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Columbus State Community College

Alpha Rho Epsilon
Columbus State Community College
Columbus, Ohio

Scholarship Hallmark Essay 2000-2001

When new members are inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, they each light a candle from the torch of knowledge. By lighting this candle they are committing themselves to uphold the hallmark of scholarship. They are making the promise to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of learning and the promotion of scholarship to those around them. As a part of the Alpha Rho Epsilon Chapter, these members are then given the opportunity to fulfill this promise by promoting scholarship in not only themselves but on many levels as they continue their pursuit for knowledge.

As a member of Alpha Rho Epsilon, students had the opportunity to expand upon their own knowledge through chapter-sponsored events that not only informed but inspired members. Monthly General and Officer meetings allowed members to receive information about their society, school, and possible transfer institutions while the scholarship committee of the chapter permitted members the chance to take an active role in developing and implementing events focused on scholarship and the Honors Study Topic. In an effort to involve children in the discovery of learning, members organized two movie afternoons where "children" of all ages watched and discussed the role water played in the two Disney films, "Pocahontas" and "Tarzan". On an individual aspect, members could participate in an Online Honors Study Topic Research Paper to help further their understanding of the International Honors Study Topic on an issue of their choice. They could then, in this way, relate water to their own life in a way that was meaningful to them.

As a part of a larger entity, Columbus State Community College, Alpha Rho Epsilon worked diligently to promote higher education and its rewards. As representatives on campus committees, chapter members had the opportunity to continue in the tradition of forging Columbus State into a scholarship-oriented organization. With members representing Phi Theta Kappa on College Council, Sexual Harassment Board, and Student Conduct Hearing Committee, college policy was being directly influenced and enforced by Phi Theta Kappans. In this way, chapter members learned the skills needed to create an atmosphere conducive to learning. On the other hand, chapter members raised awareness about existing college services by volunteering at annual events geared toward involving and energizing students such as Spring

Fling, Taste the Future, and Welcome Back. These campus-sponsored events allowed Phi Theta Kappa to reach out to members of the campus community to share our goals of increasing the positive recognition of exceptional scholars as well as sharing resources and encouragement with other campus organizations. To promote the Honors Study Topic, "In the Midst of Water: Origin and Destiny of Life," Alpha Rho Epsilon established a Lecture Series focusing on the phenomenon of water. Four lectures were held in this series showing the multifaceted nature of the subject of water and involving students, faculty, and staff along with Alpha Rho Epsilon members and advisors. Topics included teaching water education to children, water and science, water as recreation, and the role of water in religion.

Scholarship was not contained to the school grounds as Alpha Rho Epsilon took its enthusiasm of learning to the community. Through partnership with the college and outside non-profit organizations, Alpha Rho Epsilon promoted education and life-long learning to the communities served by Columbus State. Collecting books and school supplies for area children, tutoring at local elementary schools, and becoming role models for young children enabled the chapter to stress the benefits of scholarship through our own examples and behaviors. These young people could be the future class of Phi Theta Kappans, and if we instill in them a love of learning and desire to achieve, then they will take what knowledge we pass down to them and raise to ever greater heights.

As part of the Ohio Region, Alpha Rho Epsilon took advantage of the learning opportunities offered by other chapters by attending regional meetings. By participating in these events, members not only learned about the subject at hand, but about their own beliefs and skills as well. Alpha Rho Epsilon, motivated by this year's Honors Study Topic, invited the Ohio Region to unite to discuss the portrayal of water in "Show Boat" shown by CAPA's Summer Movie Series at the historic Ohio Theatre. Many opinions were shared as four chapters drew from their own perceptions of water and related them to a classic movie that showed the influence of water on life.

We learn most about ourselves when we learn about others. Therefore, Alpha Rho Epsilon stressed the importance of attending both the International Convention and International Honors Institute. At these events, members not only learned about the Honors Study Topic, but what it meant to be a Phi Theta Kappan. A myriad of cultures and beliefs were connected by a common goal--knowledge--as we shared ideas and values with those people who have made a commitment to advancing knowledge and understanding in themselves and promoting it to others.

Even one candle burns bright in the night. And so the torch of knowledge is passed from one member to another; one friend to another; one generation to another. With the dawn of a new year on the horizon, the Alpha Rho Epsilon Chapter does not see the end to what we have learned this past year, but rather the conclusion of one chapter and the beginning of another. Members will continue to light their candle upon induction to the society, and although one candle cannot burn forever, the flame is immortal--forever burning in our minds and spurring on our quest for scholarship.