Bangz's Horror Page

After you are through checking out my page,check out this page.It's DCWEEZER's(the guy who helped with Bangz's Horror page)site. New movie called Rachels Attic from Northern FX.


By the way, I always tell people to e-mail me but i left my old AOL account address there when i havent had AOL for nearly a year. my new email address is any questions or info please feel free to mail me

Last full update September 16th, last award update September 14th. Hey everyone. This is Bangz. I just started this page and I am not very smart with shit, so sorry about the mess ups. Basically, I want to get a kick butt site going on, with tributes to real horror directors, actors, and newbie killin' films. I don't have much to say right now so go to the links and enjoy. when I get pics up if you pirate shit please put my site's link on your page or give some credit to me. Thanx. My friend ~Roach~ or has made me a couple kick ass banners and the hottest lady in horror ~Ren~ made me one too. ~REN~ also made me the banner that has action,AND those 3 nifty links you see! thank her VERY much for that. I thank themalot for the great banner and if you would like to put it on your page I will gladly promote your page. Please go to my links page and click on the SLASHERS BANNER or the link that's an award and visit their sites to repay them and see their kick ass sites.Feel free and please look around. If you know of any horror webrings that would like my page, please let me know because I want to get my page on some webrings for your enjoyment. Please visit the horror movies main domain the site I got my background. It is a great site.

bloody bar !
I hope to someday work on a low-budget horror film with my friend Robo or rAAlph and others.The film is going to be called "LEADER OF THE DEAD". If you are in the southern Ohio area and would love to work on it for free write me a mail and we'll talk about when we film. I love gore so if you want pictures or you link on my page just email it to me. I am working on this page so don't expect alot just yet. If you see a Jason vs. Leatherface comic picture on a page, it is a link to my home page which you are currently on.
bloody bar !


bloody bar !

If you would like to join any horror clubs, read the following.For my PERSONAL favorite horror club with great newsletters, pictures and downloads, Go to the slasher site below and email ACIDCHIMPS@AOL.COM. This club is going through a lot of changes and added me to staff. This is truly my favorite club and they helped me win an award for my site! To pay them back, I would like all of you to join his club and visit his page below. Email for the Panic Inc newspaper and Dejamixer4 for a great club with lots of reviews. Thanx much!That's all I have for now, time to check it out eh?

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