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            The door opened, and Jessica jumped.

                “Oh my God Katie, you scared me.”

                “Sorry…what’s going on?   Where is everyone?”  Katie asked noticing that Jessica was by herself.

                “Actually, I have no idea where the guys are, but I figured if I stayed right here, I’d have the best chance at finding everyone.”


                “But anyway, where they are isn’t as important right now.”

                “What do you mean?  Isn’t as important as what?”

                “Justin squeezed my hand.” 


                “Just before you came in.”

                Katie looked at her silently.

                “I’m being dead serious.  I was sitting in here and I felt him squeeze my hand.  Obviously it wasn’t a huge movement, but it was something.”

                “You’re positive?  You didn’t mistake it for something else?”

                “Yes I’m positive.  He squeezed my hand, I know it.  How could I mistake it for anything?”  Jessica said agitated.

                “I don’t know.”

                “Should I go find Kat or a nurse or something and tell them?  I mean, maybe he’s waking up.”

                The door opened again.

                Chris, Lance, JC, and Joey walked in.

                “Hi girls.”  Lance said.


                “Have you been sitting here by yourselves for long?”  JC asked.

                “Well, I just got here, but Jess has been here a while.”  Katie explained.

                “Sorry that you had to sit here alone.”  He said turning to Jessica.

                “Oh, it’s not a big deal.”  She said.  “Where were you guys anyway?” 

                “We were visiting a girl in another room.”  JC explained.  “Her mother was really upset and she asked if we would go see her, so we did.”

                “That was sweet of you guys.”  Katie said.

                “Why, did you girls miss us?”  Chris asked, trying to break the serious mood.

                “No…don’t give yourself so much credit.”  Jessica couldn’t keep a straight face, she laughed.  “I’m just kidding.”  Her tone of voice changed.  “But something did happen while you were gone.”

                “What?”  Joey asked out of curiosity.

                “Justin squeezed my hand.”

                “He did?”  How long ago was this?”  Chris asked, regaining the seriousness in his voice.

                “Like five minutes ago.”  She continued.  “I know it sounds silly, but I was talking to him, then I grabbed his hand, and he squeezed it back.”

                No one said anything.

                “I don’t want to get everyone’s hopes up, but it was some kind of movement.  Maybe he’s coming around.”

                “Let’s hope so.”  Lance said.

                The room fell silent for a moment.

                Then JC spoke up.

                “Katie, I know you just got here, but the rest of us have been here a while, maybe we all need a break.”

                “Justin might be waking up and you want to leave?”  Jessica asked.

                “We don’t know for a fact that he’s waking up.  And you said for yourself, we can’t get our hopes up and then make ourselves miserable if he doesn’t wake up right away.”  He said.  “And maybe it was just a twitch, it might not have been him actually squeezing your hand, you know?”

                “Well that’s what it felt like, it didn’t seem like just a twitch.”

                “I know, I’m not saying I’m doubting you, after all you were the one that was here with him.”  JC explained.  “It’s just we’ve all been here a while, we need a little break.  If we think Justin’s gonna wake up, and he doesn’t wake up soon, we’re going to make ourselves miserable all day.”

                “I guess you’re right.”

                The room went quiet again.

                “Ok, so where do we all want to go?”  Lance asked breaking the silence.

                “Why don’t we just go grab something to eat, that won’t take a long time.”  Chris suggested.

                “Yeah, I’m kinda hungry.”  Joey agreed.

                “Me too.”  JC said.  He turned to the girls.  “Is that OK with you two?”

                “Sure.”  Katie said.

                “Fine with me.”  Jessica said.

                “Alright, we’ll decide what place we’re going to once we’re on the bus.”  JC said.

                “Everyone started heading toward the door.

                Jessica turned around and looked at Justin.

                ‘Did that really happen?’  She thought to herself.  ‘Or was I imagining it…I hope it’s not just in my head…he needs to get through this…the guys…”

                “You coming?”  Katie asked interrupting her thoughts.


                They walked out of the room, and Jessica closed the door behind her.

                They followed the guys outside to the tour bus.

                Everyone sat down in the back, except JC, who was up front talking to their driver about where they were going.  Once they got everything figured out, he walked to the back to find everyone sitting quietly. 

                Chris was pensive.  He realized he was sitting in the same spot he had been sitting the day they found out about Justin’s accident.  His mind wandered.

                “Where is Justin’s family?”  He blurted out.

                “What makes you ask that?”  Lance questioned.

                “Well I was thinking, and I haven’t seen them all day.  They’ve been in that room just about everyday since they got here.”  He explained.  “Especially his mom, she’s always been there.”

                “You know, I haven’t talked to anyone today, so I’m not sure.”  JC said. “But maybe they felt like us, and they had to get out a little, you know?”


                After a short while they arrived at a little informal restaurant.

                “Way to pick the quality restaurants JC.  This place is a hole in the wall.”  Chris said.

                “Don’t blame me.  He picked it.”  JC said pointing to the front of the bus at the driver.  “He ate here the other night and said it was not busy, but very good.”

