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"Hi, I’m Carson Daily, and you are watching Total Request Live. For those of you who just tuned in, we’re spending the day with the guys of NSync and we’ve just been hanging out with them the whole show so far. We are about to get into our new number one video, but first, as I promised before the break we’re gonna take a call for these guys. Jessica from Ohio is on the phone, are you there?"

A soft voice replied, "yes."

"Alright, what is your question for the guys?"

"Actually, I…I didn’t have a question…" she was speaking so quietly that they could not hear what she was saying.

"Honey, you’re gonna have to speak up a little, we can barely hear you, alright?"

"Ok…I’m sorry. I don’t have a question…I mean…I had a favor to ask of the guys." She broke off and sat in silence for a moment.

JC, having a gut feeling she wasn’t too happy, said, "Go ahead sweetie, what did you want to say?"

"Well…actually…I was wondering if you could sing the chorus of ‘God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You’…see…it’s for my friend…my best friend in this whole wide world…" she stopped herself again as if to keep herself from showing her current emotions. Her voice was getting shakier with every word she spoke, "She…she was in a car accident…a very bad one…and well…she’s in the hospital…they don’t know if she’ll…if she’ll make it…you see…that…that song…it’s her favorite…her favorite in this whole world…and I know…I know she can’t hear it right now…but it would really…really…mean the world to me…if you sang it for her." She stopped and sat silent on the phone. She was trembling and was barely keeping herself from crying.

Justin, feeling so sorry for this girl said, "We’d be more than happy to sing that song for your friend."

The guys started to sing and Jessica shook. Hearing them sing that song gave her chills, but she could not concentrate on what they were singing. A million thoughts raced through her mind and she could not stop thinking about Katie lying there in the hospital. The thought of losing Katie made her sick to her stomach, and she started crying.

They ended the song, and while sobbing, she barely whispered, "Thank you…thank you so much."

Carson, trying to release the tension spoke up, "Jessica would you like to announce the number one video?"

"Sure…I would love to…Today, reappearing for the first time since last year, is NSync’s ‘Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays’ video. It has taken the number one spot for today knocking out the Backstreet Boys and Korn who have been battling for the number one spot." She stopped, and said quietly, "Thank you again guys…it means the world to me…tha…" She broke off and started crying harder than before.

Carson could barely hear over her cries, and said, "Jessica, stay on the phone while we play the video".

She did not answer him, she only cried harder. She couldn’t stop now…the thoughts running through her mind made her feel worse.

They aired the video and Carson said, "Jessica are you still there?"

She did not have to answer…her sobs were enough to tell the guys that she was still on the phone.

"Carson, take her off speaker phone…the whole world doesn’t need to hear her crying." Justin said as he went over to pick up the phone.

He felt bad for her…the guys have never had anyone call them crying like this, and they never heard any of their fans come to them that upset.

As he picked up the phone, "Jessica? This is Justin. I took you off speaker phone…do you want to talk?"

She tried to pull herself together, "I’m here…I’m so sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I’m sorry that I cried like that on the air…I feel so dumb for doing that…I really tried not to, but I couldn’t help it." Jessica’s voice was solemn and serious. Never in her life had she imagined really talking to NSync, and now that they were there, listening to her every word…she felt nothing special. She could not get her mind off of Katie.

"You have nothing to be sorry for", Justin said, "I can’t imagine what it’s like to be you right now…Jessica, you have every right to be upset. Do you want to talk about it?" His voice was sincere. He was really concerned for this girl and he wanted to make sure she was all right before she hung up the phone.

"It was another driver…" she started to talk about it…but was still shaken.

"Another driver that what?" Justin asked.

"It was another driver…that….that…hit her. She was in the car with her dad…he was driving…they were going somewhere together. He usually has her drive…but this time he didn’t." She stopped for a second questioning herself. Should she really be telling this to him?

"I’m listening, you can continue. But only if you want…you don’t have to tell me anything." Justin said.

"Thank you…for listening to me…" She went on to continue with her story, "she was in the passenger side…her dad was making a left turn…he had a signal and everything…he made the turn and…and some drunk…some drunk driver ran a red light…he hit the side of their car…the passenger side…I guess Katie screamed…and even though her seat belt was on…her head hit something inside the car…nothing on her broke…but the cars impact went to her back…there might be major nerve damage…she may be paralyzed…or worse." She stopped and started crying.

"I’m so sorry to hear that. But Jessica…Jessica?"

Crying and trying to catch her breath, "what?"

"Honey, you’ve got to calm down…this isn’t doing you any good. I mean, I can’t tell you everything is going to be all right…because I don’t know that. But just think…Katie wouldn’t want you to be like this."

"You’re right, and I know that…but it’s just so hard."

"I know something like that has to be hard, but try to relax…stay right there…I’m gonna talk to the others for a minute."


Justin turned to the guys with the phone away from his face, "Guys, she’s in bad shape."

"Her friend?" Chris questioned.

"Yeah." Justin told them the story of the accident. The guys stood there for a minute, the story was so sad and they all felt terrible. "But she’s not the only one in bad shape. Jessica, she’s all worked up, she’s gonna make herself sick. Isn’t there something we can do for her and her friend?"

"Like what Justin?" Lance asked.

"Well, you know, we have that photo shoot in Ohio a couple days from now. Why don’t we go there early and visit Katie?"

"That would be nice, there is nothing planned for us until then." Joey added.

Justin picked the phone back up and talked to Jessica. She said it would be fine if they came, but she wasn’t very excited. Her favorite group in the whole world was coming to visit her best friend, and she was so miserable. But she told Justin where Katie was at and gave him all the information he needed. They got off the phone, but something was still bothering Justin.

He looked at the guys, "No one’s ever called us that upset."

"I know what you mean." JC said.

"You should have heard how hard she was crying on the phone, it made me want to cry with her."

No one has ever been so upset and called them for a favor. They were touched by how much they meant to Jessica and Katie. They also felt terrible. They kept worrying about Katie…they wanted her to make it through this. But they also thought about Jessica and really did not want her to make herself sick. They have never met either of the girls, but felt they had known them for a long time. The felt like they were their friends and they were upset by this all too. The guys all stood there silent taking it all in.

Chapter 2