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Katie's mom was just getting up to leave.

"We are never here at the same time Jess…one of us is always leaving. I'm going home to get Anne, we'll be back in a little bit." She turned to NSync. "It was nice talking to you."

She then walked out the door.

"You're still here." Jessica said walking over to the guys.

"What, did you think we were going to leave?" Lance asked.

"Well…I didn't know…I mean…you never told me anything."

"We wouldn't have left without saying goodbye to you, or without seeing Katie again." Justin said.

"And just so you know, we don't have to leave until this weekend." JC added.

"Oh really? I thought you guys didn't stay in one place that long…you're really staying here all week?" She questioned.

"We normally don't. But we have a couple interviews and photo shoots in this area. We got lucky, we didn't have to leave after only being here for a few hours." JC explained.

"I'm glad you all can stay. I mean, I haven't really been the nicest person toward you guys. But this morning when I realized that I didn't know if I would see you again, I felt terrible. I just wanted to thank you guys again, I really appreciate you going to all this trouble for me and Katie. My friends that I've known for years haven't been half as nice to me as you guys have been." Her eyes got filled with tears. "So, even though I know this probably all sounds dumb to you, and I feel like an loser for crying to you every two seconds, thank you…from me and from Katie."

Chris walked over to Jessica and gave her a hug.

"We just want to help you get through this." He said patting her back.

"Jessica, we have never had a fan call us crying like you did. It made us feel very good to know that we actually could help someone. And that someone actually wanted our help." JC said.

"I mean, I already got in a fight with a girl from school about you guys. She tried to tell me that I was using Katie to meet you. That really hurts me. I just wanted you to sing a song for Katie, because that song means a lot to both of us. It was out of the goodness of your own hearts that you decided to actually come see her…I didn't beg you to come."

"We know that." Joey said.

"Jessica, we realize that we're not the most important people in your life…we shouldn't be. You have your family and friends like Katie. But when you called us, our hearts went out to you. Most people would not want to talk about something like that, especially not on TV to people they didn't know. We know that your mind has been on Katie for the past couple days, we didn't expect a screaming welcome from you when we got here." Justin said.

"We just wanted to lend an extra hand to you if you needed it." Lance said.

"You haven't been rude to us in any way shape or form. You care about your friend a lot, and we can see that." JC added.

Jessica's eyes were tear-filled. The guys were being very nice to her and she was glad that she had someone to turn to.

"You guys don't even seem like big music stars to me. You're acting more like my friends." She said quietly.

"That's the point, we want to be your friends. Not everyone needs to know of us as the guys from NSync." Chris said to her.

The rest of the week went on like that. The guys stopped by right after Jessica got out of school every day. They only stayed for about a half-hour, but Jessica was happy that someone would be there with her at all.

School was still pretty rough for her, because everything reminded her of Katie. A lot of her friends thought that she was ignoring them, but they didn't understand what she was going through. Her family was being very sweet to her, and everyone on her gymnastics team felt her sympathy because they were friends with Katie as well.

She was eating more on the normal side, but her sleeping habits were still bad. Not only could she never get a decent amount of sleep, she constantly had nightmares.

On Friday, Jessica went to school like she had been all week. She got there, went to her locker, and was on the way to her first class when she bumped into Courtney.

"How are the guys?" Courtney asked.

"Go to hell." Jessica snapped.

"What's the matter? Did the guys from NSync leave you? Or what?"

"What is your problem? I'm not as shallow as you, don't you get it?"

"Yeah actually I do." Courtney said. "I know the way you're thinking about all this. Whether your friend wakes up or not, you get to hang out with the guys, that's all you care about."

"You're full of shit."

"Oh, so now you don't cry your eyes out every time someone mentions your friend, you just snap back? Because I remember you getting so upset last time we talked."

"Actually, I'm taking good advice from someone…I don't waste my tears on people like you." Jessica said.

"What's that supposed to mean, people like me?"

"You know I mean, don't play dumb."

"I'm not playing dumb." Courtney said getting annoyed.

"Oh that's right, the whole dumb thing isn't an act, my bad." Jessica said walking away.

"You just wait Jessica. This is all gonna blow up in your face, no one is going to buy your crap anymore."

Courtney walked down the hall the opposite way of Jessica.

'I can't stand that girl anymore.' Jessica thought to herself.

The whole day she was bothered by Courtney's rude comments, she couldn't get them out of her head. But she managed to get past them, and she visited Katie like normal.

The day went by incredibly slow, and when ten o'clock came around, Jessica was beat. So, she decided to turn in early.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

She woke up early on Saturday morning, and decided not to go to gymnastics. She was really worn out from the whole week and she would've been putting herself at risk. So she got ready and went to visit Katie at the hospital.

When she got there, no one else was in Katie's room, it was empty.

'I wonder where her family is.' She thought.

Jessica walked over to the side of the bed and sat down. She placed her hand on Katie's. She really hadn't been there by herself since the first day she visited.

"It's been a week Katie, that's too long. I want you to come back to us, we all miss you a lot. It's like you're here, but you're not. This is making me crazy. Of all people, why did it have to be you?"

Jessica started crying. She tended to get more emotional when no one was there to support her.

"I'm so sorry Katie."

She looked at her friend, who looked unusually pale this morning. She then looked around the room, there were a couple new machines that she hadn't noticed before.

Just then, the machine that was reading her heart beat starting beeping slower.

"What's going on?" Jessica said.

The machine got slower again.

"Oh my God, what's happening?"

Jessica stood up, still crying.

The machine went slower still and Jessica ran out into the hall.

"Someone, come quick!" She cried.

Several doctors and nurses rushed into the room, one of them being Kat.

"Come on sweetie, we need you to leave." She said guiding Jessica to the door.


Jessica looked through the door in horror. A million thoughts were racing through her head.

She reached for the necklace she was wearing, it was a best friend's necklace, and Katie had the other half. She cried harder as she looked at the doctors.

Then she heard six words that may change her life forever. The words came from the mouth of an older male doctor.

"She's heading toward a flat line."

Chapter 13