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Jessica got out of bed and went to her closet to find clothes to wear. Her stomach growled so she changed and then walked into the kitchen in hope of being able to eat.

She decided on something light, like cereal. So she poured herself a bowl and sat down at the table.

'So far so good' She thought as she took a small bite.

Having some food in her stomach was already making her feel a lot better than she had been the past couple days.

She had made no plans for the day, nor was she going to. Her mother already didn't take her to church, where they went every Sunday. She didn't want Jessica getting upset there and she knew that her daughter needed her sleep.

After Jessica was done eating, she decided to do some chores around the house because she failed to help her mother the day before. She straightened up her bedroom and then went on to clean their living room. After she was done with that, she sat down and started to do some of her homework that she didn't even look at for the past two days.

Several hours had passed and Jessica had gotten everything done that she needed to. She was happy that she was able to do something and she didn't feel as worthless as she had the rest of the weekend.

She decided that she would just relax for the remainder of the day because her parents wanted her to stay home. So she went down into their basement to watch TV. It was kind of nice because she wouldn't be bothered down there. The basement was all finished with carpeted floors and paneling on the walls. It was a nice place for her to just sit and rest for a little bit.

The remainder of her day went on like that. She passed hours in the basement watching TV, and the only time she really came upstairs was to eat. For the first time since Friday, Jessica was feeling ok about herself and the whole situation.

After showering and having a light snack, Jessica got ready for bed. It was only about 9 p.m., but she wanted to get some sleep. After all, she did have to go to school the next day. She said goodnight to her parents and went into her room. She put the song "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You" on continuous repeat, like she did every night, and then lied down.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oh my God!" Jessica yelled as she shot up in bed.

"It's ok, you must have been having another dream." Her mother said soothingly. "It's time to get up for school."

Jessica was breathing rapidly and she couldn't get the image of her nightmare out of her mind. This time she did not dream about Katie's accident, but instead dreamt that the doctors at the hospital pulled the plug because they knew she wouldn't make it.

Jessica got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to eat breakfast. She sat down in front of her bowl of cereal and picked up her spoon. Her hands were shaking.

After she ate, she got ready and then left to go to school.

While she was driving she was thinking about a lot of different things. The dream she had really scared her, and she did not want to be going to school today. She would much rather go visit her friend because she wanted to be there if something happened. She also began to think about the guys from NSync. It just came to her now…she did not even know if she would see them again. They had never told her when they had to leave, or what their plans were for the next few days.

This began to upset her a little bit, they had been so nice, and she hoped she could see them again just so that she could thank them one last time.

Her mind was drifting back and forth between thoughts about Katie, NSync, and how horrible this day at school would be for her.

She arrived in her school parking lot, parked her car and went inside. She saw a lot of her friends every morning, but not one person asked where she was on Friday.

'Good' She thought. 'I do not want to be telling the story all day today.'

She went to her first period class and she could not seem to concentrate on the words coming out of her teacher's mouth. American History was not the thing she felt like thinking about right now.

After that class, which seemed to last for hours, she had Spanish III.

Jessica took her seat and the bell rang.

"Hola clase. Como estas?" (hello class, how are you) Her teacher said.

The majority of the class responded with "bien" (good) but Jessica didn't care to answer.

"Como fue el fin de semana?" (how was the weekend ) The teacher asked.

'God, she better not call on me. I don't feel like telling her about my weekend.' Jessica thought.

"Juan?" Senorita asked looking at one of her students.

Jessica gave a sigh of relief and she sat silent while her classmates talked about their weekends.

"Jessica, como fue el fin de semana?" (Jessica how was your weekend)

Jessica's stomach dropped, she didn't want to talk, so that's what she would tell her teacher. "No quiero hablar." (I don't want to talk)

"Jessica, por favor." (Jessica please) Her tone of voice changed, she didn't understand why Jessica did not want to talk.

"Senorita, no quiero hablar hoy." (Senorita, I don't want to talk today) Jessica said again.

'I don't want to talk, doesn't she get it?' Jessica thought to herself.

"Dime." (Tell me) The teacher commanded.

Jessica was getting annoyed.

"Jessica, dime ahora." (Jessica tell me now) Miss Moore was also getting annoyed, she hated it when students didn't participate in class and she couldn't understand why one of her good students wouldn't answer her.

"No." Jessica said standing up. "I don’t feel like telling this whole class my problems, ok?"

"Jessica, don't give me attitude."

"I don't have to tell you anything." Tears ran down Jessica's face. "It's none of your business." Jessica got out of her seat and walked out of the classroom. She knew she wouldn't get in trouble, all she would have to do is explain things, everyone would understand.

Miss Moore stood in front of the class.

"Does anyone know what's wrong with her today, that's not like her."

"Senorita, I know what's going on, but I'm not going to say it in front of the whole class." Kelly said.

"Alright, come out here and tell me."

Kelly and Miss Moore went out into the hall and Kelly explained everything.

"If I had known that she was upset, I wouldn't have asked her anything." Miss Moore said to Kelly. "Why don't you go find her and make sure she's ok."

Kelly walked down the hallway and went into the girls' bathroom. Sure enough, Jessica was there standing in front of the mirror.

"Are you ok?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Miss Moore feels really bad."

"She should, I mean, she didn't know what was wrong, but she had to have known that I'm not exactly myself today…anyone can tell you that."

They talked for a little bit, and Jessica was starting to feel better.

"I think I'm making too big of a deal about this whole thing. I mean, I'm really upset and I will be until Katie is out of that hospital, but I can't go around snapping at everyone who talks to me."

Just then, the bell rang, so Kelly and Jessica went to their next class.

The rest of the day went a lot smoother and Jessica only had to talk about Katie twice. She only told her close friends the whole story because she knew that if she starting crying her eyes out, they would be there for her.

By the end of the day, Jessica was getting very anxious to go visit Katie. She hadn't been there since Saturday and she would just feel better if she could be there with her friend.

The bell rang at 2:22 p.m. and Jessica went out to her car.

Driving to the hospital she thought about many of the same things she thought about that morning, and the drive seemed to go by quickly. Jessica pulled into the hospital parking lot.

She got out of her car and went in the front entrance. She walked down the hall to room 121 and opened the door.

When she first opened the door she saw Katie's mother sitting in a chair and as she opened the door all the way, she saw five guys standing on the side of the bed.

Chapter 12