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Jessica quickly made her way down the hall to Katie's room. Only, when she got there, she saw that Katie had another visitor. The girl had blonde hair and was about three inches taller than Jessica.

When the girl heard footsteps approaching her, she turned around. This blonde hair, blue eyed girl now facing Jessica was a girl she went to school with.

"Courtney what are you doing here?" Jessica asked.

"I'm here to see Katie." She explained.

"You don't even know her."

"That's true. But she is your best friend. I mean, since I do go to school with you…and we're friends…I thought it might be nice to stop in."

"You came all this way to see someone you don't know?" Jessica asked suspiciously.

"Jessica, your friends are my friends."

Courtney and Jessica were close friends when they were in middle school together, but as they got older, things changed. Jessica just couldn't trust Courtney anymore.

"So, does she have any other visitors?" Courtney asked.

"No. Right now it's just you and me."

"Oh. So they're not here?"


"You know…NSync?"

"No they're not here." Jessica said.

"Oh. Well, I was here yesterday when my mom came to get some paper work that she left behind. You know…she does work here. So anyway, I saw them."

"Is that why you came today?" Jessica asked. "To see NSync?"

"Well, no. I mean we didn't see them leave last night, so I figured I would ask you about it, that's all."

"I can't believe you." Jessica snapped.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Courtney asked.

"Shut up! You know what I mean." Jessica shouted. "My ass you came here to visit Katie! I should've known better, you wanted to see NSync…that's all…just admit it!"

Tears ran down Jessica's face. The thought of someone using Katie's accident to get closer to NSync disgusted her.

"Jessica…you're crying."

"What the hell do you think I'm gonna do?! My best friend is lying in there! She's dying!" Jessica screamed. "Did you hear the Courtney? Can you understand that? She's dying!"

Jessica started crying harder. "And all you care about is yourself and meeting NSync!" She shouted.

"Oh come on Jessica. I'm not like that. You're just over reacting. Besides, I know you love the fact that the guys are here." Courtney said. " It really makes the situation seem good doesn't it?"

"You are so shallow." She said angrily. "And you are so wrong! This situation can't be good, no matter how you look at it."

Jessica was still crying, and having Courtney there only made things worse. Jessica did not need anymore emotions to deal with.

"You mean to tell me that NSync was here yesterday and you weren't happy about it?" Courtney asked.

"How could I be happy?" Jessica snapped back. "Don't you get it? My BEST FRIEND is dying!! There is nothing that will make me forget that."

"Oh you are so full of it."

"You know what Courtney? You disgust me." Jessica said. "Do you know what it's like to nearly lose your best friend? Do you?" She screamed.

"Well no, but…"

"And do you know what it's like to have five of the greatest people in this world give up their free time to come be with you?"

"No, but…"

"Or do you know what it's like to have those wonderful people give up their time to try to cheer you up? Or what it's like to be with them and not even enjoy yourself?"

Courtney opened her mouth to speak.

"No!" Jessica yelled. "You couldn't possibly know what any of that is like. You are too shallow to even realize that's how I feel…those wonderful guys came here to be with me and my best friend. They didn't come here to spend time with low lives like you, who are willing to use innocent people, that are DYING, just to meet them."

"Jessica I know they are wonderful, and I just thought I could get an autograph or something."

"First of all, you didn't have to lie and say you wanted to visit Katie. That just makes you shallower. And second of all you don't know how wonderful they are."

"Yes I do Jessica…"

"No! You don't know anything about anything right now." Jessica said raising her voice again. "You couldn't possibly understand how sweet they are…you couldn't."

"Oh God, you spent one day with them, get over it."

"I don't care how long I spent with them! They came here because they cared about my friend…and I will always have respect for them because of that."

"It doesn't matter if they came to visit Katie. They're not gods. Just realize you can't do anything to make Katie better. Nothing! Why don't you leave here, it's making you a basket case! Just being here won't make Katie wake up. And those guys can't do anything either."

"Get away from me!" Jessica screamed.

Courtney stood still for a moment.

"Leave now! Just get away from me!" Jessica cried. "And don't you ever come near this hospital room again as long as Katie's in it."

"I'm going. Just chill out."

And as she walked away she shouted, "Those guys could care less about you or Katie, Jessica. They just want to make an impression and you know it!"

"Make an impression on who? Courtney, they are so sweet. But you couldn't possibly understand that. And you will never understand that…you're too shallow." Jessica yelled back.

Courtney turned around and walked back to Jessica. "You are sitting here calling me shallow? Who's the one who called and cried to NSync on Total Request? And yes I did see that."

"I didn't ask them to come here Courtney." Jessica said angrily.

"Sure you didn't. You could have easily asked them to come when you were off the air. Just admit it, you wanted them here all for yourself and you are having a blast."

"Courtney…are you dumb? I'm crying and screaming! I don't know what you think having a blast is, but I don't think how I'm feeling right now qualifies. We both know the truth here, you just won't admit to that. Five of my favorite people in this world came here and I can't enjoy myself at all."

Courtney opened her mouth to speak again.

"Don't even talk. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. I want you away from me right now!" Jessica screamed. "Go on. Go make someone else's life miserable. Just stay away from me and my friend!"

Jessica ran into Katie's room and slammed the door. Still crying, she walked over to the chair and sat down.

A few seconds later the door opened.

"Go away Courtney!" She yelled.

But when she turned around, Courtney was not there. Standing in the doorway was Chris and Joey.

"Jessica, are you ok?" Joey asked.

"We heard you screaming at that girl, what's going on?" Chris asked concerned.

"I'll be fine." Jessica said. "That girl used to be my friend a couple years back. And she saw you guys here yesterday. So being the girl that she is, she used Katie's accident as an excuse to get close to you guys." She paused. "I just don't want anyone to do that to Katie…that really hurts me…how could someone be shallow enough to use a dying girl to meet you or any famous? I just can't believe it."

She started crying harder and Chris gave her a big hug.

"Calm down Jessica. Don't waste your tears on someone like that…come on…she's not worth it." He said sincerely.

She looked up at them, "I'm glad you guys came when you did…but why did you come back so soon?"

"I took my necklace off last night, and I left it here. We came back to get it before our photo shoot." Joey explained.


"Are you going to be ok?" Chris said pulling away from her.

"I'll be fine as long as she doesn't come back." Jessica said.

"We'll ask the front desk to make sure she doesn't, I'm sure they'd understand." Joey said.

"Thank you so much guys…just for being here." She said softly.

"Don't worry about it, we're glad we can be here." Chris said.

Joey then picked up his necklace and the guys walked out the door.

Chris turned to Joey, "I guess they didn't see us standing there."

"I guess not."

"That has to be one of the most loyal fans I've ever met. Did you hear her? She said we were five of her favorite people in this world and right now she couldn't even be happy near us. That was one of the sweetest things I've ever heard."

"I know, and she was defending us too." Joey added.

"Well, come on, let's go. I wanna tell the guys exactly what we just heard."

Chapter 7