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Jessica started to wake up a little bit and she felt someone's hand touch her hair.

"You awake?" A guy's voice asked.

She opened her eyes to see JC in front of her. Confused, she rubbed her eyes, and looked again. Then she scanned the room to find Joey, Chris, and Lance all standing around.

"Two questions…" She said confused. "One, why are you here? And two, how did you get in my house?"

"Well, we have two days before we have to head to Pittsburgh, so we just swung through this way to see how you and Katie were doing." JC explained.

"So, on your way to Pittsburgh, you just happened to swing through Cleveland?" She asked sarcastically. "Isn't that a little out of the way?"

"Yeah, but we've got time, so it's ok."

"Oh…well now, tell me how you got into my house? Before I fell asleep my mom told me that she had errands to run, so she's not home, and I didn't hear my dog bark or anything."

"Oh that. Well, we pulled in right as your mom was leaving to go to the store. She told us that all the doors were locked except the backdoor…" JC was cut off by Chris.

"So we had to go through your little dog run, and I was expecting to see some cute, little doggy, and out jumps this gigantic black bear! I thought it was gonna eat me or something!"

"You should of seen Chris…your dog came running around the corner, and caught us all by surprise…but Chris screamed like a little girl." Lance said laughing.

"I didn't scream. Once I realized it didn't want me for dinner, I was fine."

"What kind of dog is that?" Joey questioned.

"A wildebeest or what?" Chris asked.

"She's a Newfoundland…it's sort of like a St. Bernard." She explained.

"Oh, ok." Joey said.

"So anyway, my mom told you to go through the back door, and you just let yourselves in?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, basically." Lance answered.

"Well, we can't really stay right now, but we dropped by to tell you that we could do something with you and Katie tomorrow, that way we can talk to you both." JC said.

"How did you guys remember where I lived?" Jessica asked.

"Our driver still had the little piece of paper with your address on it up in the front of the bus." Lance explained. "You know, from that one night that we drove you home."


"So, we're gonna get going. Have Katie come over here tomorrow, and we'll pick you up at about two. Is that cool?" JC asked.

"Yeah, that's fine with me and I'll talk to Katie tonight."

"Ok, if for some reason she can't come over here tomorrow, call us at this number…it's our hotel's phone number."

"The front desk at the hotel won't put you guys on the phone if I call. Then I'll be like, 'But JC told me to call him.' And then they'll say, 'yeah right sweetie, nice try.' Then they'll hang up on me."

"You know what? We could tell them that if a call comes from a girl named Jessica, who says that JC told her to call, to let us know." Joey said.

"Alright. So I'll be like, 'Hi my name is Jessica, JC told me to call' and you think they'll give you the message?"

"Uh…I hope so."

"Ok, but I most likely won't have to call you anyway."

"Well, it's just in case." JC said.

"I guess we'll see you tomorrow then." Lance said.

"Ok, bye 'til then."

"Bye!" Chris shouted as they walked out the front door.

Jessica watched the four guys leave. She was so out of it when she came in that she didn't even notice that someone was missing.

'Where was Justin?' She thought to herself.

Then she walked into her room and picked up the phone to call Katie.




"Yeah, hey."

"You'll never guess who was just at my house." Jessica said.

"Oh really? Who? Justin Timberlake?" She asked sarcastically.

"Uh, actually, he wasn't there."

"What?" Katie asked confused.

"Chris, Joey, Lance, and JC were just in my living room five minutes ago."

"You're kidding. What did they want?"

"I guess they have a few days off until they have to go to Pittsburgh, so they swung through Cleveland to visit us."

"They swung through Cleveland to get to Pittsburgh? Uh…a little out of the way, isn't it?"

"That's what I said." Jessica said laughing.

"So, they went to visit you and not me? I'm hurt." Katie said with a fake sob.

"Actually, they came to my house because they still had my address. They only came to tell me that they wanted you to come over to my house tomorrow, then they'd pick us both up, and we could hang out during the day. I guess they just want to see what we've been up to."

"Aww, they love us!" Katie said laughing.

"Yeah I know, we're just so lovable." Jessica agreed. "But don't you think that's weird?"


"That we've joked about meeting NSync so much, and we talked about them non-stop. Then all of a sudden one day they show up on my doorstep…it's kind of weird."

"Yeah it is. I guess we just never thought about meeting NSync like that. Everything we've always joked about was like, we met them once, and that was it. And that's kinda how I thought this would turn out."

"I know. I didn't think they would come back. I was really surprised when I woke up and saw JC in front of my face."

"I bet that was a sight for sore eyes." Katie laughed.

"Tell me about it. But it would have been even better if Justin was there."

"Yeah, what was with that? He just wasn't there, and they didn't say anything about him?"

"They didn't say a thing. I mean, I didn't even notice he was missing until they were leaving. That's about when I started waking up."

"Hmm…that's weird."

"You know what's kind of funny?" Jessica asked.


"That these guys actually think we're normal, and not obsessive fans or anything. Well, I mean, we're not obsessive, and we're definitely not teenyboppers, but you know what I mean. They don't really think that we're huge fans." She laughed. "If they only knew that the second they left, I called you to talk about them. And thank God they didn't see my room!"

"Yeah, we're far from obsessive. We just like them a lot. But they don't really treat us like any type of fan, you know? That's what's kind of strange."

"I know. I wonder how long it will actually take for it to sink into our heads that we've been hanging out with NSync."

"Correction…YOU'VE been hanging out with NSync." Katie laughed.

"Well, technically you hung out with them too. Although, you really didn't have a choice in the situation, they were there, whether you liked it or not. And besides, you get to hang out with them tomorrow."

"Yeah, what time should I come over?"

"They said they're picking us up at two, so anytime before that."

"Ok, that's cool."

"I wonder what we're gonna do?"

"I have no idea, but I have to go now. My dad needs the phone. I'll call you back later though."

"Oh, ok, that's fine, I'll talk to you then."





Jessica hung up the phone and looked at one of her NSync posters on the wall.

'They were just in my house.' She thought. 'That's so weird.'

Chapter 18