttered quietly to Dana, as if she could hear him.

Mulder had walked outside, scanning the area with his gun drawn, looking for any sign of Alex Krycek. He walked around the entire outside of the building, missing the place where the aluminum siding was broken open; the same place that Krycek had used to sneak in and get to Scully. Not finding anything worthwhile, Mulder headed back inside the warehouse, only to have a bright light shined in his face as soon as he entered the building. "Scully," Mulder said, "get that out of my face."

"Scully's out right now, Fox," Alex sneered, "drop your weapon. Now." Mulder bent down and placed his gun on the concrete floor, standing back up very slowly, hands raised. "Kick it over here." Mulder did as Krycek instructed, closing his eyes against the light.

"Where's Scully, you bastard," Mulder yelled, "if you hurt her...." Mulder trailed off, his voice trembling slightly. He knew they were in trouble now, aside from what Skinner would do to him if Scully was injured.

"She's resting not so comfortably. Walk over here, Mulder. Slowly." Mulder obeyed, stopping when Krycek told him to, about 10 feet away. "Take out your tricks, Mulder, I have her gun." Mulder reached into his trenchcoat and retrieved his cuffs, holding them up so Krycek could see them. "Put them on, Mulder."

"Oh, Alex," Mulder snarled, "the way you talk."

"Shut up, Mulder. Now," after Mulder had locked the cuffs onto his own wrists,"kneel down."

Mulder knelt down, and watched as Krycek walked towards him, very slowly. "Where's Scully, Krycek," Mulder said, and when Alex reached him, he aimed the beam towards the pole where Scully was cuffed, chin resting on her chest.

"Scully," Mulder called, alarmed, "what...." he was cut off as Krycek pistol whipped him with his own gun, stars dancing in his eyes as he tried to stay conscious, reeling from the hit. Krycek kicked Fox in the ribs, knocking him to the cold hard floor of the warehouse, then kicking him several more times for good measure. Mulder gasped for air as Krycek's assault continued, the steel toe of Alex's boots digging into his ribs and kidneys over and over again.

"You thought you were being called by your informant, Mulder, but it was just an associate of mine. I get a little help from my friends whenever possible."

"You don't have friends," Mulder groaned, rolling onto his back to try and breathe a little easier, Krycek's kicking attack having subsided momentarily. "What is this about, anyway."

"All in good time, Mulder, all in good time. Turn over. On your stomach," Krycek ordered, and Mulder obeyed, rolling over gently so as not to injure himself further. Krycek grabbed Mulder by the collar of his trenchcoat with his one strong arm and dragged him over to the pole, where Scully was trying to shake off the pain in her skull.

"Mulder, up against the pole. I'm going to uncuff you, and you'd better behave, or I'll shoot your little fiery haired friend." Alex rested the gun against Scully's temple with his artificial hand, and leaned down to undo Mulder's cuffs. Mulder sat very still, as did Scully, and Krycek recuffed Fox with his hands behind the pole, resting against Scully's back. "Good boy," Krycek said, patting Mulder on the head, taking the gun off of Scully.

"What do you want, Krycek," Scully asked, pain still reverberating in her head as she looked up at her and Mulder's nemesis.

"Well, it's not so much what I want, as what they want," Krycek said, nodding his head in the direction of the warehouse entrance. "I work for them, you know. They're busy at the moment, and you know how much I love the dirty work," he smiled down at Scully, "especially if there's a pretty lady involved."

"No, Krycek, you take me," Mulder growled, teeth clenched, "you leave her the Hell alone, do you hear me?"

"Fox, I hardly think you're in any position to be giving orders," Krycek said, "besides, they all know you like to watch," kicking him again in the chest. Mulder gasped, pretty sure that he now had at least two broken ribs, feeling bone against bone each time he took a breath. Alex pulled out a taser gun, and showed it to Mulder, grinning, "hey, Mulder, don't you think Scully would look nice and relaxed if I uncuffed her?" He produced a cuff key, and proceeded to unlock Scully's hands, grabbing her by the hair and yanking her to her feet.

