Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

~~~~~~~Galatians 6:9-10 (NIV)~~~~~~~

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The Harvesters


by The Harvesters

And here I come down the final stretch toward heaven,
Marching with God's new angel band;
Can't you see as the pearly gates swing open,
Saint Peter be ready with the book as I enter that heavenly land.

Many times I have longed for a closer look at glory,
And it always seemed like a million miles away;
But then I remember the end of the story,
How we win and that is why you'll hear me say.

Here I come down the final stretch toward heaven,
Marching with God's new angel band;
Can't you see as the pearly gates swing open,
Saint Peter be ready with the book as I enter that heavenly land.

As the end of time draws nearer and I think of seeing Jesus,
What a grand and glorious time that's sure to be;
Gonna sit down beside of King Jesus the one who died to save us,
Praising him for the blood that set us free.

Here I come down the final stretch toward heaven,
Marching with God's new angel band;
Can't you see as the pearly gates swing open,
Saint Peter be ready with the book as I enter that heavenly land.

Here I come down the final stretch toward heaven,
Marching with God's new angel band;
Can't you see as the pearly gates swing open,
Saint Peter be ready with the book as I enter that heavenly land.

Saint Peter be ready with the book as I enter that heavenly land.