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(continued)-- 2nd play-through of the CD

"Speak To Me/Breathe"

59) The music kicks in as the Tinman starts to walk. Also notice his hand match the symbol perfectly.

60) While the Tinman is dancing, watch as he makes smoke come out of his hat to the beat. Continue to watch him dance to the beat perfectly. When the Tinman is leaning from side to side, notice the noise heard matches each time he leans a different way.

61) "don't be afraid to care" - As this lyric is sung, Dorothy puts her hand on the Tinman's arm and quickly takes it back off as if she were "afraid to care" for him.

62) "leave, but don't leave me" - The group jumps up because the Wicked Witch scares them.

63) The music picks up as the fireball the Witch throws hits the ground and flames up.

"On The Run"

64) Notice the Scarecrow and the Tinman look up at the sky as if they were hearing the airplane sounds heard on the CD.

65) You hear a lion-like roar on the CD when they meet the Cowardly Lion for the first time.


66) Watch as the group starts to skip. They skip perfecly to the drums...and when the drums become continous the group starts skipping continously. Also the music changes with the scene.

67) "no one told you when to run" - This lyric is sung as you are getting a view of the field the group is about to run across. Here's something we both like to laugh about when watching this as the Tinman runs across the field...isn't that the gayest looking leap you've ever

68) Dorothy falls down as the music picks up.

69) "racing around to come up behind you again" - Watch as the Scarecrow "races around to come up from behind" the Cowardly Lion so he doesn't fall on his ass.

70) "and one day closer to death" - Notice this is sung as you are seeing a close up of Dorothy lying in the field, as if she were "closer to death".

71) Notice the music calm down as Dorothy begins to wake up. Also she opens her eye's to the drum beat.

72) "home, home again" - Dorothy points to the Tinman who is frozen "again"..much in the same way he had been for the previous year.

73) "far away across the field" - This is exactly where the group is - "far away across the field". Also notice that it appears that the Scarecrow hears this lyric and dances to the beat right after.

74) "calls the faithful to their knees" - As the word "knees" is sung the Scarecrow falls to his knees.

75) "to hear the softly spoken magic spells" - A "magic spell" is exactly what just happened to the group. Also notice the music change with the scene again.

"The Great Gig In The Sky"

76) Listen and watch closely as it appears that the man at the door says "I am not afaid of dying" heard on the CD.

77) Notice the three people run by the wagon waving as the woman screaming on the CD stops to say "hey, hey, hey".

78) Watch the man swinging his hat back and forth. The way he swings it matches the piano perfectly. Also the music takes a small change with the scene change.


79) The cash registers that represented the the color change earlier now represent the money spent on the message written in the sky and/or all of the people in the Emerald Castle wearing green, green being, of course, the color of money.

80) Notice the group start to walk as the music to "Money" kicks in.

81) "get away" - Notice when this lyric is sung Dorothy steps back "away" from the man they are talking to.,

82) "get back" - Watch the Cowardly Lion step "back" as this lyric is sung.

83) Watch as the Cowardly Lion sings "If I Were a King". He appears to conduct the music perfectly, and he plays the saxophone with his mouth at times.

84) Notice everytime the Cowardly Lion turns to face Dorothy you hear the guitar start up. Also it still apears that the Cowardly Lion is conducting the music.

85) The symbols start up just as the man scares the Cowardly Lion and his crown hits the floor.

"Us And Them"

86) The music to "Us and Them" starts just as the group starts to walk down the big hallway(after they turn back a few times). Also notice their right feet match the beat perfectly as they walk.

87) "us....and them" - When "us" is sung you see a camera shot of the group standing together - when "them" is sung you see a camera shot of the Wizard and his surrounding flames.

88) "me...and you" - As "me" is sung the Scarecrow steps away from the others to speak with the Wizard - as "you" is sung the Scarecrow bows down to the Wizard.

89) "It's not what we would choose to do" - The others have to force the Cowardly Lion to see the Wizard.

90) Notice the mood of the music changes as the Cowardly Lion smiles and passes out... also the lyric "forward he cried" is sung as Dorothy is shouting at the Wizard. Listen to what is said as the Lion wakes up...even though the real lyric is "the lines on the map" sounds alot like "the lions on the map", just something we wanted to add.

91) "black...and blue" - Notice that the smoke around the Wizard is blue as "blue" is sung on the CD. Also notice the way the music matches how the Cowardly Lion jumps up and runs out.

92) "and in the end it's only round and round" - As this lyric is sung you are seeing a sign saying "I'd turn back if I were you"...maybe they should turn a"round?"

93) "said the man with the gun" - Notice that the Scarecrow has a gun.

94) "down...and out" - As "down" is sung, the flying monkeys land on the ground, and when "out" is sung Dorothy and company start to run(they're getting the hell "out" of there).

95) "it can't be helped" - You are seeing the Scarecrow getting torn up by the monkeys, with nobody to "help" him.

96) "with...without" - As "with" is sung, you see the remaining monkeys take off to catch up "with" the others, and when "without" is sung you see the Scarecrow lying on the ground "without" his stuffing.

"Any Colour You Like"

97) Notice the strange sound heard when the Wicked Witch gets shocked by Dorothy's ruby slippers.

