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Everyone turned to the door to see a young female doctor standing there. She was about 5’5" with light brown hair and bright green eyes. She looked a lot like Katie.

She walked closer to everyone, and as she approached, she appeared to be even younger.

"Hello. My name is Katalina, but you can call me Kat." She said.

Jessica spoke up. "Hi…What’s going on?"

"Well first, I need to know if any of you are related to Katie."

"No." Jessica said.

"Ok, well, I am one of the newer doctors here, and I have been looking after Katie."

"Is she going to be ok?" Justin asked concerned.

"Well, right now it’s hard to tell. She has some severe nerve damage in her back. There is nothing we can do to repair those nerves, they have to heal on their own. And some of those nerves may not heal at all. It’s really hard to tell right now."

"So what’s the worst that could happen?" JC asked.

"Well, she’s lucky that her spine was not damaged. The bones are still in one piece. The impact of the car was dispersed, so instead of the force hitting one spot on her back and breaking those bones, the pressure throughout her whole back pinched the nerves between the bones. There may be several small fractures, but those won’t be detected until after she is conscious. Then we can do a bone scan."

"He asked about the worst thing that could happen." Jessica snapped. "Tell us straight out."

"Well, it all depends on how bad the nerve damage is. She could be paralyzed."

"Oh my gosh." Jessica said softly.

"But it could even be worse."

"What?!" Jessica was getting louder now.

"If the damage is bad enough…" Kat paused, she knew how much this was gonna upset them. "She may not wake up."

"Oh God!" Jessica knew this could be a possibility, but hearing it from a doctor made it ten times worse.

JC put his hand on her shoulder, "It’ll be ok…shhh." He tried to calm her down but she was crying harder then ever now.

"She has to wake up, she has to!"

She ran over to the bed and shook Katie. "Wake up! Wake up!" She screamed. "Wake up…wake…come on…" She slumped down on the side of the bed. She was bawling.

"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset her like that. But, you asked for the worst, so I told her. That doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen. I’m so sorry. She has a better chance of living than anything…tell her that please. Please." Kat said in a panic.

"Don’t worry about it, I just think you need to leave now so she can calm down, that’s all." JC said.


Kat headed for the door and JC said, "It’s not your fault Kat."

"Ok." She said, and then closed the door behind her.

Jessica was sitting on the floor crying her eyes out and the guys all kneeled down beside her. They were all trying to comfort her, but nothing was working.

"Jessica." Justin said to her. She remained crying into her hands. "Jessica." He said again. Still she cried harder and got louder. "Jessica." He said louder as he grabbed onto her shoulders. She finally looked up at him.

"Jessica listen to me. Calm down, ok? Come on. Breathe. This is not good for you. Come on you have to relax." He said still holding her shoulders and looking straight into her eyes. "Listen, to me, ok?"

She nodded.

"Alright. There is a good chance that Katie will live. The doctor didn’t say that because we asked about the worst thing that could happen. We all knew that losing Katie was a possibility. Hearing it from a doctor doesn’t make it worse. She’s gonna get through this. We’re all gonna get through this. And that’s including you."

Why were these guys being so nice to her? She wanted to bawl right then and there at the thought of how truly great they were. Never had she imagined that someone famous would be this caring to a complete stranger. It all didn’t make sense to her. Why was this happening to Katie? And why did these guys decide to walk into her life all of a sudden?

"Jessica, just be strong for Katie." JC added.

"Could you…could you sing for her? Right here, right now?" She said still crying. "I know she would love to hear you sing. Please, could you?"

"Of course we will." Joey answered.

Chris helped Jessica back up to the chair, and they guys all gathered around the bed. Justin counted off, and they began singing ‘God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You’ all acapella. They sang the whole song, not only for Katie, but for Jessica as well.

While they sang Jessica looked at Katie, who still looked so lifeless. Tears began streaming down her face, and she looked up at the guys. They were being so wonderful and she couldn’t even appreciate it. Nothing was on her mind but Katie, nothing at all.

When they had finished singing, she looked at them again, "Thank you." She whispered. "Thank you."

Their singing had calmed her down a little bit, but she now had a pounding headache. She went over to a more comfortable bench against the wall on the far side of the room. The guys all came over by her and they began talking. Justin was sitting next to her on the bench and the other guys found a spot on the floor.

Jessica was too worked up to go to sleep right then, so the guys stayed up with her. They were used to being up late, so what was one extra night?

They talked for about an hour about Jessica’s interests and Katie’s as well. It was still obvious that Jessica was still only worried about Katie because she did not ask the guys one question.

After that hour of conversation Jessica began crying softly. Nothing really set her off, but her tiredness and hunger made her more sensitive than normal. So when they guys were being sweet, it made her start to cry. Then when she looked over in the direction of Katie’s bed, she cried harder. Too many emotions were going through her right then, and she couldn’t handle it.

Justin put his arm around her, "It’s gonna be ok."

Joey patted her knee, "Don’t worry so much, things will only get better."

Jessica’s head was hurting so badly that she just leaned onto Justin’s shoulder. She was acting like she had known these guys all her life. And right now they were nothing special. To her, they did not even seem famous. But she wasn’t really worried about them, so the thought of her favorite group being there did not excite her.

Jessica closed her eyes to try to make her headache go away; she did not want to think anymore. She was so over-exhausted and worn out that she fell asleep on his shoulder.

The door slowly opened, and Kat appeared. "How many of you are staying over night? It’s already twelve."

"I don’t know, are we staying?" Lance asked.

Justin looked down on his shoulder and saw Jessica sound asleep. "She’s finally asleep guys, I can’t leave."

"Alright, all 6 of us are staying." JC said.

"Ok. Goodnight then." Kat closed the door quietly and the guys tried to make themselves comfortable on the floor. It was going to be a long night.

Chapter 5