...My Favorite Quotes...
There will come a
time when you think everything is finished....That will be the
beginning...(Louis L'Amour)
"I feel like I was born tired...and suffering a relapse"
are like rain. They loosen up our soil so we can grow in
different directions." - Virginia Casey
**Here I am!!!**
What are your other two wishes?
I loved you;
and perhaps I love
you still, the flame, perhaps, is
not extinguished; yet it burns so
quietly within my soul, no longer
should you feel distressed by it.
(Alexander Pushkin)
"The world is round and the
place which may seem like the end may only be the beginning."
- Ivy Baker Priest
I am so entirely yours, that if I
might have all the world given me,
I could not be happy but in your love.
(Duke of Marlborough)
Loneliness is never
more cruel than when it is felt in close propinquity with someone
who has ceased to communicate.
(Germaine Greer)