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"Welcome to our humble home." Chris said as Jessica stepped onto the tour bus. "Well, not really our home, but you get the picture."

She stood there a minute not really knowing what to do or what to say.

"Why don't we all go sit in the back." Justin suggested.

No one really said anything, but instead quietly followed Justin to the back of the bus. Everyone sat down and Joey turned on the TV.

"Uh, don't you need to know where I live?" Jessica asked.

"Oh yeah…we're quick." Chris said.

JC stood up and found a pad of paper.

"Ok, tell me how to get to your house." He said.

Jessica gave him directions and he wrote them all out. He then walked up to the front of the bus to give them to the driver. He returned and sat back down.

"So, you said you're in gymnastics right?" Lance asked to start conversation.

"Yep." She said.

"What level are you at?"

"I moved up to level 9 this year." She saw that the guys really didn't know what that meant, so she continued to explain. "There are levels four through ten. Before level four you don't really compete, and after level ten you become and elite gymnast and you can compete on the national level."

"Oh, ok." Lance said.

"What happened to levels one, two, and three?" Chris asked.

"I don't know."

"Well, why not?"

"Uh…I'll have to get back to you on that one."

"You better." He said laughing.

"So do you do gymnastics in high school too?" Joey asked.


"Are you on varsity?" JC asked.

"Yeah, it's my third year on the varsity team."

Justin sat there thinking for a minute, "So wait…you were on varsity as a freshman?"

"Someone's quick." Chris said jokingly.

"Oh, shut up." Justin said.

"Those be soundin' like some fightin' words." Chris said standing up.

"Well, maybe they are." Justin said joking back.

"Alright…let's go curly!" Chris said lunging at Justin.

He grabbed him by the neck pretending to strangle him and the two of them started to wrestle each other on the ground.

They were all laughing as Justin and Chris pretended to punch each other.

Then Justin held Chris's shoulders flat against the ground.

"1-2-3…he's pinned!" Joey yelled as he pounded on the floor like a ref.

Justin stood up and started doing a little victory dance when Chris grabbed him by the ankles and knocked him down. Now he grabbed Justin's shoulders.

"1-2-3…now Justin's pinned!" Joey shouted.

"Can you smell what C.K. is cookin'?" Chris said.

"Kinda sad isn't it?" Lance said turning to Jessica. "We've got our own WWF match."

"No hard feelings?" Chris asked Justin.

"Hard feelings for what? I beat you bad."

"No way, you're still on the ground."

"I pinned you first buddy." Justin said laughing.

"I call a rematch!" Chris shouted.

"Man, it never ends!" JC said laughing.

"Alright, let's go!" Justin said jumping up.

"Ah…not today friend, I'll save it for a day I feel like beatin' on you." Chris said.

"And tomorrow on WWF Smackdown it's the Lucky C.K. vs. Curly." Lance said laughing.

"Tomorrow? Try tonight when one of the two acts like a smart…" Joey was cut off by Chris.

"Tisk, Tisk, my virgin ears can't hear those words." He said holding his ears. "Don't even think about saying it."

"Yeah, and you better watch what you say or it will be Curly and the Lucky C.K. vs. The Man of Steel." Justin said laughing.

Jessica sat quietly laughing at the guys.

"Hey…I think we finally did it." Lance said. "We made her happy."

The guys all looked at Jessica who was still smiling.

"I guess people just can't understand how much like brothers you all really are unless they witness it for themselves." She said. "And you'll have to make sure I'm here for the rematch."

"Ok, you'll get front row seats to the WWF Smackdown on the NSync tour bus." Joey said laughing.

"Good." She said smiling.

A voice called from the front, "We're here."

Jessica stood up and put her coat on.

"Thanks for the ride guys."

"Don't worry about it. It's not like your house is really out of the way." Justin said.

All the guys gave her a hug goodbye and she started walking toward the front.

She stopped and turned around. "And thanks again for coming here period."

She continued to the front and was nearly out the door when the guys came behind her.

"Do you want one of us to come to the door to show your parents who took you home?" JC asked. "So that they know who you've been with?"

"Yeah, they might think you're a little out of it if you say you came home on the NSync tour bus." Chris added.

"Sure if you want." She said.

"Alright, let's go." JC said walking out the door behind her.

She stopped again, "What…are you all coming?"

"Yeah, I don't feel like sitting on the bus." Joey said.

"Me neither." Lance added.


They walked up to the front door and Jessica's mother answered.

"Hi sweetie." She said. "How'd you get home?"

"They brought me." Jessica said pointing to NSync.

"Oh." Her mom said sort of surprised. She recognized the guys as NSync the second she saw them.

JC put out his hand, "Hi, I'm JC. Nice to meet you."

The guys and Jessica's mom were talking a little bit about why they were there and what the doctor had told Jessica.

Jessica walked down the hall to her room so that she could hang up her coat. She saw her younger sister Emily and her friend Melissa walking out of the bedroom. They were both 13 years old and in the 8th grade.

"Hi Jess." Emily said.


Melissa stopped for a second, "Who's voice is that?"

"What do you mean?" Emily asked.

"That's Justin's voice and I know it. Are they on TV or something?" She said confused.

"No." Jessica answered.

Melissa looked around the corner, "Oh my God!"

"What?" Emily asked as she too looked by her mother.

"Oh my God! Justin and JC and…oh wow! They're in your house!" Melissa said.

Jessica rolled her eyes and walked back out by the guys.

"So the doctor told Jessica that she shouldn't stay overnight anymore, it's not really doing her any good." JC explained.

"How do you feel now?" Jessica's mom asked putting her arm around her. "You only fainted that one time right?"

"I'm fine, it was only one time."

"Who's this?" Chris said pointing at Emily and Melissa who had wandered into the same room as them.

"That's my sister Emily, the one with the brown hair, and that's her friend Melissa." Jessica said.

"Oh, hi." He said.

The two girls were so shocked to see NSync standing in front of them that they could barely move.

"Ask them for an autograph or something." Her mom said.

Emily and Melissa went running into Emily's room and came back out with two NSync CD covers.

"Will you sign this for me?" Emily said handing it to Chris.


The guys passed around the CD covers and gave both girls a hug.

"Thank you so much." Emily said.

Melissa was still in too much shock to say anything. She just stood there and smiled.

The guys continued to tell Jessica's mother everything there was to say about the hospital experience.

"Thank you so much for watching out for Jessica, I had no idea that things would get that serious for her, or I would've never let her stay overnight."

"It was no problem." Lance said.

Her mother smiled.

"Well, we better get going." JC said.

The guys all gave Jessica another hug goodbye, and shook her mother's hand.

"Take care of yourself, Jessica." Justin said.

"I will."

"Bye everyone." They said and they walked out the door.

Jessica closed the door behind them and started walking toward her bedroom.

"Jess, why were they here?" Emily asked her.

"Em, ask mom please. I don't feel like explaining it."

"Why not?" Melissa asked.

"Guys, please. I'm not worried about NSync right now."

They walked away and Jessica went into her room.

"Jessica." Her mother called.


"Kelly's been calling you all day, you should probably call her back."


Kelly and Jessica had known each other since 2nd grade and they were very close. Not necessarily as close as Katie and Jessica, but they were still best friends.

She picked up the phone and dialed Kelly's number.

"Hello?" Kelly answered.

"Hi." Jessica said solemnly.

It didn't take long before she was crying as she told the whole story over again.

Chapter 10