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Jessica tried to remain silent in order for her to hear what the doctors were saying. A few minutes had seemed like hours to her. She waited and waited, watching the doctors rush around the hospital room.

Then, in a brief moment, the mood of the room was changed.

'What's happening?' Jessica thought to herself.

She peered into the room, trying to find out what was going on. The doctors had stopped rushing around the room; they now stood with their heads lowered.

Then Jessica noticed something…Kat appeared to be crying.

She raced into the room to hear the most horrible sound of her life…a constant and steady beep.

"Oh my God." She said trembling. "Oh my God."

Several of the doctors had left the room, because they were no longer needed.

"No…no." Jessica whispered. "No…this isn't happening…no…oh God…why? Please God…please…don't let this be happening…it's not happening…it's not." She said raising her voice

Her tears were uncontrollable and could not stop trembling.

"Please come back to us…please…please…don't do this to me…don't do this to me…you can't do this…don't do it."

She ran over to the bed and clutched onto Katie's hand, her tears continued to fall.

"Don't do this to me Katie…please don't do this…don't leave me here…don't leave me!" She shouted.

Kat didn't want to pull Jessica away from her best friend; she even shed a tear while she watched. She had talked to Jessica several times and she knew how much Katie meant to her. That was the one thing she hated about her job.

"Please don't leave me Katie, you can't leave me now…it's not your time…please…please…please…come back."

Jessica knelt down by the bed and buried her face on the sheets.

She cried so hard that she could barely speak, but she managed to squeeze out a few more words.

"You will always be my best friend."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Jessica sat up in bed and felt tears running down her face.

"It was a dream." She said. "Oh, thank God…it was only a dream."

She got out of bed, still shaking, and saw a picture of Katie hanging on her wall. She changed out of her pajamas and got ready. She then walked into her kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.

Mom- I know you don't want me to spend tons of time at the hospital, but I have to go visit Katie.

I had a terrible dream, and I need to see her. I shouldn't be gone that long, but I have to make sure she's all right. I love you, and I'll talk to you later. -Jessica

Jessica went out to her car. Her dream had made her paranoid. It had seemed so real, and that feeling, that empty feeling, was staying with her.

"Why won't this feeling go away…it was only a dream" She said. "It was only a dream"

The drive to the hospital seemed unusually long this morning, and it was making her feel like something wasn't right.

She was still shaking when she pulled into the hospital parking lot.

She parked her car and walked in the main entrance. Then she headed down the long hall that led to Katie's room. She saw Kat walk out of someone's room.

"You're here early this morning." Kat said smiling.

"Yeah well, I had a dream that freaked me out and I had to come see Katie. Why are you in such a good mood?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know, I guess just because it's so nice out today, and all of our patients are doing well. It makes me happy to see people getting better." She explained. "That's the best part of this job…knowing that you helped save someone's life."

"How has Katie been doing? Can you even tell if she's getting better or worse?"

"It's hard to say in her case, but she's looking more toward the good side."

Kat saw Jessica looking down the hallway.

"I'll let you go visit her now." Kat said. "Let me know if you need anything."


Jessica walked down the hallway to Katie's room. She opened the door and saw that it wasn't empty. Katie's whole family was sitting in chairs near the bed, and the guys stood off to the left of the room.

"Good morning Jess." Katie's mom said. "Why are you here so early?"

"I had a terrible dream, and I wanted to see her to make sure that everything was all right." Jessica explained. "Now my question is, why are you guys here so early?" She said looking at the guys.

"We're leaving today, so we wanted to see Katie, talk to her family, and talk to you before we left." JC explained.


"The doctors say that Katie's doing better." Her dad said.

"Yeah, that's what Kat was telling me…that's such a relief." Jessica said.

"Can you believe that after only a week, one of the doctors mentioned pulling the plug to us? That's terrible…I can't believe they would say that after a week. Some people are unconscious for months and they just stay in the hospital. I mean…she's my daughter." He said. "I don't want to have to think about that."

"Well, all they said was that it would be an option to us, but it's not something we all want to have to think about." Her mom added.

"Sometimes I think that these doctors have no hearts…I mean, when they say things like that. Because don't get me wrong, they do a wonderful job with what they do…look how much they helped Katie already." Jessica said.

Katie's family, Jessica, and the guys talked for a while. Everyone seemed to be feeling a lot better about the whole situation.

"I really enjoy talking to all of you, and I hate to break it up, but we have to get going. Today's our last day in Cleveland." Justin said.

"You will make sure you let us know how she's doing, won't you?" Lance asked.

"Definitely, I can't thank you guys enough." Jessica said.

"It wasn't a problem, we're glad we could be here." Joey said.

"It was nice meeting all of you too." JC said looking at Katie's family. "We hope for the best for your daughter."

"Thank you very much." Her mom said.

They guys grabbed their coats.

"Wait." Jessica said. "Before you go…could you sing 'God Spent' one more time for her?"

"We'd be happy to." Chris said.

The guys started singing the song acapella and they sounded just as wonderful as they always have. Jessica was so happy that they were doing this for Katie, it meant a lot to her.

Then as the guys started to sing the first chorus, Jessica looked down at Katie.

As the chorus went on, she noticed something…Katie's eyelids flickered.

"Oh my God… look." She said.

The guys stopped singing, and her family rushed over to the side of the bed. Katie showed her first sign of life.

Jessica looked at her best friend, and tears ran down her cheek.

Chapter 14