                “Ok, ok…I won’t blame you.  But if it sucks, he’s done for.”  Chris said half laughing.

                Everyone walked inside and got seated by the hostess.

                A young waitress walked over to the table.  She was about 19, and a little on the taller side.  She had brown hair that was tied back from her face, and she peered at the table with her crystal blue eyes. 

                She recognized them right away, but acted like herself.

                “Hi, my name is Alisa and I’ll be your waitress tonight.”

                They ordered their drinks and she brought them out shortly after.

                “Are you ready to order?”  She asked.

                “Yeah.”  Lance said for everyone.

                “But wait, we’re gonna need separate checks.”  Jessica said.

                “No we won’t.”  JC said to the waitress.  He then turned to the girls.  “We brought you here, we’re paying.”

                Jessica opened her mouth to talk.

                “Shh, don’t talk.  We’re paying, end of story.”

                They ordered and sat talking while they waited for their food.

                “So what’s new with you two?”  Lance asked Jessica and Katie.

                “Not much really.  I mean, there’s school, gymnastics, work, and just relaxing in my spare time…which I don’t have much of.”

                “What about you?”  He asked Katie.

                “Same, school and going to gymnastics when I can.  I don’t work though.”

                “You don’t?”  JC asked.

                “Nope, my dad won’t let me.  He says I’m too busy and that I will have too much stress if I work.”

                “That’s cool then, you don’t have to worry about it.  I mean, people your age shouldn’t have to work anyway, you’ve got the rest of your life to work.”

“Jess, where do you work?”  Lance asked.

“I work at Dairy Queen, actually.  It’s easy, I know a lot of people there, I only have to work one day a week, and I get paid well.”

“You work at DQ?  Can you hook us up with some free ice cream?”  Chris asked.

“Umm…probably not.  They might murder me if I hand out free stuff.  But maybe if I tell them it’s for someone famous, they’ll let it slide.”

“They better let it slide.  I could buy that place from them if I wanted.”  Chris said smiling.

“Do your parents make you work?”  Lance asked.

“Well, my mom suggested I get a job.  But, I got one so I can help them out a bit.”

                “So, do you pay for your car or insurance or what?”  Joey asked.

                Katie laughed.

                “What’s so funny?”  Lance questioned.

                “She doesn’t pay for any of that.  Her parents bought her car, pay for her insurance, pay for gymnastics, pay for her cell phone…she’s spoiled!”

                “Everyone’s a little spoiled.”  Jessica said.

                “Yeah, but that’s not a little.”

                “Oh whatever, your parents pay for your stuff too.”   

                The guys laughed at how the girls were totally oblivious of the fact that everyone was listening to them.

                “Yeah, but I don’t have a job, you do!”

                “And I use my money to put gas in my car and to pay for stuff when I go out, so my parents don’t have to.  It still saves them money.”

                The girls laughed at themselves.  They loved giving each other a hard time.

                Everyone talked some more, and then their food came out.

                Throughout the meal everyone was quiet for the most part.  There was a lot of small talk, but nothing more.

                “Can I get you dessert?”  Alisa asked them when she walked back over to the table.

                “Nah, I think we’re done.”  Joey said.

                “Ok, here’s your check then.”

                She paused a second then spoke again.

                “Just so you know, I do know who you guys are.  I just didn’t want to be a pain while you were trying to eat.”  She continued.  “And I heard about what happened on the news, I’m really really sorry.  You guys are a wonderful group, I hope everything turns out for the best.”

                “Thank you so much.” JC said.

                “I mean, I’ve always been a big fan of you guys.  It’s really a shame to see something like this happen to genuine people.”

                Everyone was silent.  The guys thought about what Alisa just said and she stood staring at the floor.

                Katie and Jessica felt a little out of place, so they remained quiet, and looked either at each other or at their empty plates.

                Alisa looked up again, and she glanced over at the girls.

                “You are probably going to think I am being totally rude, but who are you two?  You look kind of familiar to me.” 

                “We’re just friends of the guys, that’s all.”  Jessica answered.

                ‘What am I saying?’ She thought to herself. ‘Oh well, I didn’t know what else to say.’

                “Yeah, they’re good friends of ours.”  JC added smiling.

                Jessica smiled back, not knowing what else to do.  She hadn’t really thought of herself as being the guys’ good friend.

                “I still don’t understand why you look so familiar though.”  Alisa said.  “Hmm…I’ll think of it eventually.”

                Joey started talking to Alisa about something else, and Jessica’s mind started wandering.  She looked around the practically empty restaurant.

                A young couple sat in a booth not too far from them. 

                ‘Aww, they’re so cute together.’ 

                The couple was laughing and seemed to be having such a good time.  Jessica was observing them when she heard the restaurant door open.  She turned around to see what new people walked in.

                ‘Oh my God.  What is she doing here??’

                She elbowed Katie.

                “Ow!”  Katie said loudly.  “What was that for?”

                Everyone’s attention was fixated on Jessica and Katie now.

