Family and Pictures
To My First Web Page!
Roger had this tattoo put on his arm while we were dating in '95. I designed it and he wears it with pride. *sigh* true love.
My husband along with my parents and in-laws made a hedgehog cake for my birthday! It is great to be loved by your family and in-laws! (just had to sneak a picture in of a hedgehog some where on this page *L*)
Sorry to disappoint you all, no hedgies in this picture. This is our family picture. My Husband Roger, Morgan 7 years old, McKenna 5 years old and myself. This was taken in October of 1999.
This is a better picture since it has a lighter background. McKenna age 5 is w/me. Morgan age 7 is w/her most important person in the world, her dad.
In this family picture we have Wendi (cat), Bisquit (cat) and Wylie D. (dog). This picture was taken a few years back. McKenna was 3 and Morgan was 5.
There is a new addition to our family, one of the non-furry kind. A little human baby born on Christmas Eve named Drake. Here he is at two weeks old.
Little "D" at 12 weeks old.
If you look real close, there is a opossum angel sitting next to him, made by my good Friend Jan. You can see her other art work on my link to One of a Kind Art Work for Animal Lovers.
Summer of 2005. Morgan, McKenna and Drake.
This is our wedding. Roger's mother, Arlene made all of our wedding apparel. We had a Renaissance wedding. Arlene is truly remarkable in her talents as a seamstress. Thanks to Arlene, dreams can come true!
More dreams that came true. Our wedding.
How much does my husband love me?
Enough to eat a mealworm to raise money for a Hedgehog Rescue Center in Denmark. What a great guy!!!!
Halloween 1999
The picture on the left is Morgan age 7 dressed like Dracula and her sister Mckenna age 5 dressed like Barbie. The picture on the right, we decided to get something to eat before we took the kids out trick or treating. Roger dressed like a pirate, myself as a vampire, w/Dracula and Barbie.
Here is a picture of all of us while we were out eating.
Halloween a few years back, Roger as a skunk and me as a vampire. We maybe old, but age is all in the head. I refuse to act my age!!! What fun would that be?
No, this is not Halloween, just us dressing up while we were in Las Vegas.
This is not our Halloween costumes either. Just us still in Las Vegas looking for something different to do. After we had our faces painted like cats, we drove all the way home, 6 hours, wearing our make-up. You should have seen the looks we got from people driving by and at the gas station. *L* It is fun being different.
This is Roger being the great sport that he is, letting us have some fun w/him. He has a bunch of baby hair clips in his hair.
This is a picture of my beloved sister Michelle. This was taken in October 1989. Sad to say that my sister passed away on June 1995 just a month after her 45th birthday.
Here is a picture of two wonderful people, my parents Manny and Sammy.
Here is a picture of the best in-laws anyone could ask for, Arlene and Fred.
I am truly blessed to have both my parents and my in-laws in our lives.