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New Hampshire Trip, January 2003 - Part 1

Cheesebarn Sweeties Candy Counter Grampy's House 1 Grampy's House 2 The Quilt The Family

Cheesebarn in
Ashland, Ohio

Sweeties (across
from Grandpa's)


At Grampy's

Grampy &
cousin Blake

Our gift
from Laura

Our extended

At Newick's 1 At Newick's 2 Stonehurst Balcony Snowy Roof Mountain Vista Snow-filled Pool Icicles

At Newick's in
Portsmouth, NH

It was so
cold out there!

The balcony at
Stonehurst Manor

It snowed
a lot

The view from
the balcony

Too chilly out
for swimming

There's that
guy again!

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