Excel Basics, Page 2

Page Contents
 Data Entry 
 Types of 
 Numbers & 
 Cell References 
 in Formulas 

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When you enter data in a cell in Excel 97, the data is displayed in the cell and in the formula bar. You can edit data in either place. To edit in the formula bar, simply click and edit as you would any other text. When you're finished, press [Enter] to keep the changes you made.

Formula Bar Graphic 1

To edit the data in the cell, double click in the cell to insert the cursor, then make any required changes.

Formula Bar Graphic 2In the picture to the right, the displays in the formula bar and the cell are different. When you enter a formula in a cell then press [Enter], the result of the formula is displayed in the cell. The formula bar displays the formula itself. If you double click in the cell, the formula will be displayed there too, so you can edit it in either place.

The cursor location, C4, is shown in the Reference Box. Notice also that the row 4 and column C headings have a darker border on the bottom and right edges, making it easier to determine the cell address at the cursor location.

Entering Data in a Single Cell:

Click on the cell and type the entry. As you type, the entry will appear both in the cell and in the formula bar just above the worksheet. If you make an error, click in the formula bar and correct it there, or double-click in the cell and make your corrections.

Formula Bar Graphic 3




Press the [Enter] key to move the active cell outline/selection to the next cell down in the same column, or use the right or left arrow keys to move the selection one column in either direction.

New in Excel 97

If you enter data straight across a range of cells then press the [Enter] key, the cursor will return to the first cell in the next row. For example, if you've just finished entering a record in cell Q27 and press [Enter], the active cell will become A28.

NOTE: To change the direction that the selection moves when you press [Enter], click on Options in the Tools menu, and select the Edit tab. Click on the checkbox in front of Move Selection After Enter to insert a check if there isn't already one there, then select a direction from the dropdown list.


Not So New in Excel!

Excel Data Entry Form Data Entry Form: Do you know about Excel's automatic data entry form? It's been there all along and can make entering a large amount of data a lot easier. First you need to set up your spreadsheet with column headings. If you're creating a customer list, for example, your column headings might include LastName, FirstName, Title, Company, Address1, Address2, etc.

Once you've set up the headings, select Form… from the Data menu. The Office Assistant might ask you to specify which row you want to use for headers, and then will create a data entry form using the headers in your sheet. It's significantly easier to enter data this way than it is to move around in a large spreadsheet.


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Types of Data:

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Numbers & Number Formats

There are two kinds of numbers in Excel. The first kind are numbers that you use in calculations, e.g., totaling a column or multiplying the number of hours by an hourly rate.

You might also enter numbers that you want to appear as text (phone numbers, zip codes, etc.). What follows refers to non-text numbers.

By default, Excel accepts numeric entries in a number of formats; you can pick other formats from an extensive list. If necessary, you can design custom formats.

Here are the results of numeric entries:

When you enter: Excel displays: Format used:
1.0 1 General
-1.1230 -1.1230 Number format, 4 decimal places
1,581 1,581 Number format #,##0
1.1% 1.10% Percentage format 0.00%
1.112% 1.11%  
10e2 1.00E+03 Scientific format 0.00E+00
0 1/2 1/2 Fraction format # ?/?
3 3/5 3 3/5  
3/4 4-Mar Date format d-mmm
$4.50 $4.50 Currency format
-$78.91 ($78.91) $#,##0.00_; [Red] ($#,##0.00)


To select a different format (e.g., to display a date as 3/4/97 instead of 4-Mar), select the cell(s) or column(s) to be formatted. With the mouse pointer in the highlighted cell or range, right-click and select Format Cells from the shortcut menu (or in the Format menu, select Cells…), then click on the Number tab.

Select a category and then a format. For instance, select m/d/yy to display dates as 3/4/95 instead of 4-Mar. You can apply the format to a single cell simply by clicking on it before changing the format; or apply it to a range of cells or a whole column by selecting the range or column, then choosing a format (click on the column header to select the whole column). If you need a format that is not included in the listing, it's easy to create your own (see below).

To insert the current date, press [Ctrl + ;] (semicolon). The date will be inserted using the m/d/yy format (7/18/97). To see a list of the date formats available, click on Cells... in the Format menu. Click on the i>Number tab, then click on Date. Scroll through the list to see the formats.

To create your own date format, click on Custom at the end of the Category list and type in the format in the Type text box. For example, to create a format to show the entire year, enter m/d/yyyy.

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Entering Text

Text entries in Excel are generally referred to as labels and can be any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Text is automatically left-aligned. Longer text entries can overlap the cell to the right if it doesn't contain an entry. If the cell to the right of a text entry does contain data, the text entry display will be truncated. If you widen the column or click on the cell and read it in the formula bar, you'll see that the text is all there, even though it may appear to be truncated.

