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Monday Night Massacre
Monday Night Massacre

here are the results

Prez JJ:Welcome to Tuesday Turmoil everyone.We got a full card to day!We have a few interesting matches tonight, including a casket match for the TV Title, a 3-Way inferno/weapons match for the american title, and a 3-way ropeless StairWay to Hell match for the Extremist Title!Take it away Johny B!

Johny B:Welcome folks, our first match is a handi-cap match for the Tag team titles.Introducing are first team, Da Jobbers!And their opponent, who holds both Tag Team Titles, "The Franchise" Stevennnnnn Shilllllerrrrrr!

(Jobber #1 starts out against Shiller.They lock up and Shiller gains advantage with a takedown.Jobber 1 gets back up but gets body slammed by Shiller.Shiller brings Jobber 1 to his feet.He throws him towards the ropes and executes a Spine Buster.Shiller taunts Jobber 1 and tells him to get up.Jobber 1 punches Shiller but he just shrugs it off.Jobber tries again, and the same thing happens.Jobber 1 tries again but Shiller blocks it and delivers a punch of his own to Jobber 1.Jobber 1 falls down.)

Commish:Stiff shot by Shiller!

(Jobber 1 climbs to his feet and Shiller lets him tag in.Jobber #2 comes in but gets hit with a kick in the gut.Shiller then executes a hanging vertical suplex.He picks up Jobber #2 and throws him towards the ropes.He runs against the ropes and delivers a shoulder block that levels Jobber #2!He picks up Jobber #2 and delivers a sitdown powerbomb.He then signals for something in the back.)

Johny B:What is that all about JJ?

JJ:I dont know?

(Then Marcus Wood walks out from the back.He is smokin a blunt.He comes to the ring and gets on the ring apron.Shiller Tags him in!Woods goes to the top ropes, while Shiller picks up jobber #2 and gives him The Real Deal!Marcus Wood delivers the ShowStoppa to Jobber #2!He pins him while Shiller attacks Jobber #1.He goes for the pin!1.....2.....3!)

Commish:Well we now know who Shiller's partner is!

JJ:We certainly do!Your Winners, Steven Shiller and Marcus Wood!

JJ:Our next matchup put two enemies against each other.They are fighting in a No hold barrde grudge match.Coming to the ring first, The game, Triple H!!!And his opponent, The rattlesnake, Steve Austin!!

(They lock up and Triple H gains the advantage with a takedown.Austin gets up and gets quickly knocked down by a clothesline.HHH pulls up Austin.He throws him towards the ropes and delivers a backdrop.HHH kicks Austin a few times and Austin gets to his feet.HHH kicks Austin and executes a vertical suplex.HHH then climbs to the outside and grabs a chair.He slides back in and waits for Austin to get to his feet.)

Johny B:That cant be good JJ!

(Austin gets to his feet and HHH tries for chair shot, but Austin Ducks and kicks HHH in the gut.Austin picks up the chair and nails HHH over the head.HHH falls to the ground.Austin slides out of the ring and sets up a table outside of the ring.He slides back in and picks up HHH.Austin throws HHH to the ropes and then BackDrops him to the outside on to the table!!!)

Johny B: Ruthless!!!!

Commish:He just broke him in half!

Prez JJ:What about the table you guys, imagine how much pain he is in!

Johny B and commish:Shut up JJ!

(Steve gives the fallen HHH the finger and climbs out of the ring.He picks up a chair.HHH stumbles to his feet but gets leveled by a stiff chair shot.Austin taunts for awhile.Austin tries to pick up HHH, but is met with a low-blow.HHH slides Austin in the ring.He picks up Austin and throws him towards the ropes and hits a shoulderblock.He then delivers an elbow.HHH picks up Austin and tries for a Pedigree, but austin reverses and lays out HHH.)

Johny B:He got out of it!

