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Jessica poured her heart out as she told her friend of 9 years the story of what happened to Katie. Her and Kelly had known each other since second grade, but she felt awkwardness between them right now. They had known each other a lot longer than Katie and Jessica had, but they lacked the closeness that Jessica and Katie shared.

Jessica was telling Kelly everything merely because she needed someone to talk to. She would normally go to Katie about big problems, but this time she couldn't. Katie and Jessica could spend hours on the phone talking about little things. But no matter what was on one of their minds, the other always listened, even if it was something unimportant. They have a special friendship that no one could interfere with.

It wasn't that Jessica couldn't talk to Kelly, but they had differences. Things that meant the world to Jessica meant nothing to Kelly. She just couldn't open up to her the same way she could to Katie.

She was getting more and more upset as she spoke on the phone, and she felt guilty for thinking the things that she was about her friendship with Kelly.

Kelly was trying hard to understand where Jessica was coming from, but seeing that she only met Katie once, she had no advice to offer.

That was another thing, no matter how little of a problem Jessica was having, Katie always had some sort of advice to give, even if she didn't fully understand her problem. That was something else that Kelly and Jessica were lacking.

Jessica felt worse and worse after telling the story and she felt guiltier and guiltier for criticizing her friendship with Kelly in her mind.

She was crying hard now. She was having trouble even speaking what she had to say. So she thought it was best to end the conversation before she get any worse talking about it.

They said goodbye and she hung up the phone.

Jessica was so exhausted from the day that she decided she would try to get some rest. She took her shower and got ready for bed.

She walked out of her bedroom to say goodnight to her parents.

"I'm really tired Mom, I'm going to bed."

"Alright sweetie." Her mother said kissing her on the top of the head.

She walked into her room, turned out the lights, and got under her covers.

As she lay there, she could not stop thinking about everything that was happening. She regretted thinking her friendship with Kelly wasn't what it should be. She had Kelly to talk to at school and Katie to talk to other times…everything was fine with all of her friends.

She was becoming restless because every time she closed her eyes she saw Katie lying on the hospital bed. So she just lied there looking up at the ceiling.

'I didn't even mention NSync to Kelly' She thought as she spotted an NSync poster on her wall. 'Shows how important that was to me'

She really had been a little rude to the guys. They did go all that way to see her and Katie and she acted like they meant nothing to her.

She was now regretting how she acted toward them too.

'God, I really have become a bitch to everyone' She thought.

It wasn't until then that she thought about people other than Katie. She realized how rude she'd been acting, and she realized that what her family and the guys had told her was right. She would end up in that hospital if she didn't eat or get any sleep.

'How awful would that be?' She thought.

Her mind drifted back to Katie and her eyes got teary.

As she thought of her friend, her thoughts got hazy and her eyes got heavy.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Jess." A girl's voice called.

Jessica stirred in her bed and she rubbed her eyes.

"Jess." She called again.

"Who's there?" Jessica asked still half asleep.

"Come on Jess, I need to talk to you."


"Come on Jess, get dressed and come out of there, I need to talk to you."

"Alright, alright. I'm coming." Jessica said rolling out of bed.

She grabbed her clothes and walked out of her bedroom.

"Mom, who was calling me?" She asked.

"She's outside waiting for you." Her mom answered.

"Outside?" Jessica said confused.

"Yes, outside. Grad your coat and go out there."

Jessica did as she was told and walked out the front door.

"Hurry up Jess!" The girl shouted from the driveway.

Jessica ran over to where the voice was coming from. Once she reached the driveway she saw a girl sitting in the passenger side of a little red car. As she looked closer, she saw that Katie's dad was driving.

She started to walk over by the car, but it was already moving toward the road.

"Wait!" She shouted. "I'm coming!"

But the car was already on its way into the street. Just as it pulled out, a car came flying from the other direction.

'Oh my God' Jessica thought.

The car must have not seen Katie's dad pulling out of the driveway, because it didn't stop. The other car slammed right into the passenger side of their little red car.

Katie's dad opened the door and stood next to his car.

"Jess!" He yelled. "Quick call 911! Call 911!"

Jessica ran over to the car to see what had happened. As she got closer, she saw Katie lying unconscious against the dashboard.

"Jess! Go call!" Her dad shouted. "Jess!"

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Jessica…Jessica…Jessica." Her mom said shaking her. "Jessica."

"Oh my God!" Jessica screamed as she sat up in bed.

"It's alright honey, you must have been dreaming." Her mom said.

Jessica was breathing rapidly and she was shaking.

"Mom it was terrible." She said crying.

"It's alright. It was only a dream." She said comforting her daughter. "Everything's ok."

Jessica sat there for a moment thinking, then she looked at her mother.

"Come on honey, relax, you've got to get up."

Chapter 11