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"So, I'm not seeing things?" Katie asked with a serious tone in her voice.


"Ok, then answer this…what was Lance Bass of NSync just doing in my hospital room? I'm so confused."

"Well, last Friday, NSync was on TRL. That was the day after you got in your car accident. I was really upset, so I called in. I even ended up getting through, which I never thought would happen. Carson was looking for people to ask questions to the guys, but I didn't ask a question, I told them the story and then asked them if they would sing the chorus of 'God Spent' for you. So, they sang it and I was crying to them on the phone." Jessica explained.

"So, they sang for me?"

"Yeah they did. They felt really bad about the whole thing. Carson even let me announce the number one video. Then Justin came on the phone to talk to me. I was crying so hard by that point that I could barely talk to him. He was being so nice about everything. Then, he told me to hang on while he talked to the guys. He came back and said that they were going to come visit you because they had a photo shoot in Ohio a day later. So, they just came early."

"They came here to see me?" She asked surprised.

"Yeah. They've been here all week, and you woke up just before they were about to leave."

"I can't believe it." Katie said, still shocked.

"Well, believe it. They've been so nice about everything. They spent one night here, and they have been here just about everyday. I think they actually sang to you a total of three times. They were actually singing to you when you woke up."

"Really? Why didn't I see them?"

"I don't know…I didn't see them leave either." Jessica said.

"Wow, so I guess a lot did happen this week."

"Well actually, no. I mean NSync was here, and that wasn't even a big deal. To tell you the truth, I couldn't have cared less that they were here. I was really worried about you." Jessica explained. "It was like, I got to talk to Justin on the phone, I got to spend a whole night with them, and I got to ride on their tour bus. It was like, everything we always joke about, and then it really happened. But it was really weird because I didn't even care. Who would've thought that I would ever meet NSync and not freak out about it."

"That's really sweet Jess." Katie said smiling. "I'm glad you were here."

There was a knock on the door and Lance peeked in.

"Can we come in?" He asked.

"Sure." Jessica said.

The guys walked in and looked at Katie. It was the first time they saw her sitting up with her eyes open.

'This is really weird.' Justin thought to himself.

Katie was looking at all the guys. Ever since they released their first song, her and Jessica had been huge fans. They always joked about all the different ways they could meet NSync and talked about how great it would be when they finally met them. Katie always heard about the guys visiting people in the hospital and things like that, but she could not believe that she was one of those people. The guys were just as nice as she hoped they would be. But Katie never imagined that she would actually meet them as real people.

'This is really weird.' Katie thought to herself.

For a week, these guys had seen her, met her family, and talked with her best friend. It was like, they knew about her, but never met her.

JC broke the silence. "How are you feeling?" He asked her.

"Besides the fact that I can't move a muscle and I'm hungry, I'm fine." She answered.

"That's good to hear." He said smiling.

"The doctors say that you're doing very well," Lance said, "we're happy to hear that."

"Well, I'm very lucky." She said.

The room fell silent again. Everyone but Jessica was feeling a bit awkward.

"Where did you guys disappear to when she first woke up?" Jessica asked them.

"Well, we thought it would be better for Katie to spend time with you and her family." Justin explained. "Besides, we knew that the doctors were going to have to see her too."

"Yeah, we didn't want to get in the way." Joey added.

Katie couldn't believe what she was hearing; this was all a lot for her to take in. It was a weird feeling for her. She had missed a week of her life, and was trying to figure out what was going on. It's hard enough for her to deal with the fact that she almost lost her life, but now, she was thinking about Jessica. Her friend rearranged a week of her life, just to be with her.

"We just sat on the tour bus for awhile." Chris said.

Then of course, there was NSync. Every time Katie had seen them on TV, she saw them as genuinely nice guys. Never had she imagined that she would actually see the day when she got to meet them. They weren't fake. The way they acted on TV all of those times, is the way they really are.

"What are you thinking about?" Jessica asked her friend.

"Actually, a lot of things." Katie answered. "Like, how I missed out on a week of my life, and how my family and my best friend turned their lives upside-down during that week, and how people that don't even know me came all this way to see me…it's all just a lot to take in."

"I bet. I can't imagine what that would be like…I mean, waking up and knowing that life kept going on around you, only you didn't know it at the time."

"It makes me feel so much better knowing that you and my family were here Jess. I'm very lucky to have people that care about me that much." Katie said.

"Come on Katie, you knew before hand that I cared about you a lot. I mean, I'm the one that doesn't know what to do with myself when you have a lot of homework and we don't get to talk on the phone one night. And at least those days you were awake and well. Imagine what I was like when you weren't there to talk to for a week, and you weren't healthy. I was going insane." Jessica explained.