"Scully, he's got a taser...."Mulder yelled, but too late, as Krycek shoved it into her side and let the current flow into her for a good 10 seconds before stopping. Scully fell to her knees, then toppled forward, all of her motor skills frozen from the weapon in Krycek's hand. She lay on the floor, unmoving, her eyes opened wide, staring in Mulder's general direction, her mouth open like a fish out of water, gasping for air.

"NO," Mulder screamed, "Scully....oh God, Scully, NO." He had a lump in his throat, and tears formed in his eyes, knowing that it was his fault, it was all his fault that they were in this mess in the first place. He vowed at that moment to never, ever drag Scully with him again, no matter how tempting the case sounded, never off of official FBI business, X-Files or not. "Leave her alone," he cried, his voice breaking on the last word.

"M...M...M...Mulder..."Scully gasped, staring at him, "" her voice trailing off weakly.

She had recovered slightly, still unable to move, but not shaking as badly, and Alex hit her with the taser again, this time, keeping it on her for what seemed like an eternity. Scully had lapsed into unconsciousness, but her body still shook with the current of the taser, shock settling in.

"NO, STOP IT YOU BASTARD," Mulder screamed, tears running down his face, his ribs and gut still hurting from where Krycek had kicked him, but he would've traded places with Scully in a heartbeat...if only....if only he had the handcuff key. He had a cuff key, in his trenchcoat pocket...if he could just reach it....he squirmed against the pole, getting his coat twisted around him enough so that he could reach in, and somehow managed to get the key. Krycek was too busy leaning over Scully, watching her as she gasped for air, to notice what Mulder was doing, and within minutes, Mulder had his hands freed.

Scully couldn't feel anything anymore, couldn't open her eyes, and there was a humming sound running through her head, like a huge bug light that wouldn't shut off. The synapses in her brain were all jumbled, and her heart was thumping in a strange rhythm, unlike anything she'd ever felt before. She tried to call out to Mulder, but all that came out was, "M..M...Mmm.." and she gave up, drifting back into total silent blackness.

Mulder waited until Krycek had stepped away from his partner, and pounced, taking Alex down to the ground with a loud grunt. Fox screamed out against the pain in his chest, but continued to pound Krycek, over and over again, punch after punch smashing into Krycek's babydoll face. Once Alex was unconscious, Mulder stood, blood splattered on his hands, pretty certain he had broken Krycek's nose, if not fractured his whole face, and hobbled to Scully's side.

"Scully," Mulder panted, tears coursing down his cheeks, "Scully, can you hear me?" She didn't move, didn't even respond, and Mulder mustered every bit of strength he had left in him to reach one arm under her neck, the other under her legs, and lifted her, holding her close to him. She felt so light, so fragile in his arms, and he carried her, running on pure adrenalin now, to the car they had left up the street in the garage. He laid her down across the back seat, and stumbled to the driver's side door, opening it and collapsing into the seat with a painful gasp.

As fate would have it, Scully's apartment was closer than the hospital, and Mulder decided that it would be better to take her to Skinner than to the hospital anyway, so he drove as fast as he could, never being so happy to not see a DC cop or highway patrolman.

20 minutes later, Mulder stood in the elevator with Dana Scully still unconscious in his arms, quite ready to drop himself, preparing for the wrath of Skinner. The doors swished open, and Mulder lunged forward, more or less falling against the door to Scully's apartment. He turned so his back was against the door, bracing himself, still clutching Scully in his arms, barely conscious himself.

Skinner was inside dozing in front of the television when he awoke with a start to the noise at the door. He got up and looked out the peephole, seeing the top of what he assumed to be Mulder's head, and he opened the door....catching Mulder and Scully in his arms, both of them down for the count at the moment.

