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Super Stars 2000 results

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April 2nd, 2000. From Zebley Stadium

The Super Bowl of DWF kicked off with musicain Sam French's rendition of the national anthem. It was a great performance.

The Opening match of the day pitted The Toughest Goon of them all trying to end the 5 year old wrecking crew, Stone Cold Zane Gardner's winning streak. The youngest lightweight champion ever came to the ring decked out in his army gear and driving his toy jeep as he was ready for a war. Stone Cold struck first with a stunner on the Goon but the Goon amazingly kicked out of the stunner!!!! The Goon got back up and mounted quite an offense. The Goon hit his finisher, a huge powerslam, but Stone Cold kicked out. Stone Cold then made a comeback by hitting another stunner for the win and his win streak still in tact!!!

Next the camera cut to the Corporation's sweet. The World Champion the Owner Zeb Gardner and one of the guest referes for the main event Roadogg Jono Kennedy were enjoying themselves in a hot tub, while fellow Corporation member Adam Pearson walked on the outside of the hot tub. Pearson would be fighting his arch nemisis the Icon Zach Gardner in a ladder match later in the night to see who the second guest ref would be in the main event when the Owner put his World title on the line against Rino. Pearson told the Corporation to not interfere in the match becacuse he didnt need their help to beat the Icon. Pearson then left the suite. And the Owner made mention to the apparent friction that was devloping between him and the Roadogg. He said that there was none and that the Corporation was as stong as ever. The Roadogg agreed with a "whatever". The Owner then went to talk smack about the main event match coming up.

Next was scheduled to be the Intercontintental title match between champion Mr. Showtime Scott Shriner and the voice of the DWF, Real Deal. However Real Deal explained to the camera that Mr. Showtime had been released from the DWF and stripped of the IC title. He stated that he was told by the front office to report to the ring for the second match of the night and that he didnt know who he would be facing. He went to the ring and waited for his opponent to come out. Just then The Ultimate Samari, former DWF World champion came to the ring!! The Samrai had not been on DWF tv for 5 years!! The Samrai stormed the ring and took control. Real Deal tried to mount an offense but could not. The Samari dominated. The end came when Real Deal hit his finisher the facebuster for an upset win and a new Intercontinental champion!! After the match the Samrai went balistic and wooped on the Real Deal!

Next the camera cut to the arrivial area where Rino and the Icon Zach Gardner arrived in a very nice car. They both had intense looks on their face.

The camera then cut to the dressing room area where El Mexicano confronted Sam French, who played the national anthem. El Mexicano, who claims to be the ultimate American said that French's rendition of the anthem was not correct. He then sang what he said was the national anthem as he sung Bawitdaba. French did not like this as El Mexicano said that French's national anthem sucked, so French decked him!!

The next match was the match to determine a new Hardcore champion. El Mexicano stumbled down the entrance way, still feeling the affects of the puch he just recieved from Sam French. Buzz then made his way to the ring. This match was crazy. Buzz chased El Mexicano around the outdoor arena for most of the match. Sam French interjected his self in the match when he broke an American flag over El Mexicano's back. The match then moved into the back stage area and they battled into the basement of the dressing room area. El Mexicano picked up a lightbulb and threw it at Buzz (who was made famous for breaking his head over a lightbulb). Buzz ducked and it smashed against the wall. Buzz then landed a ddt on the concrete and covered El Mexicano for a new Hardcore champion!! Sam French appeared and raised Buzz's arm in victory.

Next the Icon Zach Gardner was in the back some where and cut one of his interviews. He stated how the talk was over and how it was time for him to put his carrer on the line when he fought his arch nemisis Adam Pearson in a ladder match for the second guest refere spot in the main event. He said how it was personal and a Super Stars main event wouldnt be the same without The Icon in it, so he was gonna make sure he was in it.

