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It was the night of her senior prom and Emily was a nervous wreck.

The dress she was wearing was gorgeous. It was a pale blue, had thin straps, and it was long and flowing. Her light brown hair was curled and pinned up and her makeup was done nicely.

She stood in her living room waiting for her date to arrive.

A few moments later her date, Matt, came up the walkway to her front door.

"You look beautiful." He said while giving her a hug.

"Thank you." She said smiling.

He came inside and Emily's mother took a few pictures.

"I'll let you two get going." She said. "Have fun and be careful."

Matt took Emily's hand and they walked out the door.

"You got a limo?" Emily asked as she caught a glimpse of the vehicle.

"Yeah. I wanted you to remember this night." He said looking into her eyes.

Emily was overjoyed. Her and Matt were not even together and he treated her better than almost all of the guys she had dated in the past. She was glad that she would get to spend her senior prom with such a wonderful guy.

They got into the limo and after a short while they arrived at their prom.

Once they were inside, they took their seats at a small round table in the corner.

"They really did this place up nice." Emily said as she looked around her.

"Yeah, well, our school decided they needed to give more money to charity. That's why our prom is such a big deal this year, they're giving a lot of it's profits to a charity."

"That's right. Didn't they say that there was going to be a special guest or something?" She asked him.

"Yeah, it's one of those boybands. I guess they give a lot to charity themselves, so the principle made massive amounts of phone calls to book them."


After a nice dinner, and a long conversation, Emily and Matt decided to hit the dance floor. They walked out just as a slow song started playing.

Emily was loving every minute of the night. Never had she felt that someone cared about her so much.

Matt wrapped his arms around her waist tighter.

Then Emily noticed a back door near the stage open. Five guys walked in.

'That must be the them.' She thought while struggling to see what they looked like. 'Oh well.'

She turned all of her attention back to Matt and continued dancing. He really was a sweet guy, and she was so happy that he asked her to prom. The guy she went with the year before turned out to be nothing but a jerk and he ruined the whole night for her. She was glad that Matt was different.

The song ended and the five guys took their seats on the small stage. They introduced themselves and said that they were happy to be a part of this prom, and also a part of this charity.

The night just couldn't get any better. Emily was with a guy she really cared about, and one of her favorite groups was making a short appearance to sing a few songs.

The guys stopped talking and they started to sing a song called, "That's When I'll Stop Loving You."

Matt took Emily back into his arms, and they continued dancing.

About half way through the song, Emily couldn't help but notice that Matt seemed a little disturbed. He was looking at something, but she could not tell what it was.

"Excuse me a minute." He whispered.

He slipped away between the couples, and he vanished out of her sight. She was left on the dance floor all alone. She walked off and found a seat at one of the tables.

'I wonder where he went.' She thought to herself.

She wanted to dance with him some more, she didn't like sitting there watching the other couples.

The song ended, and Matt was still no where to be found. Emily got up from her table and decided to look for him.

While she made her way through the crowds of people, she saw him standing near one of the entrances. A small girl with blonde hair was with him.

As she got closer to them, she saw Matt lean in and kiss the girl softly on the lips.

Emily didn't know what to think.

She walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Would you like to explain this to me?" She asked coldly.

"Yeah, Jamie, can you excuse us for a minute?"


"Who is she?" Emily asked.

"Emily, that's Jamie…my ex-girlfriend." He explained.

"Is that how you treat all of your ex's?"

"No. See, we broke up about a month ago…and that's when I asked you. I still liked her, but I wanted to find a friend to go with me to prom."

"So, I mean nothing to you at all." Emily said, her eyes getting tear-filled. "I'm just a friend."

"I thought you knew that."

"Well, you thought wrong." She said softly. "Jamie just walks in here, and you take her back. You don't even think to consider my feelings. She just parades in here, ruining my night. She couldn't wait, she had to ruin my prom."

"Emily, it's our senior prom. She wanted us to share it together."

"Well, good, I'm happy you get to share it together." She replied coldly. "I hope you have fun…and I'm so happy that you decided to get back together on my prom night."

She started walking away from him, then turned around and looked back.

"Oh and by the way Matt, thanks for tonight…I had a blast."

"Emily, wait." He called after her. "She bought a ticket for this prom and she risked a lot. I mean, I could've turned her down and she could've been stuck here all alone."

"Listen to what you're saying…don't you get it?" She asked. "Either way, someone's left alone."

She turned around and walked away from him. She didn't want to hear anymore of what he had to say.

She walked out the back door, near the stage, and sat on the steps. She buried her face in her hands.

'What a night this turned out to be. Not much better than…'

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.

"Oh, I didn't know anyone else was out here." A voice said from behind her. "Hey, are you all right?" He asked sincerely.

She turned back and looked at him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She said softly.

"Oh, by the way, I'm…"

"Justin…yeah, I know. I'm Emily."

"Oh. Can I ask what you're doing sitting outside?" He asked while taking a seat next to her.

"My dates ex-girlfriend showed up and they decided to get back together." She explained still looking at the ground.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"So, Justin, why are you out here? Shouldn't you be in there with the others?"

"Oh, well, we are on a break. They didn't want us to sing all of our songs in a row. We have one more, then we're leaving. But, it was kinda warm in there, so I came outside." He explained.


She didn't look at him the whole time he was talking. The only thing that was on her mind was Matt and what a jerk he turned out to be.

"Are you sure you're gonna be ok?" He asked concerned. "You look like you've lost everything in the world."

"I'll get over it. I'm used to things like this." She said.

'I wonder how much time I have left.' Justin thought to himself.

He stood up and opened the door, the song "Reflection" was playing.

"Ha." Emily laughed sarcastically. "This is like my theme song…no one knows me."

Justin sat back down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Listen. So one guy turned out to be a jerk, it's not the end of the world." He said sincerely. "All guys are not out there to hurt you, you'll find the right guy someday."

She sat silently.

"Hey, what do you say we dance?" He suggested.

Emily looked up at him for the first time since he came outside. Her green eyes were still tear-filled.


"Well, you're without a date, and I've never been to a prom. So, what do you say we go in there and dance?"

"Are you being serious?" She asked him.

"Yes, will you dance with me?" He asked sweetly.

"Sure." She agreed softly.

"But first, wipe those tears from your eyes…your prom is supposed to be a fun night."

She smiled and he took her hand.

They walked back inside and found a spot on the dance floor. All eyes were on them.

For once, Emily felt as if she was the envy of all of her peers. She loved the attention she was getting and she was so happy that there was a genuinely nice guy there to keep her smiling.

She had no idea why he was being so nice to her; she was a complete stranger to him.

"Why are you doing this?" She whispered to him.

"Because nobody deserves to be crying on prom night." He answered.

Then he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, as Matt had done before, and they continued dancing.

But shortly after, the song ended, and Justin had to return to the stage.

He took his seat and the group began to sing "This I Promise You."

Emily looked at Justin while he sang. She couldn't explain why he had been so nice to a complete stranger, nor did she want to. She was just grateful that he was there to make her feel better when she thought her world was ending.

She wasn't in love with him after that, and she knew that he didn't fall in love at first sight. But she realized that he really was an amazing person. In less than five minutes he had made her senior prom worthwhile.

~The End~






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