"Jesus CHRIST," Skinner yelled in surprise, lowering them both to the floor, "Goddammit, MULDER," he shouted, taking Scully out of Mulder's arms, and into his own. She was still shaking from the taser, and Skinner held her in his arms, brushing her matted red hair out of her face. "Dana," he said, "Dana, baby, it's me, Walter, can you hear me? Sweetheart, you're home, can you hear me?" She stirred slightly in his arms, the buzzing returning in her ears as she neared alertness. Skinner looked Mulder over while he held Dana, trying to figure out just what in the Hell had happened, and coming up clueless.

"Walter," Scully whispered, looking up at him, her blue eyes wide in confusion, her head still pounding like a jackhammer.

"Dana," Walter exclaimed, "what happened? Do you need a doctor?" Walter was completely choked up, and resorted to simply stroking her face to try and calm her.

"No..I'," she whispered to Walter, "Krycek...." and she closed her eyes, exhausted already.

"Sssshh, Dana, it's alright, I'll take care of you...." Walter soothed her, holding her close to him.

"Mulder..."Scully gasped, "where's..." She opened her eyes again, tears forming.

"It's okay, Scully, he's right here...I've got you both," Walter said quietly, bending down to kiss her forehead. He stood up with her in his arms and carried her to the couch, returning to Mulder, who was already regaining consciousness. Walter placed his hand on Mulder's forehead, and Fox's eyes fluttered open. "Honey, I'm home," Mulder croaked, causing Walter to stifle a chuckle, despite the condition of his lover and his "idiot child", as he so lovingly referred to Fox Mulder.

"Mulder, you have a lot of explaining to do, but I'll let you off the hook for now. Do you need a doctor?" Walter asked him.

"No...Scully...." Mulder gasped, against the pain that wracked his upper body, "where..." he trailed off.

"She's right here, Mulder. You got her home. You kept your promise...well, part of it, anyway," Skinner said, "and I'll kick your butt for the rest of it later. Besides, you look like you already got a good ass-whooping this evening."

"Yes, sir, but you should see Krycek," Mulder groaned, allowing Skinner to help him up and onto the loveseat across the room from Scully.

Skinner left Mulder to sit by Scully's side, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch and covering her with it, holding her hand in his, kissing it as he gazed into her eyes. She lifted her hand out of his and caressed his face, drinking in the welcome sight of him. "Krycek had a taser gun," she whispered, "and he gave me about 30 seconds with it. My heart is almost back to normal, but my coordination isn't back yet. Mulder beat the Hell out of him...I heard it. I think Mulder might have broken a couple of ribs...." she closed her eyes, and Walter shushed her, encouraging her to rest.

"I want to go to bed," she said, "Mulder can have the couch...I want to lie down with you, okay?" Scully asked Walter, and he picked her up gently and carried her to her bed, coming back to move Mulder to the couch. He stood Mulder up and helped him get his overcoat off, essentially tucking him in for the night on the sofa.

"Can I have a kiss, too?" Mulder asked, and Skinner held up his fist to Fox, shaking his head at the younger man. "What about a bedtime story, sir?"

"I'll have Scully take a look at you in the morning. When she determines that you're well, I'm going to kick your ass. Goodnight, Agent Mulder." Skinner turned the light out in the living room, leaving Fox with the remote control to the television, and returned to Scully's room, shutting the door behind him. He helped her out of her clothes, and pulled the covers down for her, stripping his own clothes off to join her in the bed. He removed his wirerims and set them on the nightstand, then rolled over to face Scully.

Scully shivered, the after effects of the taser gun still causing her some discomfort, although the humming in her head had mostly subsided. She snuggled up next to Walter, who wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly, the beating of his heart comforting her, his warmth enveloping her. She wrapped her arms around his muscular body, kissed his chest, and they exchanged I love you's. Mulder had saved her - but it was Walter who made her feel safe.