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Jessica sat quietly in the hospital room and she had calmed down quite a bit since Courtney and the guys had left. Right now she wasn't really thinking about one thing in particular, but instead, she was staring blankly at her friend. And although she was not very angry or upset at the moment, her nerves were once again on their ends.

The doorknob turned and Jessica jumped. She looked to see Katie's family walking toward her.

"Hi." She said walking over to greet them.

"Jess, you're here again?" Katie's mom asked.

"I haven't left yet." Jess explained.

This time Katie's whole family came to see her, even her little sister.

Anne stood looking around the room nervously. She was a small girl with medium length brown hair. At this moment, she was clenching her mother's hand.

"Oh. You were here all night? By yourself?" Her mom questioned.

"No…I mean yes, I was here all night, but not by myself."

"Did your mom or dad stay with you or something?" She asked sort of confused.

"No. I called in on the MTV show Total Request Live yesterday…NSync was on there." She explained. "I called and asked them to sing the chorus of Katie's favorite song, and when they heard how upset I was, they decided to come to Ohio early. See, they had a photo shoot, today actually, so they came down early to spend time with me and Katie."

"Jess, are you feeling ok?" Her mom asked.

"I'm fine, why?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"Jess, NSync was not really here, I think being here this long has made you think too much."

"No…they were here."

"Jessica, listen. Why would someone famous come all the way here to see an injured girl?"

"They are nice guys and they felt bad for her."

"I think you must have fallen asleep and dreamt about all that happening, honey, they weren't here."

"But they were! You don't believe me? They're coming back today, you can see for yourself." She said looking at Katie's family. "Don't any of you believe me?" She asked.

Jessica could not believe that they thought she was making things up. She was completely fine. She wasn't nuts and she wasn't delusional.

"Anne, you believe me don't you?" Jessica asked looking at her.

Anne stood there a moment, not saying anything. She looked at her parents, then back at Jessica, but still she did not open her mouth.

"Come on Anne…you've gotta believe me."

Anne opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

"Jessica, those guys were not here." Katie's dad said.

It was the first thing he had said out of either of his visits to the hospital, he was completely silent until then.

"Those guys did not come to see my baby girl. The people that love her have come to see her, and those people that love her, will continue to come and see her. Those guys don't love her. They were not here, and they never will be." Her dad said with a serious expression on his face.

He then turned around and walked over by the side of Katie's bed. Her brother and mom followed him.

Only Anne still stood by Jessica. The small girl looked up at Jessica as if she had something she wanted to tell her.

"I…. I…." She stuttered.

"What is it Anne?"

"I…" She then looked over and saw her sister lying on the bed. This was her big sister, her role model. Tears came streaming down her face as she thought about it all.

This was the first time Anne cried over Katie. Before she had taken it all out in anger or rage, but now, she could not hide her feelings any longer. She wasn't mad that her sister was in a car accident…she was devastated.

Anne ran over to her mother and threw her arms around her waist. Her mom gave her a big hug and patted her gently on the head.

The only sound heard right now where the soft sobs coming from Anne and her mother. Katie's brother Johnny did not say anything at all. He felt he had to stay strong and try to keep his family from over-reacting. Someone had to stay strong for his parents, and mostly for Anne. The only time he could really let his feelings out without letting his family know, was when he could cry by himself at night. And Katie's father did not say another word, he did not wish to speak anymore.

Jessica knew this wasn't the place for her right now, so she walked out the door. She would just have to walk around and keep herself busy until Katie's family had left. They did not need her in the room with them at this moment.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The guys were sitting patiently in the large warehouse in which they had just finished their photo shoot.

"This reminds me of our 'Tearin' Up My Heart' video. Doesn't it?" Chris said looking around.

"Yeah you're right." Joey agreed. "We haven't been in a place like this since then, have we?"

"No, I don't think so." Lance said.

"So Chris…Joey…finish telling us what you were starting to say about Jessica." Justin said.

"Oh yeah, where did we leave off?" Chris asked.

"You just told us that you walked up and heard her screaming at some girl." Lance answered.

"Ok, well, like we said, she was screaming at this girl, and I thought she was gonna fight her or something." Chris said smirking. "You know, like a cat fight."

"At first we didn't think she was seriously mad at this girl. When we walked up, we didn't know what to think." Joey said.

"I wanted to be like, 'draw back your claws kitty' but then I saw Jessica was getting all teary eyed."

There was a change in Chris' voice just then. He stopped talking in his joking around tone and became very serious.

"What were they yelling about?" JC asked.

"Well, here's what we picked up…" Chris started to explain.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Jessica had been walking around for at least a half-hour or more. She really did not go anywhere, but instead walked around the entire hospital looking at everything. She passed the cafeteria, but was not hungry, so she kept walking down the long halls. She saw some of the same familiar faces that she saw the day before, and it made her happy to see that those children made it through another day.

Jessica walked back in the direction of Katie's room to see if her family was still there. When she arrived at the door, she opened it to see Katie's parents walking toward her.

"We're leaving Jess. It's a little too hard on Anne to stay that long. Her brother had to take her out of here about 20 minutes ago." Her mom said. "Why don't you go home soon and try to catch up on your rest? You really should get your mind off of this for awhile, it's not good for you."

Katie's dad walked by silently, and they both continued out the door.

Jessica closed the door and started to walk over to the bed. Bu all of a sudden she felt very dizzy. Her stomach was churning and her head was spinning. She held her head and did not know what was going on. She then closed her eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The guys arrived back at the hospital on their tour bus. As they walked toward the door, they were still discussing Jessica's fight with Courtney.

"I still can't believe she said all of those things." Justin said. "I honestly think that is the sweetest thing I've ever heard someone say about us."

"I know. It's all new to us. This girl told us that her and her friend were big fans, but they don't feel like fans." JC said.

"Seriously, she's more like a friend…and we only met her yesterday."

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

"We'll have to make sure we thank her for that. She really has been a sweetheart to all of us, and that must be really hard for her right now. I mean, I don't know exactly what she's going through, but it has to be tough to stay positive at all." Lance said.

"Yeah, really. Anything like that would be tough to deal with." Joey added.

The guys arrived at the door and walked down the hall toward Katie's room.

"It's room 121, isn't it?" Chris asked.

"Yeah." Justin said.

They finally got to the door and went inside.

"Oh my God! Jessica!" Justin yelled.

The rest of the guys hurried into the room to see Jessica lying on the hard tile floor.

Chapter 8