"Brain Damage"

98) "the lunatic is on the grass" - After this is sung the Cowardly Lion points down at the ground and when "the lunatics are in my hall" is sung he points to the castle and it looks like he is saying it.

99) "you raise the blade, you make the change, you re-arrange me till I'm sane" - Notice as "you raise the blade" is sung you see the Tinman raise a blade up from behind the rock, and when "you make the change" is sung the Tinman comes the rest of the way out from behind the rock changed into a different costume, and when "you re-arange me till I'm sane" is sung you see all three characters changed in to different costumes (they're "re-aranged").

100) The music has a gloomy feel to it (right before "Eclipse" on the CD) until the Tinman breaks down the door and rescues Dorothy...notice as soon as she gets happy, the music seems to, too.


101) "all that you taste" - The door slams in the faces of all 4 characters.(wonder how that door "tastes"?)

102) When the CD ends you are seeing the group run from the Witch, perhaps the heartbeat playing represents the group's hearts racing?...When the CD starts back up for the 3rd time you are seeing the Witch melt.

Third play-through

"Speak To Me/Breathe"

103) Dorothy gets the broom as the music kicks in to "Breathe".

104) Notice while the group is back in the Wizard's room that the fire is still shooting out to the beat (sort of).

105) "Breathe, breathe in the air, don't be afraid to care" - Notice "breathe..breathe in the air" is sung as the the Wizard realizes that the characters have spotted him, possibly meaning he needs to take a breath cause it appears he is panicing.

106) "don't be afraid to care" - This represents how the Wizard was treating the group so mean earlier, and now he is beginning to care a little.

107) >font color="blue">"look around" - As this is sung the Scarecrow looks behind him.

108) "dig that hole" - After this is sung, the Wizard points to the ground as if he were telling the Scarecrow to "dig that hole" (the timing on this one is not very good, but noticeable).

109) "It's time to dig another one" - The Wizard puts his finger up as if he were telling Scarecrow to "dig another one".

"On The Run"

109) Notice that everytime a character gets what he wanted from the Wizard a different noise is heard. When the Scarecrow gets his diploma the music changes. When the Cowardly Lion gets his medal of courage, airplanes are heard. When the Tinman gets his heart a weird sounding noise is heard and it looks as if the Tinman hears it, too.(also notice the very faint heart heard in the backround of the music).


110) The chiming bells represent the cheering crowd surrounding the balloon. Also notice how the Wizard swings his hat and cane... sometimes it matches the bells heard.

111) The sounds heard before the song "Time" that represented the way Dorothy and the Wicked Witch moved earlier now represent the way the Wizard moves..notice as he points to the Scarecrow you hear the noise, when he points to the Tinman you hear the noise, and when he points to the Cowardly Lion you hear it as well.. and when Dorothy steps out of the basket you here it again.

112) Notice the moment the Good Witch lands on the ground the music kicks in.

113) "waiting for someone or something to show you the way" - This is sung as the Good Witch aproaches Dorothy. (she's been waiting for someone or something to show her the way home).

114) "racing around to come up behind you again" - As this is sung the Good Witch comes up from behind Dorothy...(notice that this is the third time this lyric has represented somebody coming up from behind somebody..the 1st being when the fortune teller was behind Dorothy, the 2nd being when the Scarecrow had to race up behind the Cowardly Lion so he wouldn't fall, and this one being the third).

115) "home, home again" - Dorothy is definetly "home again". The movie ends right as "The Great Gig In The Sky" kicks in.

Well, that's the end of the list. You're probably wondering what happens when the movie ends...absolutly nothing. The music changes when the Wizard of Oz logo dissapears (on the 60th anniversary edition only), but nothing big. We hope you found this list to be informative, and we hope it makes you decide to stop reading about this connection and try it out for yourself.

Some say that this synch is just a very big coincidence, but we strongly disagree. How do you explain the part when "you raise the blade, you make the change" is sung as the Tinman raises a blade and is changed into the soldiers uniform, and all the other lyrical synchs? Some members of Pink Floyd have no comment to the question when it has been brought up and others have said that there was no connection intended to the movie while recording the album. There is speculation that Roger Waters (the lead songwriter at that time) planned and constructed the synch behind the other members backs. Nobody really knows the truth about what went down, but we do know that the wondering and debates on the subject add more interest to the connection. It dosen't matter if it was done on purpose or if it's just a coincidence,because it's still entertaining.

As for who first found the synch, it still remains a mystery to us. All we know is that that it was floating around the internet until news broke on TV and in newspapers back in 1997.

Other Info

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the synch.- Go here for any questions you might have regarding the "Wizard Of Oz/Darkside Of The Moon" synch.

Other Synchs- Go here to find out how to setup other Pink Floyd CD's with different movies, some being just as amazing as "The Wizard Of Oz/Darkside Of The Moon" synch (we will be adding to this section as new synchs are discovered).

Pink Floyd Discography - Go here if your interested in finding out more about Pink Floyd's music.

Pink Floyd Poster Store - Go here If you are interested in veiwing and/or buying various Pink Floyd Posters and Photobooks.

"Wizard Of Oz" movie mistakes. - **coming soon** We were inspired to create this section to tell about the numerous mistakes in the "The Wizard Of Oz" movie. We also uncover the truth about the so called "hanging man" in the trees.

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