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          Just a note the Font I used was Script MT Bold

        Also to center your Graphics add this statement

to your page after

    (p align="center"> and before <img src=

 just cut a paste this


      &nbsp;    one for each space you would like

 you do not need < > on the outside

  I like doing it this way more

than using Spacer.gif 


                 <p align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

     (no space between last line and next)

<img border="0" src="contfaeheader.jpg" width="315" height="415"></p>

              *Because Angelfire just plops their Pop-Ups on your page

       with no visible HTML to edit the darn thing, 

 I am stuck with it the way it is. 

  Spacer gif does not help either.... 

Sorry Jackie ... you just don't know everything!



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