(Austin slides out of the ring and grabs a chair.He slides back in.HHH runs at him but he ducks out of the way.Austin then executes a thesz press followed by a flury of punches.He picks up HHH and slams the chair over his head.He gets out of the ring and slides a table in and sets it up.He throws HHH to the ropes and delivers a spine buster through the table!!!Austin then signals for the stunner.)

Commish:It could be time Johny!

Johny B:It could be and it is!

(Austin picks up HHH and kicks him in the stomach.He then hits a Stunner!He has pins him. 1...2.....3!But he is not done!He slides out of the ring and grabs a chair.He throws HHH towards the ropes and hits a devastating Chair Shot.HHH is out cold!)

Commish:He is out cold!

Johny B:He is out Stone Cold!!!

JJ:Your winner,Stone Cold Steve Austin!

JJ:Our next matchup is a non-title Cage match!Our first competitor, he's the current TnP World Champion, H-B-K!And his opponent, a new comer to the TnP, Doh-Boy!!!

(They enter the cage and Doh-Boy swings at HBK but misses.HBK ducks under and kicks Doh in the stomach.He delivers a body slam and Doh gets back up.He gives him another scoop slam and Doh gets back up.Then he whips him towards the ropes and delivers a back body drop.HBK flexes a little and when Doh gets back up he executes a precise drop-kick.)

Johny B:Nice drop kick by HBK!

(HBK picks upDoh and slams his head into the cage.Doh stumbles around a little.HBK sweeps Doh's legs out from under him.HBK climbs the ropes and when Doh gets back up he delivers a cross-body block.HBK climbs the cage and when he gets to the top, Doh Boy hits the cage.HBK gets stuck and Doh climbs the cage.HBK and Doh throw some puches.HBK falls down to the outside and brings down Doh with him!!!They hit the ground at the same time.)

Johny B:Who hit first Commish?

Commish: I don't know, so as the commish, I say the match is now a falls count anywhere match!!!

(They get to their feet at the same time.HBK throws a punch, but Doh blocks it and hits one of his own.He hits a few more and slams HBK's head into the cage!He picks up HBK and brings him down with a side slam!Doh picks up a chair and swings it at HBK, but HBK ducks and Doh hits the cage.HBK clotheslines Doh.Doh drops the chair and HBK picks it up.He nailz Doh over the head!!!)

Johny B:Ruthless!!!!

(HBK picks up Doh.He places him on the Spanish Announce Table and climbs to the top of the cage!!!Doh-Boy is laying lifelessly on the table.Shawn Michaels gives a crotch chop.HBK does a Splash from the top of the Cage on to the Spanish Announce Table!!!He just broke Doh Boy in half!!!)

Johny B:Oh my god!!!!!!

(HBK gets up and tries to shake it off.Doh Boy starts to get up.HBK stomps his leg on the ground, the signal for Sweet Chin Music!Doh gets up but is met by HBK's boot!He hit him with Sweet Chin Music!!!HBK covers the fallen Doh-Boy!1....2.......3!He beat him!)

JJ:We got a Winner, HBK!

Prez JJ:Our next matchup is a Casket match for the TnP TV Title!!!On his way to the ring, the TV Champin, Chris Jeriichhhooo!And his opponent, a newcomer to the TNP, Trick Daddy Dolla!

(Jericho swings at TDD, but he ducks out of the way and kicks CJ in the stomach.He delivers a clothesline but jericho gets back up.TDD hits a few punches and whips him towards the ropes.He delivers a backdrop.TTD slides out of the ring.He grabs a chair and slides back in the ring.CJ stands up and almost gets hit with the chair, but he ducked out of the way.CJ kicks TDD and he drops the chair.CJ picks up the chair and smacks TDD over the head with it!)

Johny B:Stiff chair shot over TDD's head!

(CJ picks up TDD and uses a vertical suplex to put him back down.CJ taunts the crowd.He then puts TDD into the Walls of Jericho, but the ref said that he can't win that way and CJ pushed the ref!While CJ was distracted, TDD hit a low-blow!TDD gets to his feet and punches CJ a few times.He whips Y2J to the ropes and delivers a spine buster!)

