For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Click on photo for website. (CLICK ON TITLE TO HEAR SONG) IT WAS LOVE by Randy Simpson When I think of how he died: Suspended, crucified, For the sins he'd not committed; The blood that flowed down, His bruised and beaten brow; Now I know just why he went to Calvary. It was love from above, God sent down his Son just for me; It was love from above, Now I know just why he went to Calvary. I wonder if he thought of me, While he was dying on that tree; Did he know that I would need a Savior? With his blood he took my place, He gave to me his saving grace; Now I know just why he went to Calvary. It was love from above, God sent down his Son just for me; It was love from above, Now I know just why he went to Calvary. For God sent his Son to shed his blood, Now I know why he went to Calvary. |