                “Sorry.”  Katie said kind of embarrassed. 

                “Look who just walked in!”  Jessica said.

                Standing by the door was a blonde haired girl, a little on the taller side.  Her back was to their table.

                “Who is that?  I can’t tell.”  Katie said.

                The girl turned around.

                “Oh my God, it’s Courtney.”

                “Yeah.”  Jessica said disgusted.  “Guys, I really don’t want to be rude, but can we get out of here before we have to talk to her?”

                “Sure, that’s fine.  Don’t worry about being rude, I understand.”  JC said.

                He paid the check and everyone stood up to put their coats on.

                “Jessica? Katie?  Hi guys!”  Courtney said running over to the table.

                “Damnit."  Jessica said under her breath.

                “Why aren’t you all at the hospital with Justin?”  She questioned.

                “We needed a little break from the hospital.”  Lance explained.

                “Oh.”  She said.  “Well, the news made it seem like you guys never leave there, like you couldn’t bare to be away from him for more than a second!”

                “Well of course we don’t like to be away from him.  But sometimes the hospital gets to you, and you can’t help but get away for a little bit.  It’s the best thing.”  JC said.

                “How did you find us here?”  Jessica asked angrily. 

                “Well, let’s just say a little bird told me.”  She laughed. 

                She whispered to Jessica, “I have my ways Jess, I’ll get to these guys, you just wait.”

                Jessica glared at her and didn’t say a word.

                “Oh!” Courtney addressed Jessica and Katie.  “And you two!  Aren’t you both little miss popular!”

                “What do you mean?”  Katie asked.

                “Didn’t you see yourselves on the news? There you were, plain as daylight on my TV set.  I mean, I’ve even already heard some rumors about you being NSync’s girlfriends.”

                “That’s where you two look familiar from.  I saw the news.”  Alisa said.  “You were in one of the pictures.”

                “Yeah, I saw that.”  Jessica said addressing Alisa.

                “Well now what are you gonna do?  I mean, won’t you get bothered if people are constantly asking you if you’re one of the guys’ girlfriends?”  Courtney asked smiling.

                Jessica didn’t say anything.

                “Oh!  That’s right.  That would never bother you!”  Courtney said.  “You are enjoying this too much!  First you’re the innocent little girl that wants to be pitied, and then you try to act all sweet by caring for their friend.  But in the long run, you get to go to the hotel room with one of them.  Isn’t that all you’re after anyway?”

                “You bitch.”  Jessica snapped.

                “Jess, don’t waste your time.”  Katie said.

                “Don’t waste her time on what?  On me?  You think I’m a waste of time?”

                “Basically.”  Jessica said under her breath.

                “She doesn’t need to waste her time arguing with you.  We all know that your goal right now is to make her life hell.  You’ll do anything to piss her off.”  Katie said.

                “Or anything to get the guys to hate me.  Or anything to get to the guys, period.”  Jessica said directly to Courtney.

                “How dare you say that about me!”  Courtney said, pretending to be shocked.  “Nice way to make yourself look like the bitch in front of the guys.”

                “If they think anyone here is a bitch, it’s you.”  Jessica said.

                “Aww.”  She said fake crying.  “You guys don’t really think that, do you?”

                “Well, no.”  Joey said.

                “What about the rest of you?”  She asked quietly.

                Jessica looked at them, wondering what they would say.

                “No, we don’t think that.”  JC said.

                Jessica pushed passed Courtney and walked out of the building.  Katie followed close behind her.

                “I can’t stay in there and listen to that crap.”  She said once they got outside.

                “I know what you mean.”

                “It’s like, those guys tell us they’re our friends and all.  Then they talk to her, and it’s like a big stab in the back.”

                “Well, Jess, they’re famous, they can’t exactly be rude to a fan.   Even if she is messed up.”

                “That’s my point!”  Jessica said raising her voice.  “They’re famous!  Sure, we can say we’re friends.  But they’re not a friend to us like we are to each other.  Because friends don’t let people give their friends crap…and that’s that.”

                They stood outside for a little while, not saying anything.  A few minutes later, they guys came outside and joined them.

                “Where’s Courtney?”  Jessica asked.

                “She stayed inside to eat.”  JC explained.  “Look Jess, we’re sorry.”

                “It’s alright.  That girl just brings out the worst in me.”

                They all made their way back to the tour bus and went inside.  The drive back seemed long and quiet.

                They arrived at the hospital and everyone got off the bus and headed toward the lobby.

                “Maybe we should just go.”  Jessica said.   “We’ve been around long enough.”

                “No, don’t be silly.”  JC said looking at her.  “Come inside and visit a little longer.”

                The guys walked in, and Katie and Jessica followed behind them.  They all walked down the hall toward Justin’s room.

                “Wow, what a day this has been.”  Chris said taking off his coat as they got to the door.

                “Yeah.  I feel like I’m in a soap opera.”  JC said.

                “Well, welcome to my life.”  Jessica half laughed.

                They all walked in and closed the door behind them.

                “Hey guys.”  Someone said quietly.







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