The guys stood there watching the girls talk. They could tell that their friendship was one of the most important things in the world to both of them. And the fact that Katie and Jessica were not all wrapped up in the fact that they were there, didn't bother them at all. If anything, it made them happy to see that the girls had their priorities straight and it made them happy to see that they were together again.

"I really appreciate you guys coming to see me, and coming to spend time with Jess." Katie said turning her attention toward the guys.

"Well, when she called us crying like that, our hearts went out to her, and you. We could tell that you meant a lot to her. We wanted to see how you were doing, and we wanted to see how Jessica was doing also." Chris said.

"Yeah, it wasn't a problem. We're glad that we got to see you both. And we're very happy that you're all right now Katie." JC added.

"Thank you guys." She said. "It does mean a lot to both of us."

"There's no need to thank us for anything. We're just happy that everything is going well." Lance said.

Everyone was starting to feel a little more comfortable and the awkward feeling was starting to fade.

"Jessica told us a lot about you." Justin said.

"Uh oh…what'd she say?" Katie asked cracking a smile.

"All good things, don't worry." He said.

"Yeah, she told us that you were both going to be 17, you're both in gymnastics, and that you are very smart and sweet." JC said.

"Wow, you guys remember everything I told you about her?" Jessica asked.

"Of course we do." He said.

"What, you thought all that time you spent talking we just let it go in one ear and out the other? Like you said, 'Katie is my best friend' and we heard 'blah blah blah blah blah'? Or what?" Chris asked, trying to be serious.

"Well…I don't know." Jessica said smiling at Chris' comment.

"Well, you should know." He said back.

"Chris, you're an idiot sometimes." Justin said laughing.

"Oh no, here goes the WWF smackdown again." Joey said.

Katie looked at everyone; she was a little confused.

"WWF smackdown?" She asked.

"Yeah. When Jessica was on our tour bus, Curly wrestled the Lucky C.K." Lance explained.

"Yeah, that was my entertainment for the night." Jessica added.

"Yep, her entertainment was watching us all act like a bunch of idiots." JC said laughing.

"Sorry I missed it." Katie said sarcastically.

"Don't worry, you can get front row tickets, along with Jessica, to our rematch." Justin said.

"Yep, you can both witness me beating Justin to a pulp." Chris said showing off his muscles.

"In your dreams old man." Justin said laughing.

"Ok children, that's enough." JC said. "Instead of wrestling each other in a hospital, why don't we try talking to the girls. There's an idea."

"That's alright, we didn't mind." Katie said.

"Yeah, I saw that once before, it was nothing new." Jessica said laughing.

Everyone went on talking for quite a while. The guys were learning more about Katie and Jessica, while they were learning more about NSync as people and not a music group.

About an hour passed before someone entered the room.

It was Kat.

"Remember those other tests I was telling you about? Well, we have to get started with those in a few minutes, everyone is going to have to leave." She said.

"Uh, Kat…do you mind if we have just another minute? We'd like to say goodbye before we leave the state." Lance said.

"Sure." She answered. "I'll be outside, let me know when you're done."

"You guys are leaving?" Katie asked.

"Yeah. We were actually about to leave when you woke up this morning, but we decided to stay and talk to you." JC explained. "We're already behind schedule, so as much as we want to stay and talk, we really have to get going."

"I'm really glad that I got to meet the two of you, you're both really sweet girls." Justin said.

"Yeah, you'll have to write to us or something and let us know how you're both doing." Chris added.

"Yeah, let us know when you get out of this hospital, ok?" Joey asked.

"We will. Just tell us where to get hold of you, and we'll write." Jessica said.

JC pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"I already thought about that, write to us here, ok?"

"We will." Katie said.

"Thanks again guys, for everything. As much as it seemed like I didn't want you here, and even though I was incredibly rude to you…I didn't mean it. It means a lot to me that you came all the way here just to see Katie." Jessica said.

"We're glad that we could be here, and we're happy that Katie's all right now." Lance said.

The guys all walked over to Jessica and gave her a hug, then they turned to Katie and gave her one too.

"I won't ever forget what you guys did for us." Jessica said.

"Neither will I, thank you." Katie added.

"Aww." Chris said pretending to cry. "This is so touching."

The guys all ignored Chris' comment, and the girls laughed.

"Bye girls." Justin said.

The guys turned around and walked out the door.

"That was so nice of them. Do you think we'll ever see them again?" Katie asked.

"I don't know Katie, I really don't know."

Chapter 16