Here is the details of the ride on the last Three Rivers Akron-Chicago and return.
(actually the next to last 41 and the last 40, since I would need to get back from Chicago)
KEY: "DEP" = Departure * "ARR" = Arrival * "PAS" = Pass by (up or through)
* "MET" Opposing train. * "EDD" = Equipment Defect Detector.
WESTBOUND TRAIN #41 - 03/06/05 - OS & Etc.
20 Axles - 342 ft.
AMTK #64
3 Coaches
1 Buisness Class Lounge/cafe
03:45 DEP Akron, OH (AKO) (sched 01:19) due to CSX Frieght ahead hitting auto.
04:07 PAS MP 148.0 EDD Easton, OH
04:14 PAS MP 155.0 Sterling, OH
04:29 PAS MP169.2 EDD Pawnee, OH
04:45 MET E/B P040 (Amtrak #40)
04:52 - - - MP 188.5 Ramey, OH Restricted Proceed Signal; Behind Q385
05:25 - - - MP 188.5 Back on the move on Approach signal.
05:30 PAS MP 193.1 Greenwich, OH ; Clear Signal (finally)
05:43 PAS MP 200.8 EDD Walnut Rd.
05:45 - - - MP 201.5 Peru Ctr Rd. Stop Signal ; waiting for Xover.
06:22 MET E/B Q114, back on move, Cross over to #3 main.
06:28 PAS MP 203.4 Willard, OH
07:10 ARR Fostoria, OH (FOS) (sched 03:05)
07:15 - - - zzzz STEVE FALLS ASLEEP! zzzz
xx:xx ARR Nappanee, IN (NPI)
xx:xx ARR Hammond-Whiting, IN (HMI)
10:30 - - - !!!! STEVE WAKES UP! !!!!
10:50 ARR Chicago, IL (CHI)
took photos of the head end, and also of the rear. (yeah I got to go all the way down the platform!!)
EASTBOUND TRAIN #40 - 03/07/05 - OS & Etc.
32 Axles - 603 ft.
AMTK #??? (P42 of course)
3 Coaches
1 Buisness Class Lounge/cafe
3 Amtrak Express Boxcars (!!!!)
22:00 DEP Chicago, IL (CHI) *ON TIME*
22:36 ARR Hammond-Whiting, IN (HMI) (sched 22:29)
22:40 PAS E/B Q114 on #1 main (ok they are out of our way, so we will be running early LOL)
00:53 ARR Nappanee, IN (NPI) *ON TIME*
00:59 - - - zzzz STEVE FALLS ASLEEP zzzz
02:35 - - - !!!! STEVE WAKES UP! !!!!
02:41 PAS Hamler, OH
03:15 PAS E/B Q114 passes us back on #1 main since we are waiting for time.
03:35 ARR Fostoria, OH (FOS) Actually got into Fostoria at 03:15, waited at Tiffin Rd. for time.
03:39 PAS CSXT "F" Tower, Operator is hiballing with flashlight. (hiballed back with my LCD screen)
04:00 - - - MP 10.6 Stop signal (yes we caught up with Q114)
04:07 - - - Back on the move. (Steve smells someone's pizza!)
04:20 PAS MP204.2 "RX" Willard, OH (still behind Q114)
04:38 - - - Willard reports our EOT is dark. Informed dispacher, will place red flag at Akron. (longer stop!)
04:43 PAS MP 200.8 EDD Walnut Rd.
04:44 MET W/B P041 (THE last Amtrak #41) running 2+ hours late.
04:52 PAS MP 193.1 Greenwich, OH
04:58 - - - Steve goes to lounge and buys personal pizza for $3.00 (worth every penny!)
05:25 PAS MP 155.0 Sterling, OH
05:56 ARR Akron, OH (AKO) (sched 05:30) 1/2 hour late, not bad for the last run.
06:02 DEP Akron, OH (AKO) One Last Time. In a flood of railfan & media cameras,
and one sign by long time passenger Jim Weyrick reading...
Which was hung on the window of the Amshack.
Also Mr Weyrick and myself wer THE LAST to detrain at Akron, I was physically the last off.
Dave Mangold was the last to board the departing #40.
I did take video of the train leaving, also of the 'Shack being locked up for the last time.
A very fine last trip. In Chicago rode METRA and visited some friends there, had some food,
Visited the gift shop at Union Station, played some pinball in the arcade too!
The arrival/departure screens at the gate showed #40 daparting Gate D.
Underneath it was typed "So Long, Farewell, Goodbye, Adieu."
Also the CSX crews we passed, "F" Tower operator etc. also had their goodbyes.
(I had the scanner on the whole trip on cheap CVS brand batteries, and it did not go dead!!!!)
Also it was nice to have the 120v outlets at every seat! Had my digital camera recharged in minutes!
Well that is the report. Send it around to anyone who would be interested. That is why it is here.
Respectfully Submitted to all...
Steve McMullen.
*Akron AMSHACK Employee 2000-2004
*Head 'Shackie
*Keeper of the bubble, 25 childern, Fire Suppression App., 1/2 mile etc.
*Owner/Moderator of the "AmShack" YahooGroup (which will now have less restrictive membership)
*Last to board the final round trip #41at Akron
*Last to detrain final #40 at Akron (along with Jim Weyrick)