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My Photo Album

Welcome to my drinking buddy photo album.


  • This is a little about me and my friends.i'm 34 soon to be 35.i have be in a wheelchar for almost 10 years now.i had a car wreck back in 90 and was talsed 20 feet in to a tree,where i broke my back and kneck. i had won a contest from MTV,the car i won from them was a BMW(SILVER).i had done 18ths dollars damage to it.this page is deticated to those people that i have met an no through the internet.


    This is Angie ,a friend of mine and my cuz

    This is my great friend Jenny.

    My friend Heather an her child


    wanda a great friend

    My Other Webpages | page for tina | F.O.E. | Main Page | Diablo |Chillicothe Rodeo Pics |

    My Favorite Web Sites
    | Poem to Mrs.Bfly | HOK(diablo guild) | Angelfire - Free Home Pages |

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