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Jessica sat alone for awhile in the hospital room. Being there by herself really made her think a lot about the things that were happening. Sometimes her thoughts became so strong that she would burst into tears and could not stop. No one was there to tell her that things would be ok, she had no company other than her best friend lying nearly lifeless on the bed. She also became very jumpy, her nerves were on their ends and the slightest noise alarmed her.

At that very moment, Jessica had managed to control her sobs and was currently looking around the room. Katie had actually gotten one of the nicer rooms. It was no hotel room, or anything of the sort, but the walls were newly painted white, and there was one window letting in some sun.

Jessica was thinking, "Thank God for that window."

That window was the only other thing that showed some kind of life to her. The hospital room was empty of all life. Jessica remained silent and the only sound to be heard was the sound of the machines Katie was hooked up to.

Jessica looked out the window. The sun was just about down now, and the last drop of light shone on Katie’s face.

She looked back at her friend, "If only she knew that I was here with her." She said as she placed her hand on top of Katie’s. She left her hand there as she continued looking out the window.

The doorknob to the room turned. Jessica jumped and quickly turned to look in that direction. She prayed that if it was the doctor, they brought good news. But as she watched the door open, there was no doctor standing there. Chris appeared in the doorway and the rest of the guys followed.

Jessica did not want to get up, but decided it would be rude of her not to greet them. After all, they did come all that way. So she stood up.

"Hi sweetie." Chris said to her as he gave her a hug.

"Hi." She stopped. She didn’t know what else to say.

Chris sort of moved passed her and the other four guys gave her a hug as well. After she said hello, she moved back over to her chair at the side of the bed.

Justin noticed she was shaking.

"How are you doing?" He asked her.

Jessica took a deep breath. "She’s not doing good. At least I don’t think so. But I really wouldn’t know because I haven’t talked to a doctor. So I don’t know. But just look at her." She said this all so fast and her voice was just as it was the first time Justin spoke to her.

"Jessica, I asked how you were doing."

"Well, I’m fine." She was rushing through her words. "But look at Katie."

It was obvious to the guys that Jessica was thinking about one thing and one thing only, Katie.

She was not worried about herself and it didn’t even faze her that her favorite group was standing right in front of her.

JC turned his attention to Katie. Her skin was ghostly white and the only bit of color on her face was the pale pick tint of her lips. And her long, wavy brown hair was scattered all over her pillow.

Jessica saw him looking at her. "Why her? I mean, just look at her. She’s so pretty, and she’s incredibly smart. She’s the sweetest thing." She paused for a moment and looked up at the guys. "She has everything going for her. This shouldn’t have happened."

Jessica’s eyes became tear-filled once more. And a short moment later she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Lance.

"Jessica, you’re shaking. Have you eaten anything today?" He asked concerned as he brushed her hair away from her teary brown eyes.

The fact that these guys, whom she was a complete stranger to, were being so nice to her made her want to cry even more.

"No. I haven’t been able to eat since last night before I found out."

"Joey, run down and get her something to eat from the cafeteria." JC told him. "Make it something healthy and light to eat."

"Really it’s ok. I can’t eat right now." She said quietly.

"You need to eat. He’ll bring something up for you and you can eat it when you get hungry."

"Alright, I guess."

Joey left the room.

Chris turned to Jessica, "I’m guessing you didn’t go to school today, huh?"

"No, I didn’t."

"What about Monday, do you think you’ll go then?"

"Probably. I don’t think my parents want me to miss that much school."

"Oh." Chris was just trying to talk to get her mind off of Katie’s condition a little bit. She was going to make herself sick if she didn’t calm down. "So, what grade are you in?" He asked.

"I’m a junior."

"Oh, so that makes you 17?" Lance questioned.

"No…well, not yet. In a little over a week." She explained.

"Oh ok, I get it."

"So what else could you tell us about you or Katie? We hardly know you." Justin said.

"Well, we’re both in gymnastics. That’s how we know each other."

"Wow. That’s cool. How long have you been in that?" JC asked.

"This is my eleventh year."

"Wow. That’s a long time." Justin said.


The guys were happy to see that Jessica was calming down a bit. It really did hurt them to see her so upset like that. They have never spent time with a fan who was crying or one who had turned to them with a problem.

Joey returned to the room with some fruit and juice. "Here you go."

"Thank you." She replied as she set it on the small table next to her. She did not want to eat it now.

"Hey, Joey didn’t mess it up. How often does that happen?" Chris said.

The guys laughed and Jessica cracked a small smile.

"Oh my goodness! Was that a smile I just saw?" Chris asked.

"You look nice when you smile." Lance said.

"Yeah, you should do it more often." Justin added.

The guys said these things out of pure kindness, and they were really making Jessica feel better. Even though her smile started to fade, Chris found this the perfect opportunity to sing a little song.

"She’s so pretty. But she’d be a whole lot prettier if she’d smile once in awhile."

All of the guys joined in.

"Everything’s gonna be all right."

She started laughing.

"What’s so funny?" JC asked.

"I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sing off key." She explained.

The guys all laughed, and she added, "It was kinda weird."

"Yeah, that was weird. Not to mention I don’t know if the lyrics were right, I just started singing." Chris said laughing at himself.

The mood in the room was lightened a bit. Jessica was feeling a little bit better about Katie, but was still very upset.

All was going well, but a soft sound broke up their laughter. It was the sound of the doorknob turning.

Chapter 4