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"Where's Mommy",  I heard you say

She's gone Dear it was time she said, "to be on her way"

"What did I do wrong", You questioned me

My eyes filled with tears

My heart broke in two 

I couldn't speak up, I just don't know how to answer you


She told me why she gave you to your Dad, 

I could never repeat what she said to you 

You would never understand...

She said "it was time to fill her own needs"

She said she was too young when she gave you life

Sending you away was desperation to become anyone's Wife

Being a Mother was a bore

For her it had become such a unselfish tedious chore


Family time is now replaced by Bar room chatter

Chasing destructive relationships is all that matters

Her Job won over any time spent with you

Day's off were spent with that someone new


"Don't worry Dear your Daddy still loves you"

"He'll stand firm at your side"

"He'll be home in his bed"

"Not out all night in someone else's instead"

"I promise he won't leave you alone"

"He'll stick around and give you a home"


"I loved her so much", I heard you say

The tears fall again, I don't know what to say

How do I tell you the selfish reasons why she couldn't be a Mom

How he became the center of her love while she moved you down

How can I explain to you how she could leave you alone

With no Adult to protect you at night in your Home


"Didn't anyone tell Mommy Family comes first?"

"It's the responsibility of giving birth"

"Didn't anyone tell Mommy Loving and Touching out weighs even pure Gold"

"New Cars and new clothes alone are cold"

"Didn't anyone tell Mommy she's hurting me?"

"I could grow up spending my whole life making sense of her in Therapy"


I looked at you child, so sad and so wise

I then looked to the Heaven's and asked only "why"

I don't understand a Mother who places her child last

I don't understand Friends who accept this behavior with grace

Protecting the Child they feel is simply not their place

What in life makes them become so hardened, deaf and blind

If I was this Mother or one of her Friends, 

I would hide my face in shame.....


Thank God for the loving Father's who stick around

Who give their Children a Home built on firm ground

Unselfish they are to forgo the Bars and Overtime

They stand by the Children when Mom's being unkind

Three cheers to you my heart shouts out in a joyous melody

You understand the precious gift you willingly received

And you cherish each moment of your Child's life

With a passionate unending need

Thank God for the Children one Parent has sense and decency 



This is not an attempt to single out only Mommies. But the facts are when children are 

treated this way espically by Mom's, it seems to leave a bigger whole in their lives.

*Dedicated to all the Children who are or have lived with Dad because Mom thinks her time 

is better spent elsewhere. And to all the Dad's who understand the damage these Mothers do 

to their Children Spirit. And Sympathy to both for the frustration caused by Societies 

acceptance of this new trend among birth Mothers. May the Children find the much needed 

Peace to forgive Mom when she decides she needs them in her life again.

And this is dedicated to my Mom, Sylvia who put her Families needs first the majority of times.

And who stood by her Children without putting anyone else first!

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The Midi is Unbreak my Heart



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