Commish:Nice spinebuster by Trick Daddy!

(TDD picks up CJ and hits him with a DDT!TDD goes to the second rope and delivers a elbow drop.CJ gets up and tries hitting a few punches, but TDD counter's and delivers a Samoan Drop.TDD gets CJ up and tries to hit a powerbomb, but CJ reverses it into a sunset flip.1...2..kickout.CJ brings TDD to his feet and kicks him in the stomach.He throws him into the corner.He executes a Hurricanrana!!!He tries for a pin!1...2....Kickout!!!)

Johny B:So so close Commish!

(A frustrated Y2J pulls TDD to his feet.He tosses him over the ropes and climbs out of the ring.He opens the Casket.He tries to put him in but TDD blocks it.TDD hits CJ's head into the casket.CJ stumbles backwards.TDD grabs a table and sets it up.He tries to put CJ through it with a overhead suplex, but somehow, CJ reverses it into Tornado DDT!!!!)

Johny B:Ruthless!!!!!!!!!!

(CJ gets up and stands up TDD and puts it in the casket.He goes to shut the door, but TDD gets a hand on it.TDD is fighting it......fighting it.......Y2J got it closed!!!!We got a winner, Y2J closed TDD into the Casket!)

Prez JJ:We got ourselves a Winner and still champion, Chris Jericho!

Prez JJ:Our next matchup is a triple threat Inferno/Weapons Elimination Match for the American Title!!!Our first wrestler, the TnP American Champion, Psycho!And one of his opponents, The superstar!And their opponent, The Rattlesnake, Steve Austin!

(They get in the weapon filled ring and the flames shoot up.Austin and Superstar gesture to each other, and they double team Psycho.They both kick him and then they throw him towards the ropes.They the deliver a double clothesline.Superstar then nails Austin with a cheap shot.He uses a scoop slam on Austin.Then Psycho gets back up and nails superstar with a right hand.He picks up SS and does a overhead suplex.)

Commish:Nice over head suplex by Psycho!

(Psycho picks up austin and DDT's him.He goes to the top rope, but Superstar bounces against the ropes and makes him fall.Austin gets up and attacks the fallen Psycho, but then Superstar moves Austin out of the way and starts kicking psycho.Then Austin spins SS around and kicks him in the gut and tries for a stunner but SS pushes him against the ropes and then clotheslines him.)

Johny B:Couldn't quite get it on him!

(SS picks up Stone Cold and delivers a vertical Suplex.SS starts kicking Austin.This allows Psycho enought time to get up on the top ropes and deliver a awesome plancha to SuperStar!Psycho then picks up Austin and throws him to the corner.Psycho then tries for a Hurricanrana, but Austin reverses it into a Powerbomb!)

Commish:Psycho is just not having a good day!

(Austin comes out of the corner and clotheslines SS SS gets up and Austin whips him to the ropes and executes a Thesz Press followed by the flury of punches.He picks up shiller and executes a vertical suplex.Psycho grabs Austin from behind, but Austin lifts his leg up, slamming into Psycho's groin area!)


(Austin then picks up SS and delivers a devestating piledriver.Austin then starts to work on Psycho.He throws him in the corner and delivers a flurry of punches.Psycho stumbles out and Austin picks up a chair.Austin nails Psycho with it and then hits him with a Stunner.Psycho stumbles backwards and puts his hands in the flames!)

Johny B:There goes Psycho!!!

Commish:We will now have a new champ for sure!!!

(Austin then goes after SS.SS surpises him with a Eye Rake.SS sets up a table and DDT's Austin.He sets Austin on the table.SS goes to the top ropes.SS then does a Frog Splash onto the table!!!!SS stumbles to his feet and picks up a kendo stick.He rests in the corner and waits for Austion to get up.Austin stumbles to his feet, but his met by a shot from a kendo stick.Austin doesn't go down, so SS hits him again!)

Johny B:Ruthless!!!!

