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Welcome to my dark corner of eBay. 
Welcome to my CREEPY ATTIC. 

* Stuff I want; *
* Stuff for trade; *

  • Any thing from the band the Undead with Bobby Steele.
  • Any rare Misfits items from the Fiend Club.
  • Any Misfits item(s) with Helen Blaze on it(them).
  • Doyle's armbands, they sold around 450 of them during the tours around 1997.
  • Any Misfits Promotional Items. Such as posters, flyers, and so on. Note if you have these things you can get them copied at kinkos. I will buy the copies.
  • Misfits Master Video from The Famous Monsters tour. The video is not for sale, but if you send me a blank video I will send you a copy.
  • An Xtra-Large Misfits  2000 shirt. Its one of the new ones. It has the Zombie Misfits on the front, and Misfits 2000 on the back. This shirt was never worn but was washed once.
  • A Large Misfits "Coffins" shirt signed by Jerry Only. This shirt has the Misfits, and the Crimson Ghost around some coffins. Jerry signed the front.

E-Mall Doctor Chud Here


No I am not the drummer, but I am a fan.