The Fan Fiction Page
The Fan Fiction Page
This page is a listing of fan fic that use the ideas listed on the Darlin Idea Page. Not all of them are archived anywhere yet, so be patient!
Fan Fiction #1
Challenge Used
Do a crossover between Sevens Investigations and one of the following:
*The A-Team (Seasons 1 or 2, when Amy was still on)
I Love it When a Plan Comes Together...
By Bunny
Fan Fiction #2
Challenge Used
A challenge by Leslie and Marla to take this scene and incorporate it into a fic.
By Sheela
Fan Fiction #3
Challenge Used
A challenge by Leslie and Marla to take this scene and incorporate it into a fic.
Skallen, One
This story has a sequel: Skallen, Two
By Shellie and Mary
Fan Fiction #4
Challenge Used
A challenge by Leslie and Marla to take this scene and incorporate it into a fic.
Result Windows of the Soul
By Marla
Fan Fiction #5
Challenge Used
A challenge by Leslie and Marla to take this scene and incorporate it into a fic.
Result Deathwatch
By Carol Pahl
Fan Fiction #6
Challenge Used
A challenge by Leslie and Marla to take this scene and incorporate it into a fic.
A Ranger's Code
By Maggie