Next was match one of the triple main event. Adam Pearson vs. The Icon Zach Gardne in a ladder match with the Icon's illustrious carrer on the line and the second guest refere spot in the main event on the line. Both men walked to the ring with intense looks on their faces. This match was nothing short of amazing. Possibly the best DWF match ever. This was pure mayhem. Everything you could imagine happened in this match. They used chairs, tabbles, the ladder, and anything else they could find. Pearson even dumped trash on the Icon. The Icon ended up in the pool. There were so many big bumps that the written word cant describe, you had to be there live or see it on tape to believe it. The end of the match came when Pearson hit a stunner on the Icon. He climbed the ladder but before he could retrieve the contract that stated he would be the second guest ref and that the Icon would be out of the DWF the Icon got back up and delivered the biggest Zachknife we have ever seen. The Icon climbed the ladder and retrieved the contract assuring his spot in the main event and the continuons of his carrer. The Icon celebrated in the ring to the crowds delight. WHAT A MATCH!!!

Next was the tag team title match which pitted Roger and his doll Slodger going against the Tag Team champions the Allied Powers. In reality it was to be a handicap match but the odds evened up when David Deiter of the Allied Powers injured his ankle before Super Stars training. This made it a one on one match, um two on one if you cant the doll Slodger, as it would be Roger going against Troy Shriner. This match was well contested and the end came when Slodger got the pin on Shriner for new tag team champins Roger and Slodger!!

The next match was the Zeke Venis-Mystery Man match. Venis came to the ring all decked out in his best lady attracting clothes. The music then hit for the mystery man and out came former 3 time DWF World Champion Jon Horn!!! What a suprise!! Horn hadnt been seen for almost over a year. The match was suprsingly pretty good. The end came when Zeke Venis attempted a Zeke Venis splash and missed. Horn capalized with a reverse DDT for the win.

Next the camera cut to the Rino who said that with the Icon as the second guest ref that when he would fight the Owner in the main event for the world title that his 7 year journey would be complete when he would win the world title.

Next was match two of the triple main event for Super Stars 2000. In what internet fans speculated as could be Zach Cummings' last match ever in his long achievement filled carrer, he would battle Corporation member and guest refere in the main event Roadogg Jono Kennedy in a bullrope match. This was another spectacular match. The bullrope was tooken off almost immediatley and the two went at it. They brought the ladder back out and the Roadogg hit a spectacular senton bomb off the ladder!! The end occured when Cummings went for his pedigree move and the Roadogg connected with a low blow. He then executed a tornado ddt off the ladder for the 1-2-3. After the Roadogg left the ring in celebration, Cummings took the mic and in an emotional speech told the fans of DWF it would be his last match!! Cummings real life best friend The Icon Zach Gardner came out and they embraced. It was a very emotional moment.

Next was a video clip of off character interviews about the DWF superstars thoughts on the Super Bowl of DWF, Super Stars. The were very indepth.

Next was the main event for the World title. Rino would try to end his 7 year journey by winning the World title at the Super Bowl of DWF. He had his close friend the Icon Zach Gardner serving as one half of the specail guest refs. But Rino would have to beat the best big match wrestler in the biz and current DWF World Champion the Owner Zeb Gardner. The Owner had fellow Corporation member the Roadogg Jono Kennedy as his specail guest refere. The stage was set for a classic main event and that is just what was delivered. The sun had set and it was time to go. The Owner brought out an asortment of goons with him including Adam Pearson. The match began and immediatly the 2 refs began arguing. The match was filled with intense action. During the course of the match while the Roadogg and Icon were arguing the Owner slapped the Zebmission on Rino. Rino tapped out but neither ref saw because they were arguing. Later on in the match Roadogg was arguing with the Icon again and missed a count on Rino. The Owner got up and slapped Roadogg to the ground! The match continued on and the Owner low blowed Rino. The Icon checked on Rino as the Roadogg handed the Owner a chair. The Owner swung, but Rino ducked and the chair hit the Icon knocking him out! Rino then delivered a diamond cutter on the chair and covered The Owner. The Roadogg didnt know what to do. He counted 1.......2........ and finally made the three count!! For A NEW DWF WORLD CHAMPION!!!! The crowd went nuts! The Roadogg went to get the World Title to hand it to Rino when the Owner stopped him and berated him slapping him again. This time Roadogg responded with a right hand that layed the Owner out!! He awarded Rino the belt and the celebraton was on. The fireworks went off and the champange was drunk! What a moment and What a Super Stars!!

pictures for this event should be up sometime soon. Check back! What an event!