Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrecion of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - Kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Peter 1:3-5 NIV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Won By One


by Won by One

I found peace and I couldn't explain it,
Joy and I couldn't contain it;
My sins were all forgiven
When Jesus started living in me.

I found love and it came with a double,
Hope in the midst of trouble;
Yeah, that's the very reason
I choose to believe.

There seems to be a question about the life that I live,
Why I believe in God I can't see;
They say seeing is believing but they don't understand,
The miracle that happened on the inside of me.

I found peace and I couldn't explain it,
Joy and I couldn't contain it;
My sins were all forgiven
When Jesus started living in me.

I found love and it came with a double,
Hope in the midst of trouble;
Yeah, that's the very reason
I choose to believe.

Many times in my life, I was so full of doubt,
That God was trying to turn me away;
But Jesus is the reason that I figured it out,
Nothings going to change my mind 'cause I'm gonna stay.

I found peace and I couldn't explain it,
Joy and I couldn't contain it;
My sins were all forgiven
When Jesus started living in me.

I found love and it came with a double,
Hope in the midst of trouble;
Yeah, that's the very reason
I choose to believe.

I found peace and I couldn't explain it,
I found joy and I couldn't contain it;
My sins were all forgiven
When Jesus started living in me.

I found love and it came with a double,
Hope in the midst of trouble;
Yeah, that's the very reason
I choose to believe.

Yeah, that's the very reason
I choose to believe.

Yeah, that's the very reason
I believe!