December 1999
October 1999...... drove up to the cemetery today...stopped
the o'le reliant in front of the cross that marks the center of
your gravesite.... and never feeling more alone....did I walk the
steps that take me to the gravesite that say "Beloved Wife
and Mother"
and I thought to myself....if it could only say what all you were....the
whole hillside would be full with words of admiration of what
your 66 years brought to each and every one that ever were
touched by your heart or your hands...
one word that stood out amidst all the others was "friend" and ahhh how I could use the friend you were to me now.....
I miss you Mama.....and the years don't matter...I still pick up the phone and start to dial your number....I still need you...and still miss you...
My life has changed in so many ways.....but one reality stays the same......... I have always...and still do...need you .......If I could only get use to you not being around.....