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<BGSOUND SRC="images/yourgone.wav" loop=infinite>

"This page is dedicated to the memory of my bestfriend"

While you are here...think of someone who is special to you...
If you are lucky enough to still have him or her in your life,
Take the time to let them know how much they are loved.
You may not get a second chance.....

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"Our Secret"

There was a love between us
Only for us to know
There was a love between us
Just our secret

We had something special
Just for us to share
We loved unconditionally
A love that won't ever compare

There was a love between us
Only for us to know
There was a love between us
Just our secret

You were taken away suddenly
During those cold and lonely days
Leaving only the love in my heart
I will remember you always

There was a love between us
Only for us to know
There was a love between us
Just our secret

Written by Angel
copyright ©1999

Page Design by Angel Lv4u
in Loving Memory of Kenny

The "Kindred Souls" Award
presented to Angel
November 2, 1999

"You're Gone"
by Diamond Rio