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Nette Net


As I sit here at my trusty computer and try to find the words to tell you what exactly your friendship means to me...I am at a loss for words (ya know it doesn't happen much with me) I could start with how I prayed for a friend...a friendship that lasts the tests of time... I was feeling lonely with no one around that really cared enough to listen...

I first seen you before the boys even started season was in full swing..I was 9 months pregnant with a princess..and we were both going through some sorts of the 'letting go' with our little men...I could say the thanks for this beautiful relationship we share goes to Jeremiah and Ben....cause when T-ball season started..that was the reason why you called me....But, I know..that it was higher powers that brought us together...You are an answer to my prayers.....

When our friendship was new....we talked for hours upon hours on the telephone...I thought you were not only "Jeanette (aka Betty) Homemaker" (able to do ANYTHING) but also Ms. Perfect... Ahhh couldn't we write several interesting novels with all the information we shared with each other those first few months??? Hour after after day...Never lacking for something to say ....or maybe it was just to laugh...uncontrollably, no less, about something that most people would find not a bit funny.....

During that time the outside appearance was one of others getting sick of hearing you talk about "Jo" and me talking about "Jeanette" (Ya know..Jeanette can do ANYTHING...even make home made bread from scratch !!!) But...deeper than the surface image of that time....what was happening was two people were making up for all the years that they had spent apart...we were bonding, creating a friendship that withstands the tests of time..that endures the trivial to reach the core...A friendship that is true, genuine and ever-lasting....

Never in my life have I trusted someone as completely as what I trust you. Never before have I felt this connected..and this loved. Unconditional...that is the perfect word for what you and I share....And although I am now fully aware that the image of Betty (Jeanette) Homemaker is sometimes just an image....I have affirmed, without a shadow of a doubt...You are Ms. Perfect. Not only a wonderful person...but the best friend anyone in the world could ask for...I'm so happy God answered my prayers..with the girl that "just sparkles"
My Nette Net.....


My views on particular...Mine and Jeanette's.....(click on the roses)