If you enter numeric values that you want to use as text (zip codes, dates, etc.), remember to format the cells as Text, use one of the special formats, or begin the entry with a single quote (‘).

Entering Formulas

Manually: Type a formula/equation into a cell almost as you would write it with pencil and paper. However...

Addition + (Plus sign)
Subtraction -  (Minus sign)
Multiplication *  (Asterisk)
Division /  (Forward Slash)
Exponentiation ^  (Caret – Shift + 6)
Parentheses ()

Excel uses standard algebraic rules in determining the order of operation in formulas:

  1. exponentiation
  2. multiplication
  3. division
  4. addition
  5. subtraction

If you don't include parentheses, Excel will evaluate equations based strictly on the order of operations shown here. The results can be very different from what you had in mind!

The formula


produces a result of 10.5: the 2 is multiplied by 0.25. The result of the multiplication is 0.5, which is then added to the 10.

The results are quite different when you use parentheses:


produces a result of 3: the calculation within the parentheses is done first, the result is multiplied by 0.25.

You can use as many parentheses as you need to in a calculation. The only rule is that they must be used in pairs (opening and closing). If you forget one, Excel will remind you by displaying the message Parentheses do not match or Error in Formula. Correct the error either in the cell (double-click to insert the text cursor) or in the formula bar.

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Entering Formulas Using Cell References

The cell reference is, in a manner of speaking, a cell's address or identifier. Cells are referenced by identifying the column and row intersection where they are located. B7 refers to the cell that is located in column B (the second from the left) in the 7th row from the top.

If you have a problem figuring out the reference for a particular cell, just click on it and read it in the name box.

Cell References
To calculate the totals for each region, you might click in E9 and type in


or you could use the AutoSum function (explained below)  by clicking on cell E9, on the AutoSum button, then dragging through cells b7 through e7. The equation will look quite different:


but the result will be the same: the total of cells b7+c7+d7+e7.

Excel Functions

Excel 97 contains more than 250 functions – predefined equations that operate on one or more values and return a single value. They include financial functions to calculate loan payments, appreciation, and depreciation; math and trig functions; statistical functions; logical functions; etc. Functions will be covered in a separate article.

AutoSum is probably the most widely used and useful Excel function, allowing you to quickly and easily added up a column or row of numbers, or even a non-contiguous range of numbers.

  1. Click in the cell where you want the total to appear.
  2. Click on the AutoSum button on the toolbar Summation ButtonExcel will put a dashed border around the cells it thinks you want to total.
  3. If it guesses correctly, press [Enter] or click in another cell. You'll see the total in the cell where the Sum function was entered. If you click on the cell with the Sum function, you see the formula in the Formula bar.
  4. There are two ways to total cells other than the range Excel selected:
    1. Click on the first of the cells then hold down the [Ctrl] key while you select the other cell(s) you want to include in the calculation, or
    2. Insert the AutoSum function as described in 1-3 above, then edit it manually.

New in Excel 97

AutoComplete: "If Excel recognizes the pattern you're typing when you enter a sequence of characters, it will attempt to complete the pattern using a feature called AutoComplete. AutoComplete can be a major time-saver for you if you manage lists in Excel or find that you are entering the same values or functions over and over again. If you activate the AutoComplete feature while entering data, review the insertion and, if it makes sense to you, press [Enter] and move on."

You can turn AutoComplete on or off by selecting Options from the Tools menu, selecting the Edit tab, then either adding or removing the check mark next to Enable AutoComplete for cell values.

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Entering Comments

It's easy to attach a note or comment to a cell: just click on the cell and select Comments from the Insert menu (or use the Comments button, which you'll probably have to insert in the toolbar. See Customizing Toolbars for instructions.)

Type your note in the text box that appears, then click in any other cell. You may see the entire note displayed or just a small red triangle in the upper right corner of the cell. If you only see the indicator, read the note by moving the mouse pointer over the cell that contains it: the note will pop up automatically.

If your name doesn't appear as the author at the top of the note, click on the Tools menu, select Options, then click on the General tab. Put your name in the User name: field.

To change the background color of a note, click on it to make the border and handles appear (the 8 little squares around the outside of the text box). Then use the Fill Color button on the Formatting toolbar to select a color for your comment. You can also change the note font by highlighting the text and selecting a new font from the Formatting toolbar or by highlighting the text and selecting Comment… from the Format menu.

To edit a comment, click on it to insert the text cursor and edit it as you would any other text.

To delete a comment, click on the text box to make the handles appear, then press the [Delete] key.

See Customizing Excel for instructions on how to change the way comments are displayed.

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