(He picks Austin up and gives him the Falling Star!!!He picks him back up and throws him towards the ropes.SS lifts Austin up and drops him over top of the ropes, where the flames rush over him and set him on fire!!!)

Prez JJ:We got a Winner and new American Champ, SuperStar!!!

JJ:Now it's time for our main event!Due to a panzy ass wrestler named Fate, suddenly quitting this fed cuz he knew he would lose, our main event is now a one on one match-up.It is Ropeless Stair Way to Hell match-up for the TnP Extremist Title.Our first wrestler, the TnP Extremist Champ, Mr. Ass!!!And the challenger, THEE Hardcore Icon, Big Dawg Darin Anderson!

(They face each other down in the ring.Then Mr. Ass charges at Big Dawg but Big Dawg ducks and kicks him in the stomach.Big Dawg then throws a few left hands followed by a right hook.He picks up Mr. Ass and suplex's him.Big Dawg stands Mr. Ass up and then kicks him in the gut.He executes a Russian LegSweep.He then slaps on a leg-lock.)

Johny B:He puts Mr. Ass in a leg-lock!

(Mr. Ass gets out of and they both get to there feet.Big Dawg kicks Mr. Ass in the stomach and he throws Mr. Ass through a table on the outside!!!Big Dawg climbs out of the ring and stacks two tabkes on top of each other.He rolls Mr. Ass onto the tables.Big Dawg sets up the ladder in the ring.Heclimbs up it.But instead of grabbing the kendo stick, he purposely tips the ladder and attempts a leg drop, but Mr. Ass rolls of the tables and sends Big Dawg crashing through both tables!!!)

Johny B:Ruthless!!!!

Commish:I think he just proved why is THEE king of Hardcore!!!

(Mr. Ass stumbles up into the ring.He lays there for a sec and recovers.He sets up the ladder and and attempts to climb up it.Big Dawg stands up and gives Mr. Ass the finger!Mr. Ass points at Big Dawg and looks at the crowd.He then decides, due to the crowds applause, to go back after Big Dawg.Mr. Ass gets down and Big Dawg climbs in the ring.Mr. Ass charges at him but he ducks.Then Big Dawg hits a clothesline.He tries to climb the ladder.Mr. Ass gets up and climbs up the other side, and they throw a few punches.Then the ladder tips over and they fall to the outside onto a table!!!!!!!)

Johny B:Holy Fucking Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commish:This is a match of the year candidate!

(They both are out cold.Eventually, they both climb up, and get in a fist fight.Big Dawg gets an advantage.He throws Mr. Ass into the gaurd rail.Big Dawg goes to the announcer table, and grabs a chair from next to it.It is his own chair, with the "BG" spray painted on it.He runs at Mr. Ass and nails him over the head!He rolls Ass into the ring and sets up another stack of two tables.Mr. Ass tries climbing the Ladder, but Big Dawg quickly climbs in the ring and climbs the ladder too.They get in another fist fight, this time, Big Dawg gets the advantage.He brings Mr. Ass to his side of the ladder and drapes him over his shoulder.Then he tips the ladder towards the double-stacked table, and executes his finisher, The Dawg Bowl through both tables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Commish:That could end a career.....

Johny B:And it may have.....It may have.......

(Big Dawg stands up and holds up his arms.He is bleeding like crazy now.He rolls in the ring and takes a breather.He sets up the Ladder and climbs up it.He grabs the Kendo Stick.He climbs down and gets out of the ring.He stands up and rolls Mr. Ass in the ring.e gets in and holds the Kendo Stick in the air.The crowd goes nuts!He runs and slams it into his head.Then he picks up Mr. Ass and executes a un-needed Dawg Bowl.He slumps over Mr. Ass and pins him.1...2.....3!)

Prez JJ:Wow, what a match!!!Your Winner and new Extremist Champ, Big Dawg Darn Anderson!

Prezz JJ:That will do it for tonight!We had a great night and congrats to all the winners!