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Virtual Tour!

Egan Hall
The Cafeteria
St. Francis Hall
St. Thomas More Hall

For all my Homefries back in California, I decided to give a universal tour of the campus here. While I don't promise a life-changing experience, I hope folks will get a feel for what things look like here, with my bias and one-sighted views on them, of course.

Update: Okay, I'm pathetic when it comes to finishing projects, You happy now!?!? Geez. Anyhow, I had a revelation that isn't particularly innovative, but time saving. One day in my internet class, while I was perousing the Campus website, I looked around their tour they had, and thought "Wow. I wish I had this on my site." then I thought "Wait, I could have this on my site if I steal it wholesale..." So, I am. I'm placing due credit when I say the University made this tour and I did not create it. The only thing I have done is supply my own running commentary at the ends. okay. My laziness is done.