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This site is dedicated to the memory of my father, Ray C. Anderson, 1918-1994.
of John Anderson
We think John was born in Ulster, Northern Ireland about 1690, and may have been in the Colony of Pennsylvania by 1720. He could have been born in Scotland and immigrated to Ireland or his family could have been in Ireland for generations. If you have answers to these questions, I would love to hear from you!
Go here and learn more about Scotch Irish. use your back button to return.
Museum of American Frontier Culture, looks like a Grreat place to visit!John married Margaret ? and had four sons, John, George, James and William, who spent their lives and died in Augusta County, Virginia.
James is my line, and three of his sons went to Greenbrier County, West Virginia about 1780. Sons John and James were captains in the Revolutionary War. Some of their descendants are shown here. George was there in the 1780's but I have not found him after that. Does anyone out there descend from George and know where he went to?
Captain John Anderson married Elizabeth Turpin Davis, and after his death many of his children and grandchildren went to Champaign County, Ohio, to what may have been John's bounty land. Some stayed in Greenbrier County.
Captain James Anderson married Elizabeth Light, daughter of Peter Light of Berkeley County, West Virginia, about 1780 in Augusta County. He is said to have served in the Virginia Legislature for 4 terms. As this is my line we have more information on his descendants.
I will be posting biographies found in Greenbrier, and adding information as it becomes available. If you have something to add, let me know.
When I started looking for these Andersons about a year ago, I could find nothing on the web about them. Thanks to all these cousins, that has changed! Many thanks to all of you! These are some of the members of our My Family web site, and have shared information helpful to us all. If you have Anderson Ancestors from Virginia or West Virginia, email me and ask for an invitation to join! We welcome you!
Thanks to: Rebecca Erickson, Rock Kauser, Barbara Tabor, Ann Huff, Gail Anderson, Liz DuBois, Phyllis Crihfield, Alison Martin, Dorothy Logozzo, Carole Conrad, Vicki McDonald, Floyd Owsley, Sandra Griffith, Richard Zicafoose, Carol Stouffer, Tonda Martindill, Bobbi Pohl, Barbara Wyche. A few are still looking for their Anderson ancestor, but most are from this line. I will forward email to them. Special thanks to Alice Gedge and Chris Kraft for the information to connect us to the Middle River, Augusta Co., Virginia Andersons
Notes on Captain James Anderson
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