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Rufus & Jody

RUFUS came to us in the spring of 1989...just showed up one day in our back yard. He was the ugliest thing...skinny, coat shaggy and burnt down the back...but it didn't take us long to fall in love with his great personality...and so Rufus moved into a full house of Shelties and become Bud's Best Buddy!

JODY was my 50th Birthday present to myself... along with being a much needed addition to our family. I'd lost 3 of my old Shelties in the past year and was down to only 2 dogs ... a puppy was just what I needed to fill the time and help me with my grief at losing 3 of my best friends. Jody is now 6 years old and the "light" of my life.


DAISY was adopted in July of 1998 from the Greater Dayton Humane Society and is now 9 years old. I was volunteering there .. socializing the dogs .. when she came in, and each time I visited I fell in love just a little bit more. Needless to say, when no one adopted her after several months ... she came home with me to join our doggy family.


ELLIOT.. or Elly, as we tend to call him...came to P.A.W.S two days after I adopted Daisy. (Paws is a no-kill shelter I volunteer at 2 days a week.) Elly , at the age of 5, had been brought in to another shelter when his owners moved and didn't want to take him or the female sheltie they had with them. The female, being of a more outgoing temperment was adopted right away. Elly, however, being very timid and shy was not. This shelter called Paws and asked them to take Elly as he was scheduled to be put down the next day. To make a long story short ... Elly was my Birthday present that October. He has been with us for almost 5 years now and after a long hard road , has learned to love and trust both Bud and I. He has turned out to be one of the "sweetest" shelties I've ever owned.


BJ was my second foster dog with the Miami Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club. He came to them from a kennel who could no longer afford to care for the Shelties they had. Shy and distrusting at first, BJ soon learned to trust in me (though he still doesn't trust any strangers or my husband ... or any men for that matter). It didn't take long for me to fall in love with BJ (and he with me) and so, BJ was adopted into the family to become a happy and loving little personality I adore. BJ is now 7 years young.


There is a nationwide movement to end puppymills forever, and your help is needed. If we all pitch in we could actually see an end to these horrible prison camps for dogs. My simple request is that every rescue and shelter site have a prominent link to puppymill information. I have a page of links that you could link to or use any or all of it that you want. Please help educate the public. Lawrence County Humane Society Abuse and Adoption Center

IMOM (they organized the puppymill rally) has a petition they will send to talk shows asking that the puppymill petstore issue be addressed. Please sign this very important petition and pass it on to everyone you know. I hope you will add it to your webpage. This could make a huge difference in the lives of thousands of dogs who are suffering, and will continue to suffer, until the pubic is made aware of these concentration camps for dogs. IMOM