For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you receivd the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Romans 8:15 NIV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Marlene's Gospel Music


By Marlene Gilliam

I never knew what it was to have a daddy,
To have him hold me in his arms as other children's daddy's do;
I never knew how it could feel to know a father's love so real,
So Father, now I turn to you for love that's true.

And I need you Daddy, to take away my pain,
To help me make it through the night, to take me through to morning light;
I need you daddy, without your love and oh so tender care,
I could not make it on my on; I need You there.

I realize that all my life I've yearned for a daddy,
Someone that I could look up to, someone to help me make it through;
A daddy's love I've never known I've always felt so all alone,
Now, Father, you're the one I need; I call on you.

And I need you Daddy, to take away my pain,
To help me make it through the night, to take me through to morning light;
I need you daddy, without your love and oh so tender care,
I could not make it on my on; I need You there.

Sometimes it's hard for me to know you, Lord, as Daddy,
What is a daddy? I don't know but, Lord, you know I need one so;
Please help me love you in that way I'm glad that I will know each day,
That you will always be right here 'cause you're my Daddy.

And I need you Daddy, to take away my pain,
To help me make it through the night, to take me through to morning light;
I need you daddy, without your love and oh so tender care,
I could not make it on my on; I need You there.

Lord, I could not make it on my on; I need You there!