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Jessica's eyes opened slowly and to her surprise, she had a decent night's sleep. She let out a small yawn and as her eyes came into focus, she saw JC putting on his coat.

"Are you leaving?" She asked confused.

"We have our photo shoot today." He explained.

"I thought it was a couple days from now." She said.

"Well, it was. But I got a phone call this morning, they changed it to today instead."


"I guess it was easier for the photographer to get it done today." He stated.

"Ok, I understand. I was just confused for a minute, that's all."

Jessica looked over to her left and realized that Justin was still sleeping.

"Did I actually fall asleep on him last night?" She asked.

"Yeah you did. He didn't want to wake you, so he just stayed there and we slept here all night."

"You didn't have to do that. But it was really nice of you."

"Don't worry about it." He said.

Jessica looked around the room and realized the other three guys were not there.

"Uh, where did everyone else go?" She asked.

"Oh, they went across the street to get something to eat. You know, that little breakfast place? What is it called?"

"Country Kitchen?"

"Yeah that's it."

"Why didn't you go?"

"I'm gonna meet them over there, I told them I would be the brave soul to try to wake up Justin." He said laughing at himself.

"Oh, good luck." She said. "I've heard stories about how bad he can be in the morning."

"You couldn't possibly understand unless you've seen him. He's like a zombie." He said smiling.

Jessica stood up and moved away from Justin. She was trying not to wake him, but as soon as she moved, his eyes opened.

He looked around the room in a daze. And after rubbing his eyes, he remembered where he was.

"Thank you Jessica, now he won't hit me for waking him up." JC said.

"I wouldn't have hit you." Justin said sleepily.

Jessica moved over to the chair next to Katie's bed and sat down. Justin got up to get his coat, and JC waited patiently for him.

"We're better get going." JC said.


"Hey, why don't you go to the cafeteria and see if you can eat something, you're still shaking." JC suggested.

"Yeah, and then go outside to get some fresh air, it will do you some good." Justin added.

"Ok, I think I will."

"Good." Justin said as they headed for the door. "Hey Jessica."


"I'm glad we got to spend some time with you, and tell Katie we said hello if she wakes up before we get back."

"You're coming back?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't we?" JC questioned.

"Yeah, we want to make sure you and Katie are ok." Justin added.

"Oh, but don't you guys have things to do? I mean, this shouldn't be a priority for you, I'll be fine."

"Jessica, we want to be here. Trust us, when we have the time to visit fans, we take it." JC said.

"You called us crying Jessica, we weren't gonna leave you here alone." Justin added.

"Come on, why don't you walk with us, we'll pass the cafeteria on the way out." JC suggested.

"But what if something happens when I'm gone…I mean if something happens to Katie?"

"The only thing that might happen while you're gone is that you will relax a little. Katie will be ok alone for a little bit." JC said.

"Ok, I guess you're right."

She got up and looked back at Katie. It was difficult for her to leave her best friend like that, but she managed to take a deep breath, grab her coat, and walk out the door.

They walked down the hall silently until the reached the cafeteria.

"Try to eat, ok?" Justin said concerned.

"I promise I'll try, but I can't promise that I'll be able to hold anything down."

"As long as you make an attempt, that's better then nothing." He said.

"We'll see you later, will you be all right?" JC asked.

"I'll be fine, now go enjoy your breakfast."

"Ok, bye for now then." Justin said.

The guys continued down the hallway and Jessica walked into the cafeteria. She was feeling a little better this morning but decided to stick to fruit for her meal. She picked up an apple and walked back out into the hallway.

She had a lot on her mind this morning. For one, she was dying of hunger, and two, she was thinking about how great those guys had been. But the thing that lied heavy in her mind was Katie. No matter how hard she tried, she could not stop feeling terrible.

She walked outside and found a nice spot where she could sit down. It was one of the nicer days in December. There was no snow and the sun was shining bright.

Jessica felt better just being outside, so she took a bite of her apple.

"God this tastes good." She said.

She ate the entire thing and was feeling very good about herself. After a couple minutes of being in this nice weather, Jessica decided to go back inside to see Katie.

As she was walking back toward the entrance, an ambulance came rushing up to the front. The paramedics pulled a stretcher out of the back and started rushing toward the door. Jessica looked at them and at the stretcher. When she saw the person lying there, tears came to her eyes. It was a girl about her own age, and she lay there unconscious.

"Oh my God." Jessica cried running over to some bushes.

She had gotten sick again and tears were running down her face. As she saw the girl disappear into the hospital, she began thinking a lot about her own situation.

"That poor girl. That poor girl." She said crying. "I hope she's ok."

Something dawned on Jessica just then, that girl was in the same situation as Katie…that young girl was dying.

Jessica ran toward the door crying, "Katie!"

Chapter 6