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4-H Mall

Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Franklin County Extension

What Is 4-H?


4-H is a non-formal educational, youth development program offered to individuals age 5 to 19. Youth are involved in hands-on, experimental learning the allows learning by doing. All 4-H programs focus on active involvement and quality experiences which stimulate lifelong learning of values and skills.

4-H is also a part of America’s Promise to youth.

Some Ohio 4-H facts are:

More than 200,000 Ohio youth were enrolled in 4-H youth development programs and activities in 1996. The 4-H program utilizes four primary delivery methods to educate youth. these methods include community clubs and school enrichment, special emphasis, and camping programs.
Three types of learning experiences are emphasized in 4-H youth development programs and activities: hands-on, organized activities, and leadership/citizenship.
4-H offers learning experiences in more than 200 subject matter areas.
4-H programs have branched out into urban areas. Last year, more than 24% of all Ohio 4-Her’s were living in town and cities with populations between 10,000 and 50,000. More than 18% were living in cities and suburbs with populations greater than 50,000.
One out of every six people in Ohio has been or is currently involved with 4-H either as a member, parent, volunteer, or donor. There are currently 45 million 4-H alumni nationwide.
The official 4-H emblem is a green, four-leaf clover with a white “H” on each clover leaf. The four H’s stand for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.clover.jpg (6767 bytes)
The official 4-H motto is “To Make the Best Better.”
The official 4-H pledge is as follows:
I pledge my head to clearer thinking.
My heart to greater loyalty.
My hands to larger service.
My health to a better living.
For my club
